Posts tagged Individual tax resisters and collectives/individual tax resisters/David Schenck

The Picket Line — 1 February 2009

1 February 2009

Lately it’s seemed to me that there’s a growing awareness that in the United States, the core of central authority is rotten. It still stands, but if you tap on it you can hear that it’s hollow.

I’m not just talking about the government, but the foundations of our economy (not the bedrock, which will endure, but those foundations that we gave names like “security” and “credit” and “trust” and we slapped down on the swamp — you can still see bubbles of swamp gas coming up from where they’re sinking). And not just economic institutions, either, but many different central institutions of authority.

Here’s a chilling example. For two decades Marcia Angell was an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine — they might as well call themselves The Prestigious New England Journal of Medicine for how often they are referred to that way. Angell recently wrote an article for The New York Review of Books about rampant corruption and growing conflicts-of-interest in the medical-pharmaceutical establishment. Her conclusion:

It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines.

Let that sink in.

Also, the news media is dissolving like an autodigesting mushroom — reporting on its own collapse with its last remaining reporters and talking heads. It’s being replaced by a much less-institutional, much less-centralized, much more bottom-up style of reporting, with a different model of trust.

These are just a few examples, and I’m sure you can think of more.

This morning, while reading the descriptions of the disintegration of the Soviet Bloc in Jonathan Schell’s The Unconquerable World, an encouraging metaphor suggested itself to me. I imagined a ripe seed attached to its parent plant, in a tight and populous cluster like that of the cattail for instance. When the stalk dessicates and withers and no longer can maintain a hold on its seeds, the orderly cluster disintegrates and the seeds disperse — a catastrophe! and yet exactly what nature intended, and the only way the individual seeds can fulfil their own destinies.

David Schenck recently gave an introduction to war tax resistance at the SUNY Social Justice Conference. A video of his presentation is available on-line:

Gerald DePyper continues to try to light a tax resistance fire under the American “pro-life” movement and has inaugurated a new web site, Pro-life strike / abortion boycott, with a program for “serious, sacrificial action” in conscientious objection to taxpayer funding of abortion. His opinion:

After over 35 years, the weakness of the pro-life movement seems to be in our comfort level. With few exceptions, pro-life warriors live a fairly comfortable life. But comfortable warriors don’t fight very effectively. Embarking upon a strike or tax resistance movement would dramatically elevate the risks and lower the comfort level. It would require those involved to put their lives and their livelihoods on the line. It would help us to embrace the term “Church Militant”, and truly view ourselves as soldiers in Christ’s army of love.

The strength of our pro-life witness is an important part of what’s at stake. If we fight from a position of comfort, few will care. Likewise, if we pray from a position of comfort, such prayer is cheap. But if we risk our lives and livelihoods, people will notice, and many hearts will be moved. Our words will be more convincing and our prayers more powerful if the cost is dear.