Posts by Adam Ford

Striking Teachers Rally in Liverpool

Teachers and supporters at St George's Hall. Photo: @atjackson As a march of five hundred or so striking teachers snaked its way through Liverpool city centre this morning, the woman with the megaphone tried to get four different chants going. First was "2, 4, 6, 8, Mister Gove negotiate" (he argues he already is). Second was "1, 2, 3 and a half, Mister Gove you're having a laugh" (this rhyme

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Introducing Liverpool IWW!

The following is a repost from the Liverpool IWW blog: We are Liverpool members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) union. We promote the idea of ‘one big union‘ – that all working class people should be united as a social class, so that capitalism and wage labour can be abolished. We believe in workers controlling their own struggles against their bosses, until they are finally

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Boston IWW Need Your Help!

Tasia Edmonds at a rally in Boston, Massachusetts Only last week I reported how Insomnia Cookies had granted back pay and union recognition concessions to the staff organised via the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), in the town of Cambridge, in Boston, Massachusetts. However, perhaps fearful of the revolt spreading, the company have started to victimise Tasia Edmonds, an IWW member in

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ULU Sabs’ Statement Regarding Marxism Festival 2014 and the Socialist Workers Party

The following is a repost of the statement issued by four sabbatical officials at the University of London Union: Trigger Warning: Discussion on rape-apologism Statement Regarding Marxism Festival 2014 and the Socialist Workers Party The Marxism Festival is the annual summer school event of the Socialist Workers’ Party (SWP). Our rejection of this year's request to book rooms at the

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Cambridge Patients Occupy Threatened Mental Health Drop-In Centre

Photo: Save Cambridge's Complex Cases Service Patients have now been occupying a Cambridge mental health drop-in centre for one week, in a bid to prevent closure of a service they regard as a lifeline. This comes just a few weeks after a similar case in Ireland, and continues to show a possible way forward for service users and workers looking to defend public services. The Lifeworks building

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Activists Chain Themselves to Liverpool Town Hall Railings on International Women’s Day

The following is a repost from the Angry Women of Liverpool blog: Activists have just chained themselves to the railings of Liverpool Town Hall to protest the impact of national and local government cuts on women, this International Women's Day. They are borrowing a direct action tactic and dress style from suffragettes, to highlight their opinion that the interests of women are still not

Liverpool Council Hits Vulnerable With Enormous Cuts Budget

Last night, Liverpool's Labour council approved Mayor Joe Anderson's budget for the next three years. Faced with a shortfall in funding from the Conservative/Lib Dem national coalition, Labour are dumping the bill on the city's working class residents, with one million pound per week to be gouged from a population of 465,000. While there would inevitably be many job losses resulting from

Boston IWW: Workers at Insomnia Cookies Promised Back Pay & an End to Retaliation

Last October I reported how four heavily exploited night shift workers at a Boston, Massachusetts cookie store had been fired for a wildcat strike, and for their activity as members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). The Boston IWW have kept up significant pressure since then (with one picket violently attacked by police) and have won backpay for the sacked workers plus back pay plus

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Kiev Students Call For Solidarity

The following urgent message comes from comrades in Ukraine: from an occupied uni in Kyiv [Kiev]: We, the libertarian leftists (around independent students' trade union Direct Action, Journal of Social Criticism "Commons" -, Liva - Ukrainian leftists etc.) from Ukraine are convinced that the withdrawal of special

IWGB Workers Make More Gains at University of London

IWGB cleaners struck for their gains, so caterers didn't even have to! After the successful and disruptive strikes by cleaners at the University of London, it seems that sometimes all workers have to do in order to make bosses take notice is join a fighting union. This morning, the Industrial Workers of Great Britain published the following statement on their blog: Over the last month many

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