7 October 2014

State authorities revoke labor contract for 15,000 Philadelphia teachers

By Jerry White and Samuel Davidson, 7 October 2014

The School Reform Commission is unilaterally slashing medical coverage for current and retired teachers and school employees.

ISIS gains provide further pretext for US ground troops in Iraq and Syria

By Mike Head, 7 October 2014

Air strikes by the US and its allies have failed to halt the ISIS siege of Kobane on the Syrian-Turkish border.

New Zealand government prepares to join US war in Middle East

By Tom Peters, 7 October 2014

Biden’s admission: US allies armed ISIS

More on the crisis in Iraq and Syria »

Germany to deploy combat troops in Ukraine

By Christoph Dreier, 7 October 2014

The German government is planning to send troops into Ukraine for the first time since the Second World War.

Notes on police violence in the US
Police killed 77 people in September

By E.P. Bannon, 7 October 2014

Over the past week, police have killed at least fourteen more people, while judges and prosecutors continued to protect the perpetrators of police violence.

Three more New York City police killings last week

More on police violence in America »

Report finds Border Patrol flew drones away from US borders

By Nick Barrickman, 7 October 2014

The findings follow revelations earlier this year that Customs and Border Protection had “loaned” its drone fleet to other intelligence agencies hundreds of times.

Brazil’s Rousseff faces runoff after worst showing for Workers Party in 12 years

By Bill Van Auken, 7 October 2014

The first round of Brazil’s presidential election left incumbent Rousseff facing right-wing challenger Aecio Neves in an October 26 runoff.

Italian prime minister targets protection against layoffs

By Marianne Arens, 7 October 2014

The goal of the new jobs act is the creation of a labour market in which companies can hire and fire workers as they please, and exploit them for the lowest wages.

CGT union convicted of embezzling funds of France’s biggest works committee

By Pierre Mabut, 7 October 2014

The details of the case underscore how the French Communist Party and corrupt union bureaucracies long ago lost any base in the working class.

French automaker PSA Peugeot-Citroën prepares to cut 10,000 more jobs

By Kumaran Ira, 7 October 2014

French car-maker PSA Peugeot-Citroën is planning to cut a further 10,000 jobs, while both PSA and Renault demand deep cuts in labor costs.

Australia: 500 more public sector jobs to go in Tasmania

By Terry Cook, 7 October 2014

The state government withdrew its pay freeze and declared it will axe a further 500 jobs, bringing the total to 1,200 since the August budget.

South Africa’s education department maintains apartheid-era victimisation of blacks

By Thabo Seseane Jr., 7 October 2014

While forming almost 80 percent of overall population at the last census in 2011, blacks made up only 8.3 percent of those with a tertiary qualification.

New in French

Le Nouveau parti anticapitaliste et Lutte ouvrière font l’éloge de la trahison de la grève à Air France par les syndicats

Par Alex Lantier, 7 octobre 2014

La pseudo-gauche française salue la trahison des pilotes non seulement pour défendre les syndicats, mais aussi comme partie du soutien qu’elle apporte au programme d’austérité du gouvernement PS (Parti socialiste) et de l’Union européenne.

PSA Peugeot-Citroën projette de supprimer 10 000 emplois supplémentaires

Par Kumaran Ira, 7 octobre 2014

L'autoconstructeur français PSA Peugeot-Citroën prévoit de supprimer 10 000 emplois supplémentaires alors que PSA et Renault exigent de tailler profondément dans les coûts du travail.

Québec: les syndicats prêts à imposer les coupes dans les retraites

Par Laurent Lafrance, 7 octobre 2014

Si les travailleurs ne prennent pas en main la lutte contre le projet de loi 3, les chefs syndicaux vont la torpiller.

Robert Poli, le dirigeant du syndicat PATCO blackboulé, meurt à l’âge de 78 ans

Par Tom Mackaman, 7 octobre 2014

Poli avait mené en 1981 la grève des contrôleurs aériens qui fut écrasée par le gouvernement Reagan, de connivence avec la confédération syndicale AFL-CIO.

New in German

Der Hintergrund des Krieges gegen Isis

Von Bill Van Auken, 7. Oktober 2014

Die Forderung nach einem Krieg gegen "Barbarei," "Fanatiker" und das "pure Böse" erinnert an die Rhetorik, die die Boulevardpresse bereits vor über einem Jahrhundert verwendet hat.

