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Posts tagged people power


And from Teacher Dude's Grill and BBQ:

ann arky's home.


      Spain has the highest rate of unemployment in the EU, at present it stands at above 25% and rising, its economy is shrinking rapidly, and still the financial Mafia want more "austerity" heaped on the people. When is enough, enough?
This from International Journal of Socialist Renewal:

By Dick Nichols, Barcelona
       October 28, 2012 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- The economic, social and territorial crisis in the Spanish state is morphing into a crisis of the two-party system that has provided Popular Party (PP) or Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) administrations for the last 30 years. Basque, Catalan and Galician nationalist forces (left and right), and the United Left (IU) and Union, Progress and Democracy (UPyD) parties are gaining support. However, only a brave gambler would put serious money on the future evolution of this crisis. While the two-party set-up has been severely weakened, a replacement party with enough popular support to impose a different solution has yet to emerge.
       Some contrasting numbers from the latest Metroscopia polls point to some contradictions in popular attitudes that help understand why.
        First, the actions and leaderships of the PP and PSOE have hit levels of disapproval never seen before. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy inspires little or no confidence in 84%, including in 64% of PP voters. PSOE opposition leader Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba inspires little or no confidence in 90%, including in 77% of PSOE voters.

ann arky's home.


     A date for December, it could be a talking shop, but in reality it will be what you make it, and what you take away from the event.

From Up-the-Anti:

Since the financial crisis broke we have seen a rising tide of protest, revolutions and resistance. One of the driving forces of these movements has been a desire to change the future: to reject the idea that we have no future outside of the logic of never ending austerity, declining living standards and the loss of public services to private profiteers.

     Up the Anti is a one day conference to think about and discuss  how we lay claim to the future that we want and deserve. It will host an eclectic mix of sessions, ranging from in-depth seminars and debates to participatory, facilitated discussions and workshops. There are many questions we need to ask, including:
  • Is there an alternative to capitalism? What might it look like?
  • How do we win popular support for new radical projects?
  • What can we learn from the social struggles and new movements in Europe?
  • And how do we overcome divisions within left and radical movements?

What next after the Occupy protests?
       We called the event ‘Up the Anti’ because we all agree that we need to build a bigger movement against social oppression and capitalism.  But we are not just against things, we also want to reclaim the future from those in power who seem intent on dragging us towards austerity, growing social inequality and environmental destruction.
      The conference will be held in London at Queen Mary university, not far from Mile End and Stepney Green underground stations.
But the day is not just all workshops and seminars, we also have time for a gig at Queen Mary Student Union with comedy, music and DJs. Highlights include the up and coming radical comedian Chris Coltrane and the critically acclaimed blues guitarist Sean Taylor.
      UP THE ANTI is a genuine movement event put on by a plurality of groups, websites, publishing houses, and networks. It is sponsored by New Left Project, Ceasefire, Occupied Times, Anticapitalist Initiative, Platypus and Globalise Resistance.

ann arky's home.

Glasgow Defence Campaign: Hands off George Square: defending democratic righ…

Glasgow Defence Campaign: Hands off George Square: defending democratic righ...: The gloves are off! The time is now! Get organised or get banned from protesting in your own city centre square! A gathering of Glasg...

ann arky's home.


The world is our battlefield, solidarity is our weapon. It is a weapon that can't be beaten. People power will change the world.
This from LabourStart:

       A month ago, I wrote to tell you about Said Elhairech, leader of the dockers union in Morocco. Said was arrested in June on unfounded charges relating to "national security". You responded in your thousands -- to be precise, 5,657 of you sent off messages of protest as part of a world-wide campaign coordinated by the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF). And last week we learned that Said has been released and all serious charges against him have been dropped. (Full details here.)
     And last week, I wrote to you about the case of IUF representative and human rights activist Yacine Zaid, in neighboring Algeria, who had been abducted by unidentified men. I asked you to support the IUF's global campaign to get Yacine released. Over 11,000 of you responded and the result was immediate: the Algerian authorities decided his crime was "insulting a police officer"; he was fined the equivalent of 100 Euros and let go. (Full details here.)
     Yacine and Said, who are both outstanding leaders of independent trade unions in their countries, are now free men thanks to the efforts of thousands of trade unionists around the world.
       This is therefore an opportunity to remind you of seven things you can do right now to keep up the momentum, and to help us build a global network of activists who can be mobilized at a moment's notice in cases like these.
        If you have the time, please do all seven. But if you can do even one of these things, you'll be helping.
       1. See which other campaigns are still live and show your support. Workers in Guatemala, Pakistan, Swaziland, Turkey and Zimbabwe need our help today. Click here to see the five current campaigns we're running.
      2.  The fastest way to learn about new campaigns like these is by following LabourStart on Twitter,
       3. You can also show your support for the campaigns by liking LabourStart on Facebook.
      4. Encourage your fellow trade union members to sign up to our mailing list.
      5. Make a secure online donation to LabourStart to allow us to continue with our campaigning work. Does your union support LabourStart? Find out and encourage your union to donate as well.
     6.  Get your union to show a list of live LabourStart campaigns on its website. Full details are here,
     Finally, spread the word to your fellow trade unionists -- pass on this message!

Thank you very much!

Eric Lee
ann arky's home.


         We know that the present system stinks, is corrupt, unjust, exploitative and panders to the 1% pampered parasite group of arrogant greedy millionaires, but what do we put in its place? The A World to Win group have put together "an agreement of the People for 2012", what do anarchists think?

An Agreement of the People for 2012

In the light of the ConDems plan to turn Britain into a total market state and Ed Miilband’s plan for Labour to “save capitalism from itself”, we present a 2012 draft of the Agreement of the People (with deference to the Levellers and their 1647 version debated at Putney).
Whereas the current British state political system is undemocratic and unjust in that:
  • the state is a highly centralised, alienating power that has established itself above society as a whole
  • this power is exercised primarily on behalf of dominant economic and financial interests
  • legal authority does not come from the people as citizens, but from the Monarchy, Lords and Commons
  • the House of Commons is a powerless assembly rather than an independent transforming legislature 
  • Members of Parliament do not exercise any real control over ministers or civil servants  
  • a surveillance state secretly monitors and tracks the legitimate activities of activists, trade unionists and protesters
  • increasing numbers of “arms-length” quasi-state agencies have been created which are totally unaccountable at central and local level
  • local government has lost its relative autonomy and is now reduced to carrying out central government orders and decisions
  • the state has abandoned primary responsibility in a number of areas including housing, higher education and care in older age in favour of markets


       Spearheaded by the financial Mafia, and with the IMF, (International Mankind Fuckers) leading the charge, the march of corporate fascism continues unabated across Europe. The social fabric of the Greek people has been decimated and a whole country thrown into deprivation, but still the financial Mafia want more from the Greek people, demanding more unemployment, more drastic cuts to social services and the destruction of whatever working conditions the people still have, one such dictate to their partners, the Greek government, is to introduce a six day working week. Also sell off more of the Greek people's assets to their corporate friends.
       The Spanish people are now well down the road the Greek people have been dragged. The figures of how much Spain will need in a bailout has gone from €30 billion to €70 billion and now a figure of €300 billion is being mentioned. This is money that will be plundered from the Spanish public purse and handed to the financial Mafia. It will be raised by more unemployment, drastic cuts to the social services, the decimation of the health service and education, creating rampant poverty and deprivation for the Spanish people, as has already happened in Greece.
       As this corporate cancer spreads, the people are beginning to realise the obvious, that relying on "the government" to solve their problems, is like asking the fox to take care of the chicken shed.


