Shayne Ward - No Promises
Is Tony Stewart Responsible For Kevin Ward's Death? (Warning: Graphic Video)
Fights of the Decade: Ward vs. Gatti I (HBO Boxing)
Ward Miles - First Year - OFFICIAL
Tony Stewart Crash 2014: Kevin Ward Jr.'s Family Responds to Deadly Crash
DISCRETION ADVISED - NASCAR driver Tony Stewart Hits Kevin Ward, Jr., in Sprint Car Race
Tony Stewart Hits and Kills Kevin Ward Jr [GRAPHIC VIDEO]
UPDATE: Kevin Ward Died Killed In Crash - Run Over By Tony Stewart (VIDEO)
Tony Stewart HITS Sprint Car Driver Kevin Ward Jr (RAW VIDEO) Canandaigua Motorsports Park 8/9/14
Mike Ward (humoriste québécois)
Tony Stewart Hits, Kills Kevin Ward Jr. Graphic Video Footage!
Tony Stewart hits and KILLS 20-year-old driver Kevin Ward Jr. Aug 9/2014(RAW VIDEO)
NASCAR driver Tony Stewart kills Kevin Ward in sprint-car race in Canandaigua, New York
The lives, the emotions, the mysteries and the personal conflicts of several people meet each other in a world forever changed by an amazing scientific discovery: the localization of the soul, the birth of an engineering of the spirit, the conceptual death of God.
Keywords: metaxa, silver
The End Comes Before Anything Can Make Sense.
Bothwell: You think it dishonorable?::Mary, Queen of Scots: Yes::Bothwell: Disreputable?::Mary, Queen of Scots: Yes::Bothwell: Many a man would risk his life for you, but few would risk their honor and their reputation. I would. That is the measure of the great esteem in which I hold you.
Lady Huntly: You will not be able to look at your son without remembering mine!
Mary, Queen of Scots: Your final words?::Sir John Huntly: Beware of the bastard.
Mary, Queen of Scots: Can you die with such lies on your lips?
Mary, Queen of Scots: I thank you. Once more.::Bothwell: You must learn to enjoy executions. You must rule by fear - for fear is all they understand::Mary, Queen of Scots: I take my advice from wee David!::Bothwell: Did he deserve to die?::Mary, Queen of Scots: [pause] Yes.::Bothwell: Then your mother would have swung that axe herself... she would let no man see her tears.::Mary, Queen of Scots: Fear not Bothwell, you will never see them again!
Mary, Queen of Scots: This was not a Catholic who murdered a Protestant. This was a Scot who murdered a Scot.
David Riccio: Beautiful, is she not?::Bothwell: Who?::David Riccio: You would marry her?::Bothwell: I might consider it, aye.::David Riccio: But you are not the Dauphin of France, the heir apparent of Spain.::Bothwell: No.::David Riccio: And you are not rich?::[pause]::David Riccio: So what would you bring to such a marriage?
Bothwell: Madam, is there not one man in the whole of Scotland who is good enough for you?::Mary, Queen of Scots: Sir?::Bothwell: Wooed by Austria, Spain and now England. What is wrong with my country, madam?::Mary, Queen of Scots: You're drunk sir.::Bothwell: And you are French, madam. And I would sooner be drunk for a year than French for a day - now is it French to see merit in this long streak of English pish, madam? You do not know what England has done to my country, madam. Raped their women, murdered their children::[guards try to remove him]::Bothwell: - Keep your hands off me!... And now he dines with our queen? The dead of Scotland turn in their graves for an Englishmen dines with our queen! And why are you here, madam, hmm? Our people offend your eye. Our food, your nose. So why, tell me madam, are you here? Was your life so boring in France? -::[guards pull him back again]::Bothwell: Take your hands off me! Is that why you are here?- not for Scotland, but for yourself?
Bothwell: Forgive me.::Mary, Queen of Scots: How's your head?::Bothwell: Sore.::Mary, Queen of Scots: I could remove it for you.::Bothwell: Well, that would do the trick, aye.::Mary, Queen of Scots: You caused Lord Darnley great offense, you called Lord Darnley a long streak of English piss!::Bothwell: Then I must apologize.::Lord Darnley: I thank you.::Bothwell: 'Twas English *pish*.::Lord Darnley: [pause] Banishment, I think.::Bothwell: Anywhere but France.
