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In this video I rediscover RISC OS. The last time I really used it was in the early 90s at school on the Acorn Archimedes, it has now been ported to the mode...
You know... there's more to operating systems than just Mac, Windows and Linux. A LOT MORE! But what do these alternatives look like? Well, let's check out j...
This short video shows you how to install RISC OS on the Raspberry Pi. Link to image file used: Link for Win32Disk im...
Remova marcas e riscos superficiais da pintura do seu carro em casa, sem ferramentas e em poucos minutos. Pode ser feito em PU poliuretano, ou poliester. não...
01 Aí eu gosto e vou pra cima 02 Tá bom, aham 03 Mais Fácil (participação Brian MCknight) 04 Pra você escutar 05 Guerra fria (participação Jorge e Mateus) 06 Fofinha delícia (Excesso de Gostosura)
SST - Segurança Saúde Higiene do Trabalho - Medicina do Trabalho Ocupacional - Agentes / Riscos ambientais - Diferença entre Agente e Risco - PCMSO acidentes...
Introdução ao Curso PMP Módulo 9, Capítulo 11 - Gerenciamento de Riscos do Projeto, ministrado pelo Professor Robson Camargo. Para maiores informações sobre ... Não há nada pior do que o sentimento que você tem quando vê um grande risco em sua pintura perfeita, bem, agora você pode se livrar dele facilmente e rapidamente.
Como remover / tirar riscos da pintura do seu carro com polimento Link do video do claybar watch?v=tyrJ-NZEReQ.
Fala galera blz ? Hoje trago a vocês um bom método para retirar riscos do black piano do Xbox one e ps4 vlw !
Da série NAPO.
SST Segurança Saúde Higiene do Trabalho - Medicina do Trabalho Ocupacional - PCMSO- acidentes doenças do trabalho - PPRA- NR - Riscos físicos - Princípios da...
Embora sejam extremamente duros, os vidros não ficam ilesos à ação do tempo e aos riscos provocados pelo uso de palhetas gastas, sujas e sem manutenção adequ...
Teste do produto Elimina Riscos da 3M. O produto se mostrou muito bom, teve um resultado melhor do que uma cera comum em retirar riscos.
TSA Saúde e Segurança do Trabalho Nesta vídeo aula vamos falar sobre a Análise de Riscos e abordar o seguinte: - O que é a análise de riscos, - Para que server a análise de riscos, - Quem faz a análise de riscos e, - Como se faz a análise de riscos.
Venha até a Abrasipa e teste a Gforce2! A Abrasipa demonstra as técnicas que, utilizando máquinas portáteis e produtos especialmente desenvolvidos para essa ...
3M Scratch Remover.
Haroldo Mota, professor da FDC da área de Finanças, fala sobre a Gestão de Riscos Corporativos.
Riscos adicionais - Curso NR10 Engehall Conheça também o nosso curso NR35 - Trabalho em Altura:
Dr. Alan Landecker (cirurgião plástico) CRM 87043 Personalidades, especialistas em saúde de todas as áreas, culinária, artesanato, matérias sobre os mais div...
RISC OS Open Ltd's talk from the 2014 RISC OS London Show
Heute habe ich mir mal RISC OS auf dem Raspberry Pi vorgenommen und möchte einfach mal zeigen wie es aussieht, wie schnell es ist und halt einen ersten Überb...
Autor internacional, Jeffrey M. Smith é um porta-voz líder sobre os perigos à saúde dos organismos geneticamente modificados ou transgênicos. Sua pesquisa re...
SST - Segurança Saúde Higiene do Trabalho - Medicina do Trabalho Ocupacional - PCMSO -acidentes doenças do trabalho - PPRA - NR - Riscos físicos Ruído Tipos ...
