Posts tagged dissent


        Now as the financial Mafia put the boot in to the Greek people, it is impossible to even attempt to hold onto the thinest veneer of the illusion of democracy. Day by day the state comes down harder and harder on any form of dissent, more and more the gap between the people and "their" government grows ever wider. The powers that be don't even like to be seen in public, it only generates bad publicity for them. The so called elected representatives of the people don't want to have anything to do with the people, it is all corporate finance that matters.
            We should never lose sight of the fact that how the state acts in Greece is not unique to Greece. As austerity bites here and in other countries across Europe, each state will take the necessary action to force through the dictates of the Troika, that collection of vultures, leeches and parasites in the form of the IMF (International Mankind Fuckers) ECB (European Corrupt Banksters) and the EC (Endemic Corruption). Make no mistake, they are the rulers of Europe, the elected governments are there to manage the Troika's plans for the creation of a European sweatshop economy to compete with their Eastern rivals. 

This from the Greek Streets:
    Today the text of the 3rd memorandum of agreement eliminating public provisions was released. Simultaneously today, one day after the arrest of a journalist for releasing a list of tax-dodgers,  a young man was arrested in Corfu island because he published in his web-blog  photos of police officers having very friendly encounters with neo-Nazis. Earlier in the morning the management of the state TV channel (ERT) announced that from tomorrow the presenters of its morning news show are going to be replaced. The reason is that the two journalists commented on the attitude of the Minister of  Citizen Protection (police) who was threatening that will sue foreign newspapers  for writing that the anti-Nazi activists were tortured in the Police HQ. The two journalists were discussing about the coroner’s diagnosis which was released confirming that proper torturing of the 15 anti-Nazi activists did occur in the police HQ.
More from Teacher Dude's Grill and BBQ:
    Perhaps it is appropriate that Thessaloniki, which this weekend celebrated the 100th anniversary of its liberation from the Ottoman Empire looked like a city under siege. For three days the centre of Greece's second largest city was the objects of draconian security measures designed to avoid a repetition of last year's peaceful protests which closed down the annual military parade and forced the president of the republic to flee.
      Mindful of the fact that the event lead to the resignation of the then prime minister, Giorgos Papandreou just weeks later the current political leadership decided to make sure last year's events were not repeated.
    As a result 2,000 extra police were drafted to protect prime minister Antonis Samaras and president Karolos Papoulias as they visited Thessaloniki over the weekend. The security measures for the Oxi Day parade were so tight that no even the parents of high school pupils taking part were allowed within the 1 km “dead zone” that surrounded the VIP stand and effectively isolated the parade from the vast majority of citizens who'd turned out to follow it.
Read the full article HERE:

ann arky's home.


               I don't know the poet, but I pay homage to him/her, and I can't remember where I got the poem, but I like it very much, it captures the spirit of revolt and the determination of the ordinary people. The title is my own idea as it didn't have a title when I copied it away back. 


If You Beat Us, We Will Revive ourselves.
If You Suppress us, We Will Arise Again.
If You Defeat Our occupation, Of Streets We built,
We Will Occupy Our Jobs, And Our Communities.
You Cannot Destroy Us, For We Are,
Manifest, The IDEA That You Created.
Created Us With Your Arrogance.
Created Us With Your Exploitation.
Created Us With Your Prejudice And Your Greed.
You Created us with Your destruction
Of The World We love.
Ill-considered Occupations
Begat And Inspired Our Occupations.
Have Sown The Seeds Of Dissent.
We Grow Like Wildfire,
And We Bring Forth The Whirlwind.
Look To Your Barricades, Your Badged Lackeys,
Your Fawning Courts, Your Corrupt Officials,
Your Long held Illusions Of Divine Right.
None Of These Matter, You’ve Earned Defeat,
And You Will Take The Fall.
We are The people, Newly Awakened.

ann arky's home.


       With the millionaire ConDem's rapid dismantling of the very socialfabric of our society crashing along unabated, it is obvious thatthere will be anger among the ordinary people. People who have beensubservient, compliant and hard working as they tried to have adecent life will soon find, that is no longer possible. Anger willturn to action with circumstances forcing people to come together andorganise for their mutual survival, the state however, to protect its authority, will do itsdamnedest to prevent that coming together. The policing will change,dissent will be stifled and protest will be criminalised. On that theme, thefollowing article is lifted in full from that old war horse of theanarchist movement, FREEDOM, the longest running anarchist newspaperin the UK.

The graphics are not FREEDOM's.

     WhenOxbridge graduate Bernard Hogan-Howe began his new job asMetropolitan police commissioner in September, he brought with him aquaint PR phrase 'total policing' (that he himself coined when chiefof Merseyside police) as a way of introducing himself into the newrole as top cop. As a sound-bite it ticked all the right boxes for aninsouciant media – enticing, unspecific, and unavoidablynon-committal. But what in reality does a change at the top of thepolice pile mean for anarchists and activists especially during thisperiod of economic disintegration and increasingly fractious socialunrest, what can we expect in this new era of total policing?

     Already this year we have seen several examples of pro-activepolicing taking on a more sinister role – the kind of policing thatgoes beyond public order and preservation of the peace but designedto undermine political expression.

      When education activists did a banner drop at the Lib Dem partyconference in September they were remanded for three days by WestMidlands police as their “membership of an organisation showed thatthey could not be trusted not to cause danger to the public”. InBristol there was a raid on The Automonist radical magazine wherepolice seized phones, computers and paperwork looking for aconnection to the August riots, and it was during the August riotsthat several people received long jail sentences for simply postingmessages on Facebook encouraging participation in the unrest. Therewere also the pre-emptive arrests and raids on squats in the run upto the Royal wedding and of course the arrest of145 people for theFortnum & Mason peaceful occupation on 26th March.