Bothwell: [pointing to fellow cellmate] This is Hamish. Hamish and I have spent many hours of stimulating conversation.::Mary, Queen of Scots: How loyal are you, Bothwell?::Bothwell: I would die for you.
Seattle, USA, 1999. At the demand of MEG, a camera crew investigates the strange course of events that brought STEVEN H., her boyfriend, to be hospitalized. Steven's condition is serious. His body has been severely lacerated by an unknown assailant. The doctors think it could be a wild animal, or maybe even a man with extremely long and hard nails. Steven is also suffering from a mysterious infection that spreads inside him at an alarming speed... The camera crew investigates on Steven's past weeks, hoping to find the truth and learn what really happened to him. Steven was doing historical research on trading between Mexico and the US, and had focused his work on a man called Balmaseda, a prosperous Mexican businessman who disappeared in 1932. This apparently innocuous research led Steven to a much darker discovery... Everything seems to revolve around a group of mysterious characters, all members of a satanic sect : The Black Door. Balmaseda was one of them. The mystery is about to be unveiled, thanks to the discovery of a terrifying 8mm film shot by the sect in 1932. These images plunge the crew in the middle of a drama where Steven is another victim of the sect. The keys to the mystery are this 8mm film, a video that Steven shot the night he was attacked - in an abandoned mansion that belonged to the Sect, and a mysterious old man that Steven met and who knows more than he pretends... As time runs out for Steven and his girlfriend, the crew must find the answer to supernatural events that started 60 years ago but are still very much present. For the Black Door is among us and the gate they opened to hell has never been closed...
Keywords: devil-worship, fake-documentary, human-sacrifice, male-frontal-nudity, male-nudity, nudity, pentagram, ritual-sacrifice, satanic-ritual, suicide-by-hanging
A Christmas Classic Everyone Can Believe In
Let's just say she didn't make Santa's 'nice' list.
Maude Marley: [Appearing in a flash of Light] Ta Da! I always did like a big entrance, didn't I? [light fades] How's tricks, Ebenita?::Ms. Ebenita Scrooge: Maude?::Maude Marley: You haven't said a word about my outfit.::Ms. Ebenita Scrooge: [laughing to herself] Oh, it can't be Maude. She's dead. I buried her.::Maude Marley: And rather hastily, I might add. Afraid I might come back to life? Reclaim my possessions? [Ebenita slowly reaches for the phone] Now I can't. [as Ebenita's hand gets to the phone] NO! [voice becoming distorted] That line is dead, darling. Save us both time, Ebenita. I'm dead, I'm here, and I'm talking to you. [Coming up to her, talking in normal voice] Now I'll cut to the chase, I actually need your help. To rest in peace. That's all anybody ever talks about in the afterlife. How they do things differently. The grass is forever greener, but when I was alive, I lived by one question only: What's in it for me? I'll admit I was a little self centered then, cared not a whit for the little people. That's why every year on the anniversary of my death, I have to roam the world and see the happiness I can never share unless...::Ms. Ebenita Scrooge: Yes?::Maude Marley: Unless you listen to me and turn your little life around.::Ms. Ebenita Scrooge: What's so little about my life? Business has never been better. I own three buildings, and a house with ten rooms...::Maude Marley: [Yells, and then talks in the distorted voice] And how many rooms in your heart and how long will your chain of grief be when you join our miserable band?::Ms. Ebenita Scrooge: I don't have to do anything.::Maude Marley: [in normal voice] No, you don't. Not if you change. My fellow ghosts will show you how.::Ms. Ebenita Scrooge: More ghosts?::Maude Marley: Yes, but tightly organized on the other side. Actually, you'd probably love it for a while. Tight schedules, time clocks, the works. However, the only problem is it never ends. [circles her chair] It goes around, and around and around!::Ms. Ebenita Scrooge: [Screams] Get away!::Maude Marley: Anyway, expect your first visitor when the clock strikes midnight. your second visitor at one and your third at the stroke of two. Regular as clockwork.::Ms. Ebenita Scrooge: What is the point of all of this?::Maude Marley: Change, Ebenita, for your sake as well as mine. [fading into her light state] Either get me out of this or join the crowd FOREVER! [disappearing in a flash of light]::Ms. Ebenita Scrooge: [looking around for a bit, then getting up out of her chair and gathering her shawl] Ghosts, you can have this place. [running out of the room] I'm going to be someplace else!
