Prior, derived from the Latin for "earlier, first", (or prioress for nuns) is an ecclesiastical title for a superior, usually lower in rank than an abbot or abbess. Its earlier generic usage referred in any monastic superior.
In the Rule of Saint Benedict, the term appears several times, referring to any superior, whether an abbot, provost, dean, etc. In other old monastic rules the term is used in the same generic sense.
With the Cluniac Reforms, the term prior received a specific meaning; it supplanted the provost or dean (praepositus), spoken of in the Rule of St. Benedict. The example of the Cluniac congregations was gradually followed by all Benedictine monasteries, as well as by the Camaldolese, Vallombrosians, Cistercians, Hirsau congregations, and other offshoots of the Benedictine Order.
Monastic congregations of hermit origin generally do not use the title of abbot for the head of any of their houses, in an effort to avoid the involvement with the world the office of an abbot would entail. As a result, it is not in use for the congregation as a whole. Among them, the equivalent term of prior general is the one used. This applies, e.g., for the Camaldolese and the Carthusians.
Three days out from her hometown
Something overheated something broke down
Hit Las Vegas like we might belong
It seemed for a minute that we weren't so wrong
You can't tell when you're weak and you're young
It's a beautiful struggle
The tracks end here but the train's gotta run
Beautiful struggle
You wanna be loved by everyone
If it was anywhere else if it was up to me
We would have had something so we weren't so free
But a dog won't listen once she's tasted blood
Why we stayed together it was clear as mud
You can't tell when the damage is done
It's a beautiful struggle
The tracks end here but the train's gotta run
Beautiful struggle
When you wanna be loved by everyone
The last time I saw her she was dressed in white
She was up in that back house with her appetite
It's a beautiful struggle
The tracks end here but the train's gotta run
Beautiful struggle