Posts tagged NHS

Solidarity With All Strkers.

        We all know that the corporate world, like the government, pick off groups one at a time. One moment it is the teachers, then the  disabled, then the train drivers, then the nurses, then the unemployed, but we should realise that it is all part of the same attack on the conditions of all the ordinary people. It is all part of their grand plan for a low wage economy, one that can allow the Western corporate giants to compete with the Eastern sweatshops. So when one group of our people are attacked, it is an attack on us all. Solidarity is our most powerful weapon.
This from The People’s Assembly Against Austerity.

Strike support
      This week in Doncaster, 150 nurses who look after adults with learning difficulties started a 7 day strike after being handed devastating pay cuts of up to 50%. Care UK was given the contract by Doncaster Council last September. Care UK’s immediate decision to attack the wages and conditions of the workforce tells us all we need to know about why the government are out to privatise the NHS.
     On the 26 March, the National Union of Teachers have called a national strike in England and Wales. Already, Gove has backed down on working time and conditions. Now, the strike action has a real chance to win against an increasingly weak government. We are asking every People’s Assembly supporter to help make sure these strikes are supported in our communities, and that solidarity is shown from the whole movement.
      The NUT is organising a series of street stalls across the country in the run up to the strike to mobilise public support. If you can, please get down to one and help out. Contact your local NUT or People’s Assembly group for details.

People’s Assembly National Conference.
Saturday 15 March 2014, 10am – 5pm
Emmanuel Centre, Marsham Street,London SW1P 3DW
Register for the conference here:
Click here for full details:

       NUT secretary Christine Blower, and Kirstine Carbutt, one of the Doncaster workers on strike, will be speaking at the People’s Assembly national conference on 15 March 2014. People from across the country, and from across the anti-austerity and trade union movements will come together to debate and discuss the way forward.
    This is an event you can’t miss: We need to unite all our experience of campaigning and organising to develop a national action plan that can start to turn the tide on austerity in a serious way. Make sure you have registered your place:
You can come as a delegate from any supporting organisation, community group or trade union branch and individuals can come as observers.
Conference details:
Saturday 15 March 2014, 10am – 5pm
Emmanuel Centre, Marsham Street, London SW1P 3DW
Full details can be found here:
Send Osborne a message on Budget Day

      We are putting together a short film with a messages from the people to George Osborne. Send us a short message of yourself, your friends, family, colleagues, and get onto the streets and ask the public what their message to Osborne is this Budget day. Send your video to:, and feel free to contact with any questions. People’s Assembly groups across the country are organising protests and actions on 19 March which will be publicised on our website soon.
     In London, we are organising a protest and rally at at Downing Street. Click here for details:
Speakers include: Owen Jones, Kate Smurthwaite (comedian), Katy Clark MP. Music from Sean Taylor. More tba. Please invite your friends on facebook and share widely.

In solidarity,
Sam Fairbairn
The People’s Assembly Against Austerity
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Faceless Corporations Have Us By The Balls.

      The final stages of corporatism, profit from your illness, profit from your incarceration, the end of public assets, the end of public spaces. You are either profitable to them or you are superfluous, a useless waste product. The faceless corporations have us by the balls, ----at the moment!!

via a comrade of Brighton ABC:
      Neo-liberalism, an ideology and concept usually associated with a particularly ruthless brand of free-market economics, has now reached into the very core services of the state and institutions that were once considered strictly off limits to financial speculators and entrepreneurs: the NHS, the prison system and the criminal justice system. Neo-liberalism doesn’t just involve a massive shift of economic power and wealth to an already extremely powerful and wealthy social group, but also a fundamental shift in the philosophy and policy of organisations like the welfare and criminal justice systems, both of whose ‘clients’ are now increasingly lumped together as an undifferentiated mass of the ‘undeserving poor’ or an always potentially criminal ‘underclass’ requiring an equal degree of punitive supervision, surveillance and ‘management’. For the poor the welfare state is becoming increasingly like a carceral state. 
Read the full article HERE:

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Wealth Tourists.