In pre Civil War America, slaves are prepared to risk everything for the chance of freedom from bondage. This films relates the story of a group of slaves who decide to try for it. Fortunately, in addition to the dangers from slave catchers and the elements, our heros also have the Underground Railroad, the clandestine network of caring people, like Harriet Tubman, who face great risks of their own.
Keywords: abolitionist, african-american, antebellum, canada, chase, escape, escape-from-slavery, fugitive, paranoia, plantation
It will stir your blood and break your heart.
In a private school in the U.S. South, Mr. Sanders, a new choirmaster tries to reduce some of the prejudice and hostility of some of the students in his choir. Paul, a bully who feels he should be lead boy, is the worst offender. Taylor Bradshaw on the other hand is impressed by the music of Landy, a black boy, grandson of Zeke, the school caretaker. Zeke joins in some of the activities of the black community known as River Town. Sanders is also impressed by Landy's abilities and attempts to get him involved with the choir. A tragedy in the community brings the race issue to a head.
Keywords: 1950s, boys'-school, choir, coming-of-age, compassion, cross-cultural-relations, friendship, prejudice, private-school, race-relations
From Two Different Worlds... Music Brought Them Together!
This film, centering on a child's abduction, casts Kate Nelligan as the distraught mother who lashes out at the police (in the person of a relentless detective played by Judd Hirsch), who treat her and her husband as suspects, even as she hounds them to find her child and drives away her husband (David Dukes) and friends (including Stockard Channing) with her intensity and single-mindedness.
Keywords: anonymous-tip, based-on-novel, based-on-true-story, brooklyn-bridge, brooklyn-new-york-city, college-professor, detective, father-son-relationship, gay, homosexual
One morning, Alex Selky got dressed, waved goodbye to his mother, set off for school and disappeared.
Susan Selky: [to Jocelyn] You have no idea what this feels like.
Susan Selky: Where do they think these kids go - Disneyland?
A network of older spies from the West recruits a young intelligence officer with a photographic memory to accompany them on a mission inside Russia. They must recover a letter written by the CIA that promises American assistance to Russia if China gets the atomic bomb.
Keywords: based-on-novel, china, cold-war, counter-agent, cross-dressing, drag, drag-queen, electronic-surveillance, espionage, extortion
Don't trust anyone in THE KREMLIN LETTER
World War an envelope!
Charles Rone: I'm goin' to Mexico.::Ward: Yes sir, you're goin' to Mexico to pick up Lord Ashley's Whore. You're gonna rustle up the Warlock in San Francisco and then make tracks to Chicago for the Erector Set. Tell them the Tillinger Foundation is planning an expedition.
Ward: Nephew, they say that heroes can't imagine their own death and that's why they're heroes. You go 'em one better. You imagine you're immune to violence.
Ward: Now look, I think we've left no stone unturned. But let's not kid ourselves. If any of us is caught there's only a remote possibility we'd be mistaken for Russians. Keep in mind that close examination takes time, and that time they use on you could let the rest of us escape.::Highwayman: Don't be too quick to die.
Sweet Alice: [Opening lines of the film] [Sweet Alice has checked a briefcase as he enters the museum in Paris, takes the claim check] So, the man in Moscow's agreed to send back the letter.::Polakov: For one million dollars.::Sweet Alice: Mmm, for that kind of money we're entitled to know his name.::Polakov: And then what further need would you have of me?::Sweet Alice: When do you get back to Paris?::Polakov: One week, ten days.::Sweet Alice: I see. Well, you have one week to recover the letter. Seven days, Polakov. [Lays down the claim check] There's your million.