Deutschland will bewaffnete Truppen in der Ukraine stationieren

Von Christoph Dreier, 7. Oktober 2014

70 Jahre nach Vertreibung der Wehrmacht will die Bundesregierung wieder deutsche Kampftruppen in der Ukraine stationieren.

Hongkonger Regierung legt Demonstranten Ultimatum vor

Von Peter Symonds, 7. Oktober 2014

Die Studentenführer weigerten sich zwar, die Proteste zu beenden, lockerten jedoch die Blockade von Regierungsgebäuden und begannen erste Gespräche mit Vertretern der Regierung.

Gaskammern des NS-Vernichtungslager Sobibor ausgegraben

Von Elisabeth Zimmermann, 7. Oktober 2014

Die Lager Sobibor, Belzec und Treblinka dienten der systematischen Vernichtung der Juden und Roma im „Generalgouvernement“, das von der Wehrmacht besetzte Teile Polens und der Ukraine umfasste.

Other Languages


The Mideast war and the US election

7 October 2014

Four weeks before the congressional election, the Democrats and Republicans are engaged in a conspiracy of silence over US war plans in the Middle East.

Earlier Perspectives »


The liquidation of the BLPI and the LSSP’s great betrayal in Sri Lanka

By Nanda Wickremasinghe and K. Ratnayake, 7 October 2014

The first of four articles on the political lessons of the entry of the LSSP into the government of Madame Sirima Bandaranaike in June 1964.

Mehring Books

New pamphlet outlines basis for struggle against imperialist war

7 October 2014

The pamphlet contains three important statements on war from the International Committee of the Fourth International, the Socialist Equality Party in the US and the Partei für Soziale Gleichheit in Germany.


Wealth of richest 400 Americans surges to $2.29 trillion

By Andre Damon, 6 October 2014

US social inequality in two graphs
Income gains after recessions increasingly go to the wealthy

US Supreme Court Justice Scalia attacks separation of church and state

By Tom Carter, 6 October 2014

New Anti-capitalist Party, Lutte Ouvrière hail union sellout of Air France strike

By Alex Lantier, 6 October 2014

US exploiting West Africa Ebola outbreak to establish military foothold

By Niles Williamson, 4 October 2014

More on the Ebola crisis »

The demise of “bond king” Bill Gross: Financial and political implications

25 years ago: Thousands of demonstrators confront East German police

On October 9, 1989, the streets and squares of East Berlin, Dresden and Leipzig and other East German cities were the scene of demonstrations by thousands against the ruling Stalinist bureaucracy.

More »

50 years ago: Nasser releases Tshombe from jail

On October 9, 1964, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser released Congolese President Moise Tshombe from house arrest, after he had attempted to attend a gathering of the “nonaligned countries” held in Cairo.

More »

75 years ago: Nazi Germany carves up Poland

On October 8, 1939, after the fall of Warsaw to the Nazi invaders days earlier, Hitler redrew Poland’s borders.

More »


100 years ago: Japan seizes German possession in the Pacific

On October 7, 1914, it was reported in the press that Japanese military forces had seized the island of Jaluit, a German colony in the Marshall Islands situated in the western Pacific.

More »

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: The Americas

7 October 2014

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature

Arts Review

The Boxtrolls: A cartoonish glimpse of class society

By Zaida Green, 6 October 2014

An underclass of trolls takes on the wealthy and corrupt White Hats in the new animated film from Laika, the Oregon-based studio.

Calvary: An Irish priest threatened for another’s crimes

Toronto International Film Festival 2014—Part 4
Iraqi Odyssey and other pictures of the modern world

By David Walsh, 2 October 2014

More on the Arts »

The Bankruptcy of Detroit

Corporate elite divvies up Detroit as bankruptcy plan confirmation looms

By Thomas Gaist, 4 October 2014

A US judge declares Detroit residents have no right to water

More on the bankruptcy of Detroit »

The Struggle Against War

Socialism and the Fight Against Imperialist War
Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International

3 July 2014

The Fight Against War and the Political Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party
Resolution of the SEP (US) Third National Congress

25 August 2014

The return of German militarism and the tasks of the Partei für Soziale Gleichheit (Socialist Equality Party of Germany)
Resolution of the Special Conference Against War of the Partei für Soziale Gleichheit

20 September 2014