SST - Segurança Saúde Higiene do Trabalho - Medicina do Trabalho Ocupacional - PCMSO -acidentes e doenças do trabalho - PPRA - NR - ANEXO 10 NR 15 - UMIDADE – Dermatofitoses, micoses de pele, pé de imersão – Insalubridade – Alagado, encharcado - EPC, EPI - aposentadoria especial Bibliografia: Meu Linkedin:
10 02 2013 - MACONHA - EFEITOS - JOVENS SÃO ATÉ PRESOS PELO USO DA SUBSTÂNCIA - Domingo Espetacular flagra usuários consumindo a droga que é ilícita no Brasi...
SST - Segurança Saúde Higiene do Trabalho - Medicina do Trabalho Ocupacional - PCMSO -acidentes e doenças do trabalho - PPRA - NR - ANEXO 3 NR 15 - CALOR - Calorias, sudorese -evaporação, radiação, convecção, condução - nocividade -Desidratação- Insolação - Erupções do calor - fadiga do calor - IBUTG - Termômetro de Globo Bulbo úmido Bulbo Seco - Taxa metabólica - Nível de ação - Limites de exposição - NHO 6 Fundacentro - EPC, EPI, INSALUBRIDADE - aposentadoria especial Bibliografia: Meu Linkedin:
SST - Segurança Saúde Higiene do Trabalho - Medicina do Trabalho Ocupacional - PCMSO -acidentes doenças do trabalho - PPRA - NR - Riscos físicos VIBRAÇÕES de...
Controles Internos: Gestão de Riscos Palestrante: Luiz Geraldo Santos Wolmer Auditor do Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU)
➽ PRÉ-VENDA de GTA V para PS4: utilize o código EXCE5 para ter 5% de desconto!! 【Inscreva-se no canal, clique aqui:】 Canal do Alan: Canal do Mike: Canal do Felps: CONHEÇAM OS PATROCINADORES DO CANAL! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ➽Conheça a PSNGAMESDF: (cupom com 5% de desconto, aproveitem!) ➽FIRST PLACE agora na Rocketz: (Equipe-se PARA VENCER! agora com acessórios!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INFORMAÇÕES ADICIONAIS E REDES SOCIAIS: ➽ LIVESTREAMS: Instale o Aplicativo do canal para Chrome: REDES SOCIAIS: Twitter: @ExcelenciaGamer Facebook: Instagram: Google+: Obrigado por assistir, vídeos novos diariamente, sem falta! Então não espere mais e se inscreva no canal!
Como diminuir os riscos na importação, curso de Importação, professor Henrique Mascarenhas, GS Educacional Conheça nosso portal de cursos: www.cursosnaintern...
SST - Segurança Saúde Higiene do Trabalho - Medicina do Trabalho Ocupacional - PCMSO -acidentes e doenças do trabalho - PPRA - NR - CONDIÇÕES HIPERBARICAS --...
O programa irá discutir os riscos do setor elétrico em 2014. Cerca de 80% da matriz elétrica brasileira é atendida por hidrelétricas. A oportunidade que o país tem de aproveitar fontes limpas para a produção de energia elétrica, no entanto, proporciona agora dificuldades pelo pior período de estiagem já registrado desde 1931 na região sudeste. Para acalmar a sociedade o Camitê de Monitoramento do Setor Elétrico (CMSE) informou que o risco de falta de energia elétrica no sudeste e centro-oeste é de apenas 3,7% em 2014, ou seja, abaixo de 5% fixado como limite de segurança pelo governo. No entanto, após essa notícia, o Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU) divulgou relatório apontando "fortes indícios" de que a capacidade de gerar energia elétrica no Brasil é "estruturalmente deficiente". Para discutir esse assunto, o apresentador Luis Nassif recebe o professor e físico do Instituto de Engenharia Elétrica da USP e ex-secretário de Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo, José Goldemberg; o gerente em gestão estratégica de ativos da consultoria Deloitte, Luis I; e o professor do Programa Interdisciplinar de Planejamento Energético da Unicamp, Paulo Barbosa. Ver episodio: Ir para o site do