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Tentative agreement reached for SFO food service workers!

SFO restaurant owners and UNITE HERE Local 2 have reached a tentative agreement for a new contract! The agreement provides for: Strong job security protections in the event of restaurant closures or lease terminations Affordable, quality healthcare for workers and their families each year of the agreement, ...

1000 restaurant workers on strike at SFO!

Travelers – bring your own food if you’re flying out of the San Francisco International Airport! After working without a contract for more than a year — in a region suffering from some of the worst economic inequality in the country–nearly 1,000 restaurant workers at San Francisco ...

Air Canada

Air Canada is one of Hyatt at Fisherman’s Wharf top customers. Air Canada’s management has continually ignored the hotel workers call for boycott. This arrogance has ensured that their airline pilots and crew now have to cross picket lines and face other actions that may be disruptive to their stay.   Airline ...
Wharton Shame

Wharton School

Shortly after the workers call to boycott Le Meridien, several workers and supporters met with Wharton West’s Vice Dean and lead of Wharton EMBA program Executive Director and asked if Wharton would honor their request.  Wharton promptly told them that that they would not.   The poor choices ...

Holiday Travel Alert

Food and beverage workers at San Francisco International Airport have voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike, as they fight for a contract that provides decent wages, retirement, and health care. A strike may be called at any time. In the event of a strike, food options at SFO may be extremely limited, ...
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