Default DVD in Hardy Heron: “Preferred Applications” not preferred?

There are two things that bug me about Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron – the one is the new “feature”, which changes the System / Administration / Network window to pop-up without asking for a password, as it used to do, but instead offeriing an “unlock” button after which a new password dialogue appears – and this does not keep the setting for a a pre-set time as the previous password dialogue did. Instead you have to fill it in again. Now, I wouldn’t call up that window without wanting to change something (so there is now one more click and repeated password hurdles to changing my network settings) – notice the perfect red circle:

The other bug or removal of freedom is the option to define preferred applications – which used to include default DVD player (many use VLC), but is now rather useless:

These two issues are enough to prevent me from fully, happily embracing Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 – it feels like my freedom to choose has been downgraded ….

5 Responses to “Default DVD in Hardy Heron: “Preferred Applications” not preferred?”

  1. ma65p2004 says:

    Well, Hardy crashed on me once and the driver for my NDIVIA stopped working. So, that was not a happy experience with Hardy, so I rolled back to Gutsy and still very very pleased with Gutsy.

    Oh by the way, you can assign certain applications to open certain file types by right-click on the file, select “open with” tab and choose your desire application. Your choice will be applied to all files of the same type in the future. This is how I do it. Not sure if that was the topic but hope it helped.


    Excuse my English anyway.

  2. colono says:

    Hi – “open with” is only good for actual file types, but doesn’t work for media types like DVD, since there is no such thing as a “dvd file”. That’s the problem :)

    Your English does just fine!

  3. ma65p2004 says:

    Oh, you are right. I usually open the player first and then access the DVD later, never have to set the default player for DVD. Hm, I never thought of that… How about open the DVD in Nautilus and find the file? I thought DVD files are like .VOB or something like that. Try it… Will try it myself when I get home.

    The last time I have ever open a DVD was three months ago…how sad.


  4. colono says:

    After a little while I gave up finding out how to sort this problem or bug-feature – but today I came across the needed remedy: How to set you preferred applications in hardy, especially VLC for DVD:

  5. meganox says:

    The new behaviour and the “Unlock” button is part of the policy kit which I believe will be handling all authorisation in Gnome eventually.

    The good news is you can edit the length of time authorisation lasts and even permanently delegate authorisation to certain users using the polkit-gnome-authorization GUI.

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