
We’re Celebrating Fifteen Years of Action in Support of Communities Affected by Mining

15th Anniversary Solidarity Share

In honour of MiningWatch Canada's fifteenth anniversary, we are selling "Solidarity Shares" at $15 each. Unlike corporate mining shares, these Solidarity Shares go to support social justice and solidarity with and between mining-affected communities. Buy as many as you want, for yourself or for your friends! Click on the "Donate Today" button above on the right.

For a very selective summary of our proudest achievements of the past fifteen years, check out this flyer.

Barrick Gold Makes Remedy Victims of Violence and Rape in Papua New Guinea and Tanzania Conditional on Legal Immunity

Since January, 2013, MiningWatch Canada has raised concern about the fact that Barrick Gold is seeking legal immunity from victims of rape by mine security guards at the company’s Porgera Joint Venture Mine in Papua New Guinea (PNG). If these survivors accept an individual "remedy" package they must sign a waiver that assures Barrick that they will never sue the company in PNG or anywhere else in the world.

We have engaged the United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights (UNHCHR) on this issue. In December 2013 we discovered a...

Latest News

Thursday, September 18, 2014

(Ottawa, Sept. 18, 2014) On Thursday, a group of Ottawa-based organizations wrote a letter urging the Australian High Commissioner to work with the Australian government and pressure Melbourne-based OceanaGold to drop its $301 million lawsuit against El Salvador.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

News release: Barrick Gold’s Porgera Joint Venture Mine in Papua New Guinea (PNG) has long been associated with extreme violence against local men and women by mine security and state police associated with the mine. The level of human rights abuses at the mine has spiked again this year.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

News release: Nearly 150,000 people have already signed an online petition directed at the Australian-Canadian firm OceanaGold urging it to drop its suit against El Salvador. Secret hearings will begin on the case at a little known investment dispute tribunal housed at the World Bank in Washington, on Monday, September 15th.