     Our Etonian millionaires in the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, at the moment are on their bandwagon of "health tourists". People they deem to be coming to this country, getting health treatment and not contributing. With their dodgy accountancy they reckon that we are being done for about £500 million. Of course there is no way of verifying their figures, but to them, that sounds like a nice number, and it gives them another stick to beat up immigrants. However, they are not saying or doing much about those "wealth tourists", those who  make a killing in this country and plant the loot in a cosy wee tax haven. Now we know that figure is into the billions, but most of those indulging in that, happen to belong to the same club as our Etonian parasites. These "wealth tourists" use all the facilities in this country, its infrastructure, and contribute virtually nothing, they live in the world of tax loopholes, tax havens, off-shore accounts, hedge funds, Eurobonds, and they own most of this country's assets. We the tax payer provide them with all the infrastructure to allow them to rip us off.  It is this ratbag of "wealth tourists" that are bleeding us dry, not the odd immigrant that gets health treatment. 
     Of course to you and I, we believe that in any civilised society, everybody is entitled to the health care they need, no matter where they are from or where they live, but to our millionaire parasites, health care is a commodity to be sold and make a profit from. That is a fundamental difference between a social society and a corporate society.

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What Do You Expect?

        There should be no gasps of surprise and raising arms in horror at the privatisation of the Royal Mail, it should have been expected. The ideology hasn't changed in years, it is the same direction as always, everything must be owned by the corporate/financial Mafia. We have been moving in that direction continuously, coal mines, railways, telephone company, gas, electricity, if it is deemed to be an essential service, it will be privatised, and if it starts to lose money it will be subsidised by the tax payer, or it will be handed back to the tax payer until it is profitable, and then hand back to the corporate greed machine. An example of this is Network Rail. Another is the banks, they were going bust, so time to subsides them or hand them to the taxpayer. Now that they are beginning to show a profit, hand them back to the Corporate juggernaut. This policy of privatisation will continue with education, more and more “free” academies, and with the health service, Hitchingbrooke Hospital in Cambridgeshire is already being run by a private company, with the George Elliot Hospital in Warwickshire being told to seek a partner in the private sector to run it affairs. All public assets are set to be sold off to the corporate/financial Mafia, education, NHS, libraries, museums, public parks, you name it, it will go, all that is ours has to be transferred to the corporate world, it is an ideology that wont change unless we the ordinary people call a halt, and destroy this capitalist cancer that is devouring all that is social and shiting out greed driven rotten corporatism.

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How Much Profit In A Child’s Illness?

      As the ConDem bunch of millionaires spout their usual crap about the NHS being safe in their hands, another NHS hospital is being set up to be run by a private company. The George Elliot Hospital in Warwickshire has been given the nod to go into discussions with a private company to run its affairs, at a profit of course. Last year the Hitchingbrooke Hospital in Cambridgeshire had the dubious honour of becoming the first NHS hospital to be run by a private company. So this year we have another, privatisation by creep. Two hospitals in the NHS system being run privately and for profit, no doubt it will be deemed such a success by our millionaire cabal, and their corporate parasitic friends, that there will be a gallop towards privately run hospitals within the NHS, until the NHS is privately run in its entirety. Above the entrance of every hospital will be the motto, "We Can Heal You, But Only If Profitable."
    The agenda never changes, everything to be run by corporations, no public services, no public assets, everything at a profit for our parasitic shareholders. Soon anything with the word “social” attached to it will be deemed evil, to utter such a word will be seen as worse than racism. We must all honour and worship profit, bow down before the altar of “the economy” 
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Categories: Anarchism

Fiddlers And Crooks, The Lot Of Them.

        Well we all knew that Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary, was a fiddler, remember his expenses scandal? Well now the Courts have ruled he broke the law on another matter.
This from 38 Degrees:  

     This is HUGE news. Today, we got the verdict in the court case against health secretary Jeremy Hunt, which 38 Degrees members helped to pay for.
      It's the result we had all hoped for: the judge ruled that Jeremy Hunt acted illegally. He's been ordered to scrap his plan to cut A&E and maternity services at Lewisham Hospital, south London. [1]
       This is fantastic news for the people of Lewisham. But it's also great news for the rest of us. If Jeremy Hunt had got away with this in Lewisham, no hospital would have been safe.
      When the Save Lewisham Hospital campaign decided to take Jeremy Hunt to court, thousands of us from all across the UK stepped in to help. Together, chipping in whatever we could afford, we raised the £20,000 they needed to launch their legal challenge. [2]
       It's not often that ordinary people come together to take the government to court. That was an impressive achievement in itself. But to win – and to prove that Jeremy Hunt is breaking the law – is simply amazing.
       There will be so much more to do if we're going to stop and reverse this government's damaging attacks on our health service. In Lewisham, there's a chance the government may appeal the court's decision. Everywhere else, there are cuts, privatisation, and low care standards for us to battle against.
      Today is a great win - but the Save our NHS campaign will need to go on tomorrow!
     But let's take a little bit of time to celebrate first. Here are two ways to toast this success:
     1. Raise a glass this evening to all the people who made this breakthrough possible. The 38 Degrees members who donated. All the other 38 Degrees members who are involved in the Save Our NHS campaign. The brilliant local campaigners in the Save Lewisham Hospital campaign who have worked tirelessly for months. The crack legal team at Leigh Day solicitors. And the wonderful local NHS staff who've just kept going despite their hospital being under threat.
      2. Forward this e-mail to any friends or contacts who could do with a little bit of inspiration. Sometimes it can feel like it's impossible for us to make a difference. Today's success proves that when enough of us work together, we really can. People power works!
Here's what Dr Louise Irvine, chair of the Save Lewisham Hospital campaign, has to say:

     "We're delighted by the judgement and the support we've got from Lewisham and beyond, especially from 38 Degrees members who donated to make today's victory possible and helped give us the confidence to stand up to Jeremy Hunt in court".

Thank you for everything you do,

David, Susannah, Ian, Travis, Blanche and the 38 Degrees team

PS: If you're on Facebook or Twitter why not celebrate there too?

ann arky's home.

We Will Make Money From Your Child’s Illness.

       As our millionaire cabal in The Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption slice and dice our health service into portions suitable for their corporate friends to swallow, we can expect conditions to deteriorate. As the corporate greed machine gets more and more control over our NHS, profit will be the governing factor and its only purpose. Some seem to naively believe that somehow the NHS is so necessary for the well being of the people, that the state couldn't let it collapse, after all the state is there to serve us!!! In the eyes of our lords and masters, it won't collapse, it will be transformed into a giant corporate feeding trough. The health of the people always takes its place down the list when the financial mafia rule the roost, as they do today. You will receive treatment according to the money in your bank account.
       We can take a look at what has happened to the health service in Greece, the Greek state, a developed European state and member of the EU, has watched it's health service disintegrate before its very eyes. It is safe to say that Greece no longer has a health service, it has been sacrificed at the altar of austerity. Meanwhile, people can't afford their medicine, chemist run out of medical supplies, patient beds are housed in corridors and health problems are mushrooming among the general population. This is all done to honour the money barons sitting in their marble halls. We live in an insane system where the health and well being of the people plays second fiddle to the bank accounts of the financial mafia.
From The Greek Streets:

      On 19 July 2013 the new minister of health Adonios Georgiades (an extreme-Rigth MP) went to the Attiko hospital for an inspection accompanied by TV cameras. However, ministry officials passed by earlier to make sure that no patients are not to be seen in camp beds in the hospital corridors. Patients had to squeeze into rooms (8 patients in 4 bed rooms) temporarily until the minister and the TV cameras leave, so everything would look good ιν the TV. When the minister arrived doctors and patients protested for the ridiculous scenario and the budget cuts in health care, so riot police stormed the hospital faciltiies to protect the minister and keep the protesters away from the cameras.
Are we looking at our tomorrow??

ann arky's home.

It’s Busines As Usual.

       It seems that Jeremy Hunt, (our Health Minister) tried to sound and look shocked when the The Daily Telegraph announced that its under cover reporters had uncovered a scheme where by Pharmaceutical companies help chemists to rip-off the NHS. It's all pretence of course, as I'm sure Jeremy, (he who was caught fiddling his rent expenses) knows very well, that's the way this system works.
        It seems that the chemists can order drugs for the NHS and be overcharged by 50%, by the pharmaceutical company, sell them on to the NHS, with their mark-up on top, and then claim the over-charge back from the pharmaceutical company. Another little fiddle would be for the pharmaceutical company to send dupicate invoices, which the pharmaceutical representative stated was, “slightly perhaps underhand”
      Everybody knows that this is how this corrupt system works, bribes, back-handers, slush funds, duplicity, everything to get the edge on your competitor and rip-off the public. We all know what “lobbying” is about, call it what you will but it is all about paying for favours, but at the end of the day every penny paid in bribes, back-handers, slush-funds, and “lobbying” expenses, comes from you and I. These companies don't make the money in the back room on a desktop printer, they collect it from the public via their product or service. All the bonuses, bribes and fat salaries are collected from you the public. The pharmaceutical industry's alleged fiddles are paid for by you, the money that changes hands in “lobbying, is paid by you. That's the system we live in, a rip-off system for the very rich, they bribe their way to greater wealth with our money. Ah, the wonders of capitalism. 

ann arky's home.

Profit From People’s Misfortunes.

      There is one thing that most people in the UK are sure of, is that at no time did they vote for the privatisation of The National Health Service. Yet we are well on the way to having a privatised health system in this country. Bit by devious bit, the market is being slotted in to all aspects of the NHS. One sector of the health service that has seen a dramatic rise in health service for profit, is the ambulance service. This service is an integral and necessary part of the NHS, but to the corporate world it is just another money spinner. The recent rise in the use of private ambulance companies within the NHS is quite staggering, it is big money. During the year 2010/11 in Yorkshire the NHS spent approximately £500,000, on private ambulance services, for the year 2012/13 that had risen to £1.8m. an increase of £1.3m. London showed an even more dramatic increase in NHS money going into the coffers of the corporate ambulance business, growing from approximately £400,000 in 2010/11, to £4.2m. in 2012/13. Other areas are seeing the same sort of increases, that's a lot of NHS money being creamed off for a bunch of well-heeled shareholders, and at the same time jeopardising a core service at the NHS. Of course as we all know that when it comes to the corporate world, profit comes first, safety and standards come somewhere down the line. There has already been complaints about lives being put at risk by this creeping privatisation, and the body set up to check those standards is not quite doing its bit, "Last year the Care Quality Commission (CQC) released figures revealing that of the 245 private ambulance companies that it has registered, only 54 have been inspected."
       Of course we mustn't forget that £5 billion, "money from ill health", giant BUPA and the five private-sector hospital operators – General Healthcare Group, Nuffield Health Hospitals, Ramsay Health Care UK, Spire Healthcare and HCA, running alongside the NHS bleeding its resource for the benefit of those well-heeled shareholders. Is this what you voted for, is this what you want? No matter who you vote for, this is what your going to get, after all it was Labour that introduced the private ambulance service to the NHS, The millionaire ConDems are just oiling the wheels.

ann arky's home.


    Part of the bailout deal forced onto the people of Greece by the Troika, is that Greece privatises its public assets. These are assets that bring money into the public purse of Greece and could be spent on social services. One of the companies, soon to be privatised, in which the Greek state is the principle shareholder is ELPE (Hellenic Petroleum), while anther big money spinner that is set to be privatised on instructions from the troika is OPAP the state owned gambling monopoly. Two enterprises from which, it is virtually impossible not to make pots of money, to be handed over to the friends of the troika, the corporate world. While the troika are stating that Greece is bankrupt, they are forcing it to sell off that from which it could earn income.
      Of course it is all going to plan, the blatant and barefaced plundering of all that is public and transferring it to the private corporate world, the impoverishing of the people to replenish the gambling losses of the financial Mafia. What is more it is not just Greece that is being plundered in this fashion, it is world wide. Take a look closer to home, we here in the UK have already lost a host of rich assets to the corporate greed merchants, coal, gas, electricity, telephone, railway, now instead of being money earners for the public purse are part of the rip-off machine that grinds us ever nearer deprivation. However it doesn't end there, bit by bit education is being privatised, the National Health Service is halfway down the road to privatisation, social housing has all but disappeared, and there is much more to come. The corporate world will attempt to make money from anything, we are already seeing the development of a lucrative prison system. Which will of course mean that policies will turn to making sure that it has a steady and ever increasing flow of people to keep it profitable, it's called growth. The corporate world are not investing in large prisons as a short stopgap to help us out, their eyes are on future profits. Capitalism, no matter its shape or form, that is the direction it keeps moving.
      Do we really want to live in the faceless world of corporatism, a world over which you have no control what-so-ever? A world where you have no say in the shape and direction of your community, a world where everything is available to the rich and nothing available to the poor? Look carefully at what is happening, that is the road we are sleepwalking down, if we don't wake up soon, it will be too late and we will leave a heritage of slavery to the corporate world for our kids and grand-kids.

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