- published: 16 Jun 2015
- views: 415
The bilateria ( /ˌbaɪləˈtɪəriə/) are all animals having a bilateral symmetry, i.e. they have a front and a back end, as well as an upside and downside. Radially symmetrical animals like jellyfish have a topside and downside, but no front and back. The bilateralia are a subregnum (a major group) of animals, including the majority of phyla; the most notable exceptions are the sponges, belonging to Parazoa, and cnidarians belonging to Radiata. For the most part, Bilateria have bodies that develop from three different germ layers, called the endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm. From this they are called triploblastic. Nearly all are bilaterally symmetrical, or approximately so. The most notable exception is the echinoderms, which achieve near-radial symmetry as adults, but are bilaterally symmetrical as larvae.
Except for a few highly reduced forms, the Bilateria have complete digestive tracts with separate mouth and anus. Most Bilateria also have a type of internal body cavity, called a coelom. It was previously thought that acoelomates gave rise to the other group, but there is some evidence now that in the main acoelomate phyla (flatworms and gastrotrichs) the absence could be secondary.
Bilateria: Spiralia Clade
UA 05/08 - Origem dos Bilateria
Limites bilateria a partir de gráficos
Flatworm - Bilateria
Ch 8-Bilateria to Rotifers
Clade Bilateria
Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates 1 Introduction, Non Bilateria, Acoelomorpha, Xen
Spawned by Prophecy
Chronicles of Revelations
Evil Seed of Blasphemy
Baptized by Fire
From the Wells of the Unholy
Sent from Beyond the Gates of Darkness
Damien Thorne
Majestic Prince of Darkness
Son of Lord Satan
Deceiver of the World
Comes to End Humanity
Upon the Night of Trinity
Seven Daggers Fall
Seven Daggers Fall
Seven Daggers
Forged from the Natural Earth
Blessed to Destroy Him
But can they Forever End
His Evil Lies Deep, In the Soul of Every Man
When the Number of the Beast Appears, Six Hundred and Sixty Six
Seven Daggers Fall
Seven Daggers Fall
Seven Daggers Fall