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Opinion & Analysis

"The philosophical Summit of the poor.  We are going to think together.” (Cory Fischer-Hoffman, Venezuelanalysis)

Why a Philosophical Summit of the Poor?

Juan Manuel Mendoza tells the significance of the Philosophical Summit of the Poor, held on Friday in Caracas. Mendoza explains who “the poor” are and what it is they want, in terms so universal they could be applied to any struggle since capitalism and democracy became all but synonymous. How to recreate the model, Mendoza asks, when even the word freedom implies slavery?

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Venezuela in images

Woman’s Rights Activists Protest for Change to Venezuela’s Anti-Abortion Laws - On Sunday, around 200 Venezuelans from various socialist collectives gathered in the student residences of Plaza Venezuela, in Caracas, to protest the country’s strict anti-abortion laws.

Photos of political prisoners detained at San Carlos between 1960-1979,  on a wall of the former prison in an exhibit maintained

Venezuela's “Political Prisoner” Allegory

In the face of arrests, trials, and detentions of opposition and student leaders, allegations of political repression in Venezuela are circulating international and private national press.  The Venezuelan government and its supporters adamantly reject the claim that Venezuela has any political prisoners and they assert that everyone in detention is being tried for their involvement in criminal conduct. This article aims to explore the issue of political prisoners in Venezuela by providing a broader historical context combined with an analysis of power in Venezuela today.

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Economic Indicators

Chart graphic

This CEPR has written various reports on the situation of the venezuelan economy. Read them here