It’s a short list this month, Vimeo, but we think you’re going to love it. So pop some corn, put your feet up, and take an hour or so to check out the films we loved the most last month.

Watch our selection in the player below, or via the miracle of our Apple TV app, if you happen to own such a thing.

The entire month was good to us, but September 29 was an especially brilliant day in Staff Picks – it brought us Eoin Duffy’s outstanding short The Missing Scarf, after a long and almost ridiculously gilded festival tour. It’s a big short full of even bigger questions, and an immense voiceover from George Takei. Naturally, we’ve taken this opportunity to ask Mr. Duffy to tell us all about it.

The film is such a brilliant mix of darkness and comedy, fear and rationality. Where were you when you wrote this, where did all of that come from?

At the time of writing The Missing Scarf, I was dealing with a death in the family. My mind was consumed with thoughts of death, which then extended to questioning the end goal for all life. Where are we heading? What’s the point? If entropy is eroding our universe into nothingness, what’s the final outcome for life?

But I settled on a happier theory. The notion that our universe (or multiverse) is part of an even larger cycle, continuously erupting into existence over and over. Meaning we're all minuscule cogs in the grand inhale and exhale of the universe, thus helping the continuation of all life within.

But from the viewpoint of Albert and his friends, the larger perspective doesn't bring much comfort to their immediate situation.

Engaging George Takei was a masterstroke. How did he get involved? What made you think of him and how did you get to him?

Jamie Hogan, the producer, and myself wrote down a list of people we thought the project best-suited and right at the top was George.

We created a highly-polished animatic encompassing a professional voice-over, stock music, sound-design and near-finalized visuals. We then housed it in a standalone private website, detailing the project and its script. Through talent agency Harvey Voices, we were put in touch. And to our surprise, George loved the idea and the script.

Then things moved pretty quickly. Fewer than three weeks later, we flew to LA to meet George in the iconic Buzzy’s Recording Studio. George was so personable and down to Earth that it put everyone at ease. In fact, he was so nice and chatty that we used up half an hour of our two-hour recording session discussing the history of Japanese immigrants in the U.S. But once we jumped into recording I was blown away by the calibre of George's performance. It was great to see him in action.

As a side note, we recorded 30 takes of the "angry" speech that appears halfway through the film. All of which George was more than happy to do. In the end, we used take #1.

The film has had such an incredible response and festival run, and rightly so! How has that been? Any highlights?

We've screened at over 100 festivals and at one stage, we were winning an award every week. It was all too much to comprehend at times. But the highlight, by far, was attending screenings and just watching people's reaction. I got goosebumps every time, it was amazing.

Also, two of the best multi-day parties of my life were with fellow animators at the Savannah Film Festival and the Valladolid Film Festival. Let's just say it’s amazing what the human body can withstand.

What are you working on next? Has The Missing Scarf's great success greased the wheels for your next project? When can we expect to see more from you?

I'm happy to say that for my next project, I'm teaming up with a major player on the animation stage. I hope to announce this project in the coming weeks. I also have tons of side projects I'll be letting loose on the Web very soon. Just keep an eye on


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