Colonel Kosnov: [During drinks after a dinner party, with the wives present] It was a long time ago. I'm not sure of the details any longer.::Bresnavitch: The Colonel is too modest. Imagine. All he actually knew was that three of Sturdevant's men were in a small Polish village. Correct?::Colonel Kosnov: I think so.::Bresnavitch: He had to determine which of the 2,300 people in the village were the three he wanted, so he rounded up the entire population. He began to interrogate and execute each of them one by one. Then it seems that when your husband started killing the children one of Sturdevant's men tried to make a run for it. He was caught of course and your husband was able to make him talk, as only he can.
Bresnavitch: [Colonel Kosnov's wife has fled the room] Don't worry Colonel, she'll be all right. After all, a wife has a right to know exactly what her husband contributes to society.
Warlock: She lunches every day in the cafeteria, invariably alone. Sometimes after lunch she goes to the Central Park Zoo and sketches lions for half an hour. Only lions, for God's sake! She never speaks to anybody, except a couple of the black girls in life class. They look at her sketches and she looks at theirs. Sorry old man, it's not very much to go on.::The Whore: It's quite a lot.
Charles Rone: I think I'm a superior combination of intellect and physique, athlete and scholar. When a risk is to be run I formulate the ideal procedure and calculate the chances involved with exquisite precision. If the percentages are sufficiently in my favor I put myself into motion having absolute confidence in the performance of my reflexes.
Ward: There are only two bedrooms in Potkin's apartment, which should make it very convenient for our younger associates. We all know you've been shackin' up together.
Warlock: [while knitting... ] Rudolph says he's in love with me. He claims that I'm the only one he's been in love with since Polakov, and talking about their affair makes him weep. He wants me to leave the professor and move in with him. I told him it wouldn't be wise to break off so suddenly but that I would find a way soon. I'm knitting these bed socks for him.
Diabolical mastermind Harry Crowel, a.k.a. Prisoner 39013, escapes and, with a seemingly endless supply of henchmen, sets out to destroy all holdings of industrialist Horace Granville, who put him in prison. One target is an amusement park, home of the three Daredevils of the Red Circle, who perform death-defying stunts. Aghast at innocent lives lost, our three heroes swear to capture No. 39013. It'll be harder than they suspect; the villain is holding the real Granville captive, and with a near-perfect disguise, has taken his place!
Keywords: acrobat, bound-and-gagged, disguise, dog, impostor, oil-derrick, pipeline, poison-gas, power-plant, revenge
Horace Granville: You're mad!::No. 39013, Harry Crowel: I spent 15 years in a cell like that. That's enough to make anyone, if not mad, then very annoyed.
Shayne Ward - No Promises
Is Tony Stewart Responsible For Kevin Ward's Death? (Warning: Graphic Video)
Fights of the Decade: Ward vs. Gatti I (HBO Boxing)
Ward Miles - First Year - OFFICIAL
Tony Stewart Crash 2014: Kevin Ward Jr.'s Family Responds to Deadly Crash
DISCRETION ADVISED - NASCAR driver Tony Stewart Hits Kevin Ward, Jr., in Sprint Car Race
Tony Stewart Hits and Kills Kevin Ward Jr [GRAPHIC VIDEO]
UPDATE: Kevin Ward Died Killed In Crash - Run Over By Tony Stewart (VIDEO)
Tony Stewart HITS Sprint Car Driver Kevin Ward Jr (RAW VIDEO) Canandaigua Motorsports Park 8/9/14
Mike Ward (humoriste québécois)
Tony Stewart Hits, Kills Kevin Ward Jr. Graphic Video Footage!
