Tsunami at Kamaishi port, Iwate Prefecture
Tsunami in Shiogama, Miyagi Prefecture
Tsunami in Kuki, near Kuji, Iwate Prefecture
Batman appeared in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. [Chibatman!!!]
Tsunami in Iwaki City, Fukushima prefecture
Tsunami in the Sendai Airport area, Miyagi Prefecture, helicopter view
沼津仲見世商店街 (静岡県沼津市) Downtown Numazu, Shizuoka Prefecture
Morioka-City Iwate prefecture Japan
Kikuchi city. Kumamoto prefecture. Japan.
Kyoto Prefecture: The Kyoto you may not know
Tsunami at Miyako port, Iwate Prefecture
Tsuchiura , Ibaraki Prefecture , Satoyama - Japan (Full HD)
Prefecture VS World: Intro
Shimane Digest (Sightseeing in Shimane)
Tsunami at Kamaishi port, Iwate Prefecture
Tsunami in Shiogama, Miyagi Prefecture
Tsunami in Kuki, near Kuji, Iwate Prefecture
Batman appeared in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. [Chibatman!!!]
Tsunami in Iwaki City, Fukushima prefecture
Tsunami in the Sendai Airport area, Miyagi Prefecture, helicopter view
沼津仲見世商店街 (静岡県沼津市) Downtown Numazu, Shizuoka Prefecture
Morioka-City Iwate prefecture Japan
Kikuchi city. Kumamoto prefecture. Japan.
Kyoto Prefecture: The Kyoto you may not know
Tsunami at Miyako port, Iwate Prefecture
Tsuchiura , Ibaraki Prefecture , Satoyama - Japan (Full HD)
Prefecture VS World: Intro
Shimane Digest (Sightseeing in Shimane)
お▲に▽ぎ▲り 富山⑤ 20130723 Toyama Prefecture Gourmet
Indian PM Modi meets governor of Aichi Prefecture of Japan
Tsunami at Cape Hirota, near Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture
My First Trip to Yamanashi Prefecture!! 初めての山梨県♥
Matsushima Islands (松島), Miyagi Prefecture
Tsunami at Ryoishi port, near Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture
UFO Filmed From Plane Over Chiba Prefecture JAPAN 千葉ユーフォ
OISHII issue 1 - Yamaguchi Prefecture
Takarazuka Station, Takarazuka City, Hyogo Prefecture
Kumamon, PR Department Manager, Kumamoto Prefecture & Masataka Naruo: "Happy Valentine's Day visit"
Matsushima, Miyagi Prefecture
Fukuoka Prefecture School Trip Guide (English)
Shizuoka Prefecture: Japan's Rising Star
Driving way Hiroshima to Shimane prefecture
Interview at Shichigahama, Miyagi prefecture
Prefecture of Chania | The interior & alternative turism
Self-Immolations in Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
Yamadera, Yamagata Prefecture
おに▲ぎり 福岡編⑤ 20140812
Tsunami at Ryoishi port, near Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture
2012-10-19 Hikone to Omihachiman, Shiga Prefecture 滋賀県彦根市から近江八幡市へサイクリング
2012-10-20 Omihachiman to Otsu, Shiga Prefecture 滋賀県近江八幡市から大津市へサイクリング
おに▲ぎり 福岡編⑥ 20140819
おに▲ぎり 福岡編③ 20140729 Fukuoka Prefecture Gourmet
Rt 104 To Akita Prefecture Pt1
お▲に▽ぎ▲り 富山① 20130625 Toyama Prefecture Gourmet
お▲に▽ぎ▲り 富山② 20130702 Toyama Prefecture Gourmet
Dude Group vs Chiba Prefecture (千葉県民 ! !) - War Stats - Clash of Dudes
[MATSURI] Wajima Taisai Day 1 - Okutsuhime Jinja Taisai
china Great Buddha Temple kotoku buddha kotoku-in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture
Chicken sashimi, yakitori Harima, Kakogawa, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan chicken restaurant "Chiran"
Vermont cup Ibaraki Prefecture Central District I
Apo team in Nara prefecture japan(3)
Magome-Juku 馬籠宿 Village in Gifu Prefecture Japan
Citrus Competition Junior High School Akita Prefecture
智頭急行 6 大原駅 (岡山県美作市) Chizu Express Ohara station in Mimasaka city Okayama prefecture
日本地理(沖縄県)Okinawa Prefecture
Sotaku-zenji temple Takashima, Shiga Prefecture Imazu 曹澤禅寺 滋賀県高島市今津町 37
Sotaku-zenji temple Takashima, Shiga Prefecture Imazu 曹澤禅寺 滋賀県高島市今津町 38
大分県 湯布院 地獄グルメ 地獄の釜蒸し Oita Prefecture Yufuin Kettle steamed hell gourmet hell
日本地理㊻鹿児島県Kagoshima Prefecture
日本地理㊹大分県Oita Prefecture
日本地理㊸熊本県Kumamoto Prefecture
Garden "Nan-sho-so" (Japan, Iwate Prefecture, Morioka)
日本地理㊷長崎県Nagasaki Prefecture
姫路駅近くの川で撮影 4 在来線 Trains (兵庫県姫路市) The railroad in Himeji city Hyogo prefecture
PM Modi meets the Governor of Aichi Prefecture, Hideaki Ohmura in Tokyo
PM Modi meets the Governor of Kyoto Prefecture Keiji Yamada, in Kyoto
殉職消防組員招魂碑(仙台市西公園) Monument of Firefigher & Rescue Victims in Miyagi Prefecture
A prefecture (from the Latin Praefectura) is an administrative jurisdiction or subdivision in any of various countries and within some international church structures, and in antiquity a Roman district governed by an appointed prefect.
Prefecture most commonly refers to a self-governing body or area since the tetrarchy when Emperor Diocletian divided the Roman Empire into four districts (each divided into dioceses, grouped under a Vicarius (a number of Roman provinces, listed under that article), although he maintained two pretorian prefectures as an administrative level above the also surviving dioceses (a few of which were split).
As canon law is strongly inspired by Roman law, it is not surprising that the Catholic Church has several offices under a prefect. That term occurs also in otherwise styled offices, such as the head of a congregation or department of the Roman Curia. Various ecclesiastical areas, too small for a diocese, are termed prefects.
In Brazil, the prefecture (prefeitura in Portuguese) is the Prefeitura Municipal, home to the Executive of a city and to the mayor's office.
I’m still a young man
So I think very little of death
Who really does, ‘til its coming for them?
And I know with each breath I come one closer
But death is just a hook behind the door
Where I’ll leave my dirty clothes
They may dump my body in the sea
Spread my ashes miles wide,
It won’t matter,
All my parts will realign.
They rush to find each other
When they hear their Lover’s cry,
And death will be abandoned
When He comes back for His bride
Saints are never buried,
They are seeds planted
Who bring about a greater harvest when
They burst forth from
The earth that needed their fruits,
But it could never hope to make
Enough room for their roots.
(Ah Ah Ah Ah Oh)
Death is swallowed up,
(Ah Ah Ah Ah Oh)
It owns nothing in me,
(Ah Ah Ah Ah Oh)
Oh, death is swallowed up,
(Ah Ah Ah Ah Oh)
It owns nothing in me,
Oh, precious in the sight of the Lord
Is the death of His faithful ones.
Precious in the sight of the Lord
Is the death of His faithful ones,
Oh, death is swallowed up.
Oh, it was always you, it was always you.
Oh, it was always you, it was always you.
Oh, it was always you, it was always you.
Oh, it was always you, it was always you.