Posts from all blogs: policy

#Transparency: より高い透明性のための戦い

Twitterは各国の政府や著作権所有者からの情報開示請求に関するレポートを約半年ごとに公開しています。本日、第5回目のレポートを公開しました。Read more…

Continuing our fight for more #transparency

Each successive release of our Transparency Report aims to provide more meaningful and constructive insight into the global government and copyright requests we receive. This is our fifth edition.Read more…

Today at Twitter: Ask @HillaryClinton your questions


We’re thrilled to welcome Secretary Hillary Clinton to Twitter headquarters in San Francisco today.Read more…

User security and national security surveillance reform

Our support for strengthening a federal bill to restore the confidence of Internet users domestically and around the world, while keeping citizens safe.Read more…

Rules and tools to help you stay smart online

@TwitterAU tips for online safety for Stay Smart Online Week.Read more…

Thoughts on World Press Freedom Day

We encourage you to tweet your observations and thoughts about #PressFreedom for World Press Freedom Day.Read more…

Victory for free expression in Turkish court

Two days ago, we filed petitions in Turkish court to challenge the access ban on Twitter, joining Turkish journalists and legal experts, Turkish citizens, and the international community.Read more…

Challenging the access ban in Turkey

It’s now been six days since the Turkish government blocked access to Twitter. Throughout this time, we’ve been engaged in discussion with Turkish authorities to hear their concerns, inform them about how our platform and policies work, and try and bring this situation to a resolution. But still, the millions of people in Turkey who turn to Twitter to make their voices heard are being kept from doing just that.Read more…

Anti-bullying tools and resources on Twitter

Useful reminders and practical tips on how to handle abusive content.Read more…

Eleições 2014: Cristiana Lôbo conta os bastidores de Brasília

A crise entre o PT e o PMDB, iniciada pela reforma ministerial, acrescentou novos ingredientes à corrida eleitoral e esquentou os bastidores de Brasília.Read more…