Tony Stewart hits and KILLS 20-year-old driver Kevin Ward Jr. Aug 9/2014(RAW VIDEO)
NASCAR driver Tony Stewart kills Kevin Ward in sprint-car race in Canandaigua, New York
Tony Stewart Runs over, Hits and Kills Driver Kevin Ward Jr. at Canandaigua Motorsports Park
Ed Sheeran - Photograph - Tyler Ward & Anna Clendening (Acoustic Cover) - Official Music Video
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Skye & Ward on Season 2
Tony Stewart crash hits Kevin Ward kill - NASCAR driver Tony Stewart runs over Kevin Ward
All About That Bass (Guy Version) - Tyler Ward & Two Worlds (Acoustic Cover) - Music Video
Burnin' It Down - Tyler Ward (Acoustic Cover) - Jason Aldean - Official Music Video
Taylor Swift - Shake It Off (Tyler Ward, KingBach, Toby Randall, Princess Lauren, Reggie COUZ) Cover
ZZ Ward - Last Love Song (Official Video)
ZZ Ward - 365 Days (The Summer's Over)
TONY STEWART NEVER HIT KEVIN WARD Jr Answering my sons questions I found the truth of his innocence
Shayne Ward's Greatest Hits | Best songs of Shayne Ward
Legendary Nights - The Tale of Gatti Ward
Best Sons Of Shayne Ward | Shayne Ward's Greatest Hits
Il Reparto - The Ward 2011 film completo
Shayne Ward at Yan Beatfest in Vietnam 2014 04 12
Những Ca Khúc Hay Nhất Của Shayne Ward
ZZ Ward - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)
Andre Ward vs. Arthur Abraham 14.05.2011 HD
Arturo Gatti vs Micky Ward I HD
Andre Ward vs Carl Froch • Full Fight ₁₇₋₁₂₋₂₀₁₁
Peter Ward Our Future In a World Without Ice Caps
H P Lovecraft The Case of Charles Dexter Ward Part 1 of 4 Audiobook Audio Horror Occult Supernatural
Bill Ward - Ward One: Along the Way (full album)
Watch Full "The Ward (2010)" Movie Online
Arturo Gatti vs Micky Ward III HD
Paddy Ward v Barney McGinley (2009 Full Version)
The Singles Ward Ala dos Solteiros)
Gordons - Comedy Klinic Ward 5
Kessler vs. Ward
Shayne Ward | Những bài hát hay nhất của Shayne Ward
Dothan Real Estate Home for Sale. $47,500 3bd/1ba. - Andy Ward of
How to Pronounce Humphry, Mrs Ward
The Temporary Wife | Trailer {Ward x Simmons}
Monday Night RAW 2009 Episode 3 Insanity Ward Part 2
Ron Ward - In Car Camera (Facing Him)
Has the Gaming Community lost faith in Infinity Ward?
Al'Chaddas - WARD 17 [prod. by PsychMo]
Brambleton ward
[AMV] Monogatari Series - Ward Room 305
Hidden Ridge Vineyard Vintner Casidy Ward at 2013 Taste of Sonoma
Pro Ward Kill
Doris on Face The Nation with Ken Burns PBS with Geoffrey Ward talking about what
Cryin' Wolf / Criminal / Move Like U Stole It - ZZ Ward
8224 Ward Lane, Arvada, CO 80003
Grace Harris does Z.Z. Ward Cover Last Love Song
Shayne Ward No Promises (احمد ناصر )
Sof Ward dances to Whitney Houston's I will always love you
Jamie Ward vs Selda ( Acid Pauli Edit ) @ Suma Beach, Istanbul
Gala Mike Ward Fuck les variétés Guillaume Wagner vidéo 02
Gala Mike Ward Fuck les variétés Maxim Martin vidéo 06
Mad Wrestling Association - Promo Luther Ward
Minecraft Road To A Ward # Episode 8 The Money
Ed Ward TT
Ward may refer to:
Shayne Thomas Ward,born 16 October 1984 in Manchester, England, is an English pop singer who rose to fame as the winner of second series of The X Factor. He has sold over three million records worldwide and has had number one albums and singles in nine countries. During The X Factor competition, Ward was mentored by manager Louis Walsh. The Bookies' favourite to win the show, he defeated duo Journey South and singer Andy Abraham in the final screened by ITV1 by a margin of 1.2% of the vote, out of a reputed 10.8 million phone votes cast by viewers. His first single, "That's My Goal", was released in the United Kingdom on December21, 2005 and became the last number one of 2005, hitting the top spot on 31 December. It sold 313,000 copies on its first day of sales, making it the third fastest selling single of all time, behind Elton John's "Candle in the Wind" and Will Young's "Evergreen", which sold 685,000 and 400,000 copies in their first days of sale respectively. Ward's prize, as winner, was a recording contract with Simon Cowell's Syco record label, which is co-owned by Sony Music Entertainment. The contract had a stated value of £1 million, of which £150,000 was a cash advance and the remainder was allocated to recording and marketing costs.