I’m proud of my people, proud to be one of them,
that great mass on society’s bottom rung.
Those who, with coal-dust under their nails
in their eyes, in their lungs
claw at the earth's entrails.
Their brothers,
cement in their hair
in their mouth, in their ears,
oil ingrained in their fingers,
on their face.
Sisters, glistening with sweat
midst the ceaseless noise of machines
that throw out shirts, shoes, toys, carpets
for other people.
Those with soil and sweat stuck to their skin
smelling of the earth, feeding the multitude,
grinding out their lives in a harsh pitiless system
weighted down
with a sack load of half-dead dreams,
sometimes brought to their knees
by a tidal wave of despair,
never defeated,
groping in the dark to find tomorrow,
keeping hope alive;
they amaze me.
Somehow, from somewhere
in this cold, cruel
unforgiving scheme of things
they find love for their children.
Not a teaspoonful, not a cupful,
but buckets full, to bathe them in,
to pour over them.
They seem to know
that one day this world will be ours
and to take care of it
we will need those who have been loved.

ann arky's home.


      Here we are in the 21 century, living in one of the wealthiest countries in the world and we have charities handing out food parcels. According to the Citizens Advice Scotland, around 3,000 people have been given food parcels from The Trussell Trust since April this year. The Trussell Trust operates 6 food banks in Scotland but is scheduled to open more by the end of the year. Its busiest food bank is Dundee where they have handed out 1,188 food parcels between April and September this year. Approximately 50% of those seeking food parcels claim problems with their benefits. What is even more criminal is that almost 50% of food parcels go to those who are working. With food prices having risen by 30.5% over the last five years and massive increases in energy bills on top of wage freezes/cuts, it is no wonder that more and more working people are turning to charity to survive.
      Another feature of this capitalist system is the number of people in Scotland that live in what is called fuel poverty. Fuel poverty is when you have to spend 10% or more of your income on fuel, and here in Scotland we have 35% of the population living under those conditions. The figure is set to rise as another increase in fuel prices are set to hit the poorest hardest. Just another indictment against a system of greed.
     Because of the deliberate policies of our millionaire lords and masters, who frequent the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, we are rapidly heading back to the Victorian era of poverty in the midst of opulence. Our Westminster millionaire cabal are happily and arrogantly creating a society that is based on a low wage economy, where the ever increasing poor can beg or rely on charitable institutions. A low wage economy relies on a pool of desperate people eager for any kind of work as long as it gives them an extra crust. As far as our millionaire cabal of parasites are concerned, cheap labour is good for their millionaire business buddies.
      We have to ask ourselves, is this what we want for our children and our grandchildren? Is there an alternative? The parasitical political class will tell you that it is the only game in town, and all this sacrifice will bring you pie in the sky in the future. Lost generation after lost generation, waiting for that piece of pie from the sky, while the bloated parasites get ever richer and richer. This is all that this system has to offer.
       We want a better world for our children and our grandchildren and we know there is an alternative to this greed driven unjust, unequal, exploitative system. We can create a system that is based on sustainability, that brings our communities together in co-operation and mutual aid, we can create a society that sees to the needs of all our people, we know that there are enough resources to meet these desires. All that is lacking is the will of the people, the desire to take control of our own lives and our communities. The longer we delay the deeper we sink into the capitalist pit of deprivation and the harder it will be to dig ourselves out.


Public statement from IFA Congress Saint-Imier 2012, 9-12th August 

Public statement from IFA Congress Saint-Imier 2012, 9-12th August to other exploited and oppressed people of the World.
The St. Imier meeting has enabled a lot of groups and militants that are member and non-members of the International of Anarchist Federations (IAF-IFA) to meet each other. IFA would like to sum up the events of the last few days.

 -------Anarchists reject the idea that it is human nature that one personal exploits another and that we are unequal. It is the case that rulers and states throughout history have maintained this system. This lie justifies Capitalism as a 'natural' system. We hear that there is a 'crisis' of Capitalism, but Capitalism is crisis. It is a recent system in historical terms and has already brought humanity to its knees many times before producing the current situation. But people all over the World are seeing through this lie and are resisting states and capitalism as never before and seek to coordinate their efforts across national boundaries. This makes an anarchist society more possible than ever.----
Read the full statement HERE:

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I like this, from Kissing in the Dark.

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