84-year-old Krishna Swami Secunderabadi did schooling from Mufeedul Anaam Urdu High School, a renowned school in old city. He obtained diploma in Civil Engineering from Osmania University. He has also done P.Arch, IIA and MCA. He developed pen friendship with American presidents, prime ministers and ambassadors. His father was revenue minister during the period of Huzoor Nizam. Krishna Swami has the honour of meeting and presenting poetic tributes to 2nd president Sarwepally Radha Krishna, Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy, Giani Zail Singh, Shankar Dayal Sharma, K R Narayanan, and Dr. APJ Abdul Kalaam.
Krishna Swami says ‘I am a Hyderabadi and Urdu dwells in my heart. Urdu is such a sweet language that everyone becomes its admirer.’ He had a chance to meet 6 American presidents. He has also named his sons and daughters after international leaders and famous personalities. He has been a regular reader of Siasat Daily for nearly 45 years. He also writes for English and Urdu newspapers including Siasat. He attends Mushairas. He has been felicitated in the parliament house of Pennsylvania.
Siasat news
Long live Krishna Swami
Salute to Krishna Swami Secunderabadi, KCR needs to explore more such noble personalities of Hyderabad Deccan over the existing cheap anti Muslim prevailing politics. Mr. K. Swami is the jewel in the crown of Ganga Jumuna culture of past Deccan Dynasty and now to he Telengana State.
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