       Butperhaps the most pronounced indication that we are enterig a new eraof political policing was the excessive and overt role ofplain-clothes police during the November student demonstration inCentral London.

      Despite the tightly regulated route of the march – each side streetblocked by a small army of well defended barriers – gangs ofplain-clothes police, acting independently of uniformed police,embedded themselves in the demonstration and sought to imposethemselves upon the crowd, only revealing their identities whenpeople grew hostile towards them. Whether this was to provoke areaction or simply target individuals they wanted to arrest, the gangstrategy highlighted a new and potentially dangerous example ofthings to come.

     Thisnew approach to the management of political dissent and publicprotest will impose itself more and more as the crisis deepens, wherethe legitimacy of government is constantly questioned and the role ofthe state relentlessly challenged, where ordinary people, angry anddisillusioned with the current state of things, become activepolitical subjects.

      Forthe state to maintain its authority and control over an increasinglyembittered population they must ensure not only a compliant protestculture but the continued separation between political activists andthe rest of society. Policing now has taken on a form of dissuadingus from expressing a common purpose. This is is the politicalpolicing of the future.


School of Americas.
      Many of its graduates have been implicated in serious human rights abuses and manuals used at the school appear to condone if not promote the use of torture. This has resulted in a grassroots human rights campaign to close the SOA, led by the organization SOA Watch. Activists opposed to the SOA often refer to the school as the "School of Assassins" and the "School of Coups." 
       Abuses SOA graduates have alleged to have committed include "the death or disappearance of 200,000 Guatemalans and innumerable other atrocities... In Colombia 2 million have been displaced and thousands are still reliving the horrors of their torture - not surprising since, with 10,000 graduates from the SOA, Colombia is the school's largest customer and has the worst human rights record on the continent."

Dear SOA Watchers,

…on the 5th day the mail arrived! And, oh my it was good. So many people wrote wonderful words of support and encouragement. I was just astounded by the wealth that just fell on me!
     I’m in a dorm of 32 women, 4 to a room, with double-bunk beds. The facility here at Ocilla (GA) is clean, modern, warm (most of the time) with lots of heavy doors that bang shut throughout 24 hours. Food is inexcusably bad, but it comes regularly 3 times a day and a vegetarian like myself can usually trade the (what passes for) meat for (what passes for) vegetables.
     The next stop will be a transfer to a federal prison. Or not. Some of the women have been here for over a year and expect they might just serve their full sentence here. Or not. And it’s the not knowing that keeps everyone on edge. The stories are heart breaking to hear; many get in trouble through drugs, pills or because their boyfriends committed an offence. Many have small children at home, no financial resources, no job skills, no support system, no education, and some face very long sentences. Hold them in your heart; light a candle for them. They need you very badly.
    There is a common room for the women in this unit, metal tables with attached benches, a TV set and microwave. The ceiling is very high and gives the feeling that we’re underground. There are three space openings leading up to small skylights. That’s our only glimpse of what’s outside. I saw a small beam of sunlight this morning.
     I talk about SOA all the time. Because I’m such an oddity here, many want to know what I did to get here and I tell them. They are horrified of course, when they hear what SOA graduates have done and we have some good conversations about governments and abuse of power.
       And we also joke a lot, sitting around laughing, passing the time. You may be interested to know that I’m developing a southern accent. Not good enough to pass, but I’m working on it. One of my room mates says if I let my hair grow out a bit, she will braid it for me (corn rows?)

Great warm hugs to you all, wherever you are.


You can write to Nancy at:

OCILLA, GA 31774

School of Americas Watch, PRESENTE.
ann arky's home.

Any Excuse

Last year I neglected to follow up my post Uh Oh – or Why I am Specifically a Voluntaryist, which was reblogged at Fr33Agents, in which I condemned violence against census workers and the nearly 3 million other federal employees in the U.S. Apparently the census worker who hanged to death last year with the word “fed” scrawled across his chest, suggesting that he had been lynched by an anti-government madman, actually committed suicide. He had obviously given a lot of thought to this deception, intending not only to defraud his life insurers but to make critics of “federal entities” look murderous:

When the body of Bill Sparkman, 51, was found near a rural Kentucky cemetery in September, he was gagged, had duct tape over his eyes and neck, his hands and feet were bound with tape, and he had “fed” scrawled on his chest.

Authorities initially investigated whether Sparkman had been a victim of anti-government sentiment, but today they said in a statement that he died during an “intentional, self-inflicted act that was staged to appear as a homicide.”

Two life insurance plans had also been taken out by Sparkman, a single father, right before the time of his death, but payment for suicide was precluded, said police.

Kentucky State Police Capt. Lisa Rudzinski said an analysis found that “fed” was written “from the bottom up.” He was touching the ground, and to survive “all Mr. Sparkman had to do at any time was stand up,” she said.

Sparkman had also “discussed ending his own life,” according to the police statement, and had often talked about the “perceived negative attitudes toward federal entities” by members of the community.

U.S. Census Worker Bill Sparkman Committed Suicide – ABC News.

As we see with most media treatment of the Tea Party, it’s pretty fashionable to make fun of the most visible tax protestors and to speculate endlessly on their capacity for violence, ignoring all the while the actual practitioners of violence.

To be fair:  Here’s a Rand Paul supporter turning criminally violent against a MoveOn activist.  He is obviously a bully  guilty of assault.

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Iran.  Everybody’s talking about Iran. The mainstream media are up in arms, political demonstrations are being held in cities around the world in solidarity to the protesters, and you can just tell politicos are bursting with the urge to throw their support behind the protest movement — so long as they’re after democracy. If it isn’t the [...]

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