Anthony Wayne "Tony" Stewart (born May 20, 1971) is an American auto racing driver and owner. Throughout his racing career, Stewart has won titles in Indy cars and stock cars as well as midget, sprint and USAC Silver Crown cars, giving him the recognition of "one of the finest racers of his generation."
Stewart currently owns and drives the No. 14 Office Depot/Mobil 1/Burger King Chevrolet Impala in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series for his own team, Stewart-Haas Racing under crew chief Steve Addington. From 1999 until 2008, he drove the No. 20 Joe Gibbs Racing car, under crew chief Greg Zipadelli, with The Home Depot as the primary sponsor. His ten year tenure with the same team, sponsor, and crew chief is a NASCAR record. Stewart is also the only driver to win both the Winston Cup under the old points system and the Nextel Cup under the chase playoff format, winning those championships in 2002 and 2005 respectively. In 2011, Stewart became the first owner-driver since Alan Kulwicki to win the Cup Series championship, which ended Jimmie Johnson's streak of consecutive championships at five. He is the only driver to win the NASCAR championship under three different sponsorship titles (Winston in 2002, Sprint Nextel in 2005, and 2011) as well as being the only driver in history to win a championship in both IndyCar and NASCAR. He is also the first driver in Cup to win the championship by virtue of a tie breaker (number of wins during the season is the first level tie breaker, Stewart had 5 while eventual runner up Carl Edwards had 1).
Edward Christopher "Ed" Sheeran (born 17 February 1991) is an English singer-songwriter who is currently signed to Asylum / Atlantic Records. Sheeran broke through commercially in June 2011, when his debut single "The A Team" debuted at number 3 on the UK chart.
Sheeran was born in Halifax, West Yorkshire to Irish and English parents, before moving to Framlingham, Suffolk; he is a cousin of TV journalist and presenter Gordon Burns. He learned guitar at a very young age, and began writing songs during his time at Thomas Mills High School in Framlingham. His early childhood memories, referred to in a interview on the Zane Lowe show, included listening to Van Morrison on his countless trips to London with his parents and going to an intimate gig with Damien Rice in Ireland when he was 11. He also opened for Nizlopi in Norwich in April 2008 after being one of their guitar technicians. Sheeran began recording in 2005, which led to the release of his first EP, The Orange Room EP. Sheeran also released 2 albums, a self-titled one in 2006 and Want Some? in 2007. He moved to London in 2008 to play gigs, starting off in very small venues, playing every day, to as little as five people. In 2008, he auditioned for the ITV series Britannia High.
Tyler Ray Ward (born March 12, 1989), is a singer/songwriter and producer known for his covers of hit songs by artists including Adele, Maroon 5, Justin Bieber, and Katy Perry. Tyler is also well known for his original songs such as Everything, The Hardest Thing, The Rescue, Paper Heart and Our Story's Told. Although Ward often sings and produces his own music, he also works with his backing band on many projects and on tour, members include his instrumental band whom he met during a small gig in 2007 along with rapper Eppic, singer/songwriter Alex G and rapper and brother Derek Ward... He has also worked and produced music for many people across Youtube including Boyce Avenue, Megan Nicole and Katy McAllister..
Tyler Ward is best known for his cover with fellow YouTubers, Megan Nicole and Eppic of Eminem's "Love the Way You Lie" which has had more than 17 million views as of July 1, 2012. His first video was a mix of the current top 40 songs of 2008 which has 600 thousand views to date. Since then, Ward has amassed over 900,000 subscribers and more than 250 million views on his channel.
A word is enough for beginning the war
They will always be willing to (awaken) her
With your baptized and chrismed guns
For them the war is the only way
But i and you are the victims
Same not making rhymes with critics
But open the eye, actually the third war is already happening
Do you don't see?
Is an American dream or Russian nightmare
That will put an end to our lives?
Only they know, only they decide
In the streets, boys, girls...
Hunger, anger, plague, attacks, accidents, addiction, suicide
Did the first and second kill more?
Is the third war
A word is enough for beginning the war
They will always be willing to (awaken) her
But i and you are the victims
Same not making rhymes with critics
Hunger, anger, plague, attacks, accidents, suicide