Posts tagged IWW

Introducing Liverpool IWW!

The following is a repost from the Liverpool IWW blog: We are Liverpool members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) union. We promote the idea of ‘one big union‘ – that all working class people should be united as a social class, so that capitalism and wage labour can be abolished. We believe in workers controlling their own struggles against their bosses, until they are finally

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Boston IWW Need Your Help!

Tasia Edmonds at a rally in Boston, Massachusetts Only last week I reported how Insomnia Cookies had granted back pay and union recognition concessions to the staff organised via the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), in the town of Cambridge, in Boston, Massachusetts. However, perhaps fearful of the revolt spreading, the company have started to victimise Tasia Edmonds, an IWW member in

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Boston IWW: Workers at Insomnia Cookies Promised Back Pay & an End to Retaliation

Last October I reported how four heavily exploited night shift workers at a Boston, Massachusetts cookie store had been fired for a wildcat strike, and for their activity as members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). The Boston IWW have kept up significant pressure since then (with one picket violently attacked by police) and have won backpay for the sacked workers plus back pay plus

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Jeff Monson, Mixed-Martial-Arts-Kämper und Anarcho.

Man kennt ihn vielleicht von diesem Bild hier: Jeff Monson, Kampfsportler aus den USA und Anarchist mit Schrankmaßen. Vom Bild her würde man jetzt denken, dass der Jeff den Cops ziemlich angepisst gegenübergestanden hätte, was allerdings nicht wirklich so ist. Der gute kommt mit Masterabschlüssen in Psychologie und Politikwissenschaften daher und ist sonst auch ein ganz netter Kerl. Neben seiner MMA-Karriere ist er außerdem Mitglied in der anarchistischen Gewerkschaft IWW (Industrial Workers of the World). Guter Mann!

Vielen Dank für's Abonieren von brainm0sh.

The New Working Class Movement: Workplace Organisation

Strikers during the IWW-led 'Bread and Roses' textile strike of 1912 "The working class and the employing class have nothing in common. There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among millions of the working people and the few, who make up the employing class, have all the good things of life. Between these two classes a struggle must go on until the workers of the world

Glasgow, Police Helicopters And Accidents.

      Like many, many people across the country I have been deeply moved and saddened by the loss of life and the injuries from the recent tragic accident of the helicopter crash onto the roof of the Clutha in Glasgow. Everybody accepts it was an horrific accident, but like all accidents, we have to carefully analyse the events and attempt to guarantee that this will never happen again. I have no doubt that the experts will point to some mechanical failure, but there are other aspects that must be looked at, for example, why are there low flying helicopters over dense urban areas? This was the second police helicopter crash in Glasgow, that's two too many.
    I received this from an IWW member and I whole heartedly endorse the contents. 
 Ground Surveillance Helicopters – Permanently!
      The Clutha Vaults tragedy on 29th November touched so many. It killed 6 pub users and injured many others, physically and emotionally. It happened because of the increasing practice, of low-flying helicopters being used in dense urban areas. We are mourning the dead, some like John McGarrigle immortalised in print.
    But “an injury to one is an injury to all “, as the wobbly slogan puts it. From mourning we should take the step to organise to highlight, oppose, and demand the end to the use of helicopters in this way.
Helicopters are used to convey the sick and injured – but that is a different use from that of the Police. How many of us have got up from our sofa to be met by a bright light, like a searchlight, barely clearing our tenements and houses/
    The Clutha had a great reputation as a haven for radical & literary ideas, for poetry and live music. But in addition to commemoration, or rebuilding the Clutha/ we can add our opposition to the use of surveillance helicopters This is not to blame the pilot, but to identify the practice, and the record of accidents and near misses associated with this practice/ As with other aspects of the creeping surveillance State – we ask , what are they useful for, and to who?
Campaign to put an end to their use, this winter of discontent!
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Stuff Happening this week (online and on the street)

So, as we hit the last month of the year, there is still plenty of interesting and important things happening in Glasgow. This week sees the ‘Week of Action Against Workfare and Sanctions’ kick off; there are be online blockades/ … Continue reading

New York Bakers Use Online Tactics To Embarrass Employers

Jesse Eisenberg and Megan Fox love the food, but staff can't make ends meet Workers at the Amy's Bread bakery in New York have gone public about their organising, following a march on Monday. They have demanded a living wage, affordable healthcare and respect at work, but they are fighting for these demands outside of traditional union structures. Rather than seek union recognition, they are

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Workers Know Your History, Joe Hill.

      An anniversary worth remembering, a fighter for his class, November 19, 1915, Joe Hill was murdered by firing squad by the state. He was charged with murder but subsequent evidence proved he was innocent. Joe Hill was an organiser for the IWW and spent his short adult life fighting for justice for the ordinary people.

My will is easy to decide,
For there is nothing to divide.
My kin don't need to fuss and moan,
"Moss does not cling to a rolling stone."

My body? Oh, if I could choose
I would to ashes it reduce,
And let the merry breezes blow,
My dust to where some flowers grow.

Perhaps some fading flower then
Would come to life and bloom again.
This is my Last and final Will.
Good Luck to All of you,
Joe Hill

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Categories: Anarchism

Starbucks Union ends Chilean strike with Official Declaration

Staff at Starbucks Hotel Best Western Marina Las Condes The following is a translation of a statement made by the Industrial Workers of the World-linked Starbucks Coffee Union, following a recent eleven day strike in Chile. The union is organised by about half the company's Chilean workforce, on a rank and file basis: 9th November 2013 3:14am To our workers, our friends and citizens. Today

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