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Blogs about: Tarnac 9

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Tarnac 9 & the coming insurrection

thizzfacedisco wrote 1 month ago: The Tarnac 9 are the organization that wrote The Coming Insurrection. A ground breaking book on you … more →

Tags: Culture, the coming insurection, anarchist

Europe's finest in ultra-left political philosophy

DCDB wrote 2 months ago: éditions lignes seem to be establishing their reputation as today’s most bad-ass publishing ho … more →

Tags: Review, neoliberalism, Alain Badiou, De quoi sarkozy est-il le nom, communist hypothesis, Krisis Gruppe, krisis, le guide du démocrate, the guide to the democrat

On the attack3 comments

Sort It Out Frosty wrote 4 months ago: If we are to stop, and then destroy, the industrial economy and the state we must attack the infrast … more →

Tags: anarchism, ecological, Class War, Anarchy, sabotage, Infrastructure, social war, The Coming Insurrection, InsurrectioN

quote of the day

dronemodule wrote 5 months ago: Someone at the Barnes and Noble release of The Coming Insurrection said the book was so important be … more →

Tags: Theory, anarchism, communism, The Coming Insurrection, Invisible Committee, Marxism

fossil fools day

rob los ricos wrote 6 months ago: today is fossil fools day, a day activists use the tactic of the prankster in an this is artwork is … more →

Tags: NewsFeeds, Green Anarchy, minimum security comic, fossil fuels, police violence, Indigenous Resistance, anarchists, "Louise Michel", charles maurin

more new zines of note3 comments

toutniquer wrote 6 months ago: All put together by a new formatting project and distro called Petroleuse Press Their about section: … more →

Tags: Update, French People, capitalism, zines, Deleuze, Guattari, Wolves, BWO, deterritorialization

Illegal police surveillance of the Tarnac Ten

denverabc wrote 7 months ago: Translation of recent article concerning police surveillance of the Tarnac group pre-November 2008.  … more →

Tags: News, Anarchists in Trouble, France

Not Bored #41 (Book about Guy Debord and "The Tarnac Nine")

toutniquer wrote 9 months ago: The Burnt Bookmobile now has copies of Not Bored issue #41 which unlike most other issues was printe … more →

Tags: Update, Milwaukee area, Invisible Committee, The Coming Insurrection, situationist, not bored, Debord, Archive, 41

Judicial controls on the 'Tarnac Ten' lightened

denverabc wrote 9 months ago: http://www.notbored.org/lifted.html On Friday, the court annulled the majority of the obligations th … more →

Tags: News

New Communique from the Tarnac 9

Professor Nico Jenkins wrote 10 months ago: This is a new letter, first published in Le Monde, by the Tarnac 9, detailing their decision to quit … more →

Tags: Marx, anarchism, Invisible Committee

Why We Will No Longer Respect the Judicial Restraints Placed Upon Us1 comment

tarnac wrote 10 months ago: Translation of statement that appeared in “Le Monde,” 3 December 2009. The arrest of Chr … more →

Tags: letters from the accused and their parents, Julien Coupat, anarcho autonomous, Anti-terrorism, The Coming Insurrection, Yldune Levy, Invisible Committee

The Case of the Tarnac 9

4struggle wrote 11 months ago: On November 11 2008, French Anti-Terrorism Police arrested around twenty people, mostly in Tarnac, a … more →

Tags: Issue 14, Updates

Those Acorn Videos

Matthew Schmitz wrote 1 year ago: In a recent post, one of the undercover actors who penetrated ACORN talks about the operation. The p … more →

Tags: ACORN, Baltimore, washington dc, Prostitution, Pimp, Powerpointt, glenn beck, The Coming Insurrection

The Coming Insurrection: Some Thoughts3 comments

sam wrote 1 year ago: A little late, as always, I’ve recently finished The Coming Insurrection. This is the text that the … more →

Tags: adbusters, guy debord, society of the spectacle, The Coming Insurrection, Giorgio Agamben, Invisible Committee, glenn beck, alexander trocchi, project sigma

Social Warfare Resources1 comment

joshua j. kurz wrote 1 year ago: Check out these links: The Coming Insurrection: This site has information about the Tarnac 9 (France … more →

Tags: activism, Theory, Social warfare, anarchism, tiqqun, Agamben, Earth First!, EF, France

Three German "autonomes" refuse to speak to Judge Fragnoli concerning the "Tarnac Affair"

denverabc wrote 1 year ago: Two autonomes from Berlin and another from Hamburg received summons to appear as material witnesses … more →

Tags: News, Political Prisoners, Europe

Three German autonomes refuse to respond to Judge Fragnoli

tarnac wrote 1 year ago: Three German autonomes refuse to respond to Judge Fragnoli Two autonomes from Berlin and another fro … more →

Tags: support comittee

The internal enemy, or preventive war as the science of maintaining order 1 comment

tarnac wrote 1 year ago: translated from Echos de la Taïga (french support committee bulletin) #5 June 30, 2009. It is someti … more →

Tags: Analysis, Anti-terrorism, Invisible Committee

Summons for examination of witnesses in Berlin and Hamburg

tarnac wrote 1 year ago: Recently three people in Germany received an order to appear in the court of Berlin, resp. Hamburg n … more →

Tags: Analysis, Anti-terrorism, The Coming Insurrection, Berlin

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