Posts tagged hunger strike

750 immigration detainees on hunger strike at NW Detention Center

From KOMO News: TACOMA, Wash. – Immigrant-rights activists rallied outside the Northwest Detention Center on Saturday, while at least 750 detainees protested their treatment and called for an end to deportations with a hunger strike. The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement department said on Saturday morning that 750 detainees had refused to eat and said […]

Don’t Let Isa Fly!

      Day and daily, no matter where we live, we see the state’s inhumanity. In most cases our own babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, don’t report that inhumanity in its own back yard, but is quick to point the f…

Continue reading at annarky's blog. …

California prison guards retaliating against hunger-strikers, lawyers say

By Rory Carroll of The Guardian: Prison guards are trying to break a hunger strike involving thousands of prisoners in California by blasting cells with cold air, confiscating legal documents and, in one case, banning lawyers, according to legal representatives and relatives. Authorities have taken the action, it is alleged, in retaliation for a strike which entered its 12th […]

Ruthless Suzuki.

      All those shiny Suzuki cars are not quite that shiny, they are stained with the sweat, hardship and poverty of thousands of ordinary people. Like all corporate bodies, Suzuki is ruthless in its quest for increased profit. If that means crushing any attempt by the workers to organise for better conditions, and intimidation backed up by the state, then that's OK in their rule book.
     This is an appeal from Labour Start for solidarity in support of the workers' struggle at Suzuki.

Support the campaign - click here.

     Workers at the Maruti Suzuki auto factory in India have decided to escalate their ongoing struggle for justice by launching an indefinite sit-in demonstration and hunger strike starting on 18 July.
     The are protesting the continued jailing (for a full year) of 147 workers, the arrest warrants targeting 66 more, and the sacking of 2,300 workers by the company.
     The workers have asked for our help to send messages of protest to India. It will take you just a few seconds to send off your message. Please click here to do so.

Thank you -- and please spread the word.

Eric Lee

ann arky's home.

Prisons Are Big Business.

      It is a cruel and strange world where large corporations make money from locking people up in cages.The prison "service" is big business especially in the US, where large corporations invest billions on building and running prisons. Like all large corporations, the have to keep cutting costs and increasing profits to keep their greedy shareholders happy. This can only mean deteriorating conditions for those unfortunate to get caught up in the web of greed. What sort of conditions would make 30,000 prisoners go on hunger strike, it is difficult to imagine those sort of conditions, and what is more distressing is that they are administered by ordinary people doing the dirty work for the corporations.

30,000 prisoners start hunger strike in California

     Around 30,000 prisoners in California have begun an indefinite hunger strike and work stoppage. They say:

     “We are grateful for your support of our peaceful protest against the state-sanctioned torture that happens not only here at Pelican Bay but in prisons everywhere. We have taken up this hunger strike and work stoppage, which has included 30,000 prisoners in California so far, not only to improve our own conditions but also an act of solidarity with all prisoners and oppressed people around the world.” 

       Nearly 12,000 prisoners in California are being held in extreme isolation, in cells with no windows, and no access to fresh air or sunlight. In 2011 Juan Méndez, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, recommended a ban on subjecting prisoners to solitary confinement for more than 15 days. But people in state prisons in California have been held in solitary confinement for 10-40 years.

More information and action you can take to support the hunger-strikers:

Bare-Knuckle Capitalism.

     Though we can all claim that democracy in Europe is an illusion, a screen of smoke and mirrors, in Greece the illusion has evaporated, the smoke has cleared and the mirrors are shattered. Greece is at the sharp end of the Troika's (EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) creation of an all European sweatshop. As the people's resistance grows, so does the state's brutal defence of its power and privileges No where else in Europe is the state so openly brutal and the police given a completely free hand to intimidate and savagely repress the public.
     What was a peaceful march in solidarity with a prisoner on hunger strike became a brutal assault by the fascist Greek state's storm-troopers.

Details of the case of Kostas Sakkas HERE:

ann arky's home.

California prison officials say 30,000 inmates refuse meals

By By Paige St. John of the Washington Post: California officials Monday said 30,000 inmates refused meals at the start of what could be the largest prison protest in state history. Inmates in two-thirds of the state’s 33 prisons, and at all four out-of-state private prisons, refused both breakfast and lunch on Monday, said corrections spokeswoman […]

Youth at Green Hill prison in Chehalis to go on strike, noise demo in solidarity

Monday, July 8, 2013 – 3:00pm to 5:00pm Recreation Park, Chehalis, WA Across the street from Green Hill Carpools leaving from the artesian well in Olympia at 2pm Prisoners in Pelican Bay’s Secure Housing Unit have called for a hunger and work strike beginning July 8th. Here in Washington, youth prisoners at Green Hill juvenile […]

Inside Guantánamo: An unprecedented rebellion leaves a notorious detention centre in crisis

By Terri Judd of the Independent: Emaciated and frail, more than 100 men lie on concrete floors of freezing, solitary cells in Guantánamo, silently starving themselves to death. Stripped of all possessions, even basics such as a sleeping mat or soap, they lie listlessly as guards periodically bang on the steel doors and shout at them […]

On May Day this Year I will be Fasting in Solidarity with Salvador Zamora’s Hunger Strike for Immigration Reform

Salvador Zamor (far left) has been on a hunger strike for 21 days as of 4-30.
The  other day, while out flyering for the May Day march, I came across Salvador Zamora. While talking to him, I learned that Salvador has a long history of sacrificing himself physically for the cause of immigration reform.

In fact, he is currently conducting a hunger strike across the street from the Federal Courthouse in Las Vegas for 21 days (as of 4-30) demanding genuine immigration reform. I was personally pretty impressed by that, since I get cranky whenever I miss a single meal. I'd be hard pressed to even imagine going without food for three weeks (and counting). And he even told me that he once went 70 days without eating during a previous hunger strike

So honor what he is doing and because it is the spirit of May Day, the true worker's holiday, I will be joining him in solidarity to support and help bring attention to his cause and would like to invite others to join me.

You can find out more info either on FaceBook here: May Day Solidarity Rally event or on our Meetup group here: Las Vegas Anarchy Meetup May Day Solidarity Rally.

Unfortunately, this is very short notice due to the fact that I didn't even know he was doing this until I happened to walk past and see him. While he has received some coverage from the local Spanish language media, none of the other local media has even mentioned it at all. Personally, I'm pretty hard pressed to understand how a guy going without food for over three weeks (and counting) isn't newsworthy, regardless of the reasons.

Although it isn't actually required to participate in the rally, I will be fasting for 24 hours beginning at midnight once May Day officially starts to show my support for his own sacrifice.

There is no "official" start time, although I'll be going down there in the morning and spending the day with Salvador. You are welcome to come at whatever time is convenient for you.

There will also be an official, albeit really sanitized and docile, May Day parade hosted by local unions and politicians beginning around 4 o'clock at the federal courthouse that you may or may not want to take part in. If so, you could just show up a bit early to show Salvador some support.

I hope to see you there. You can find the location on the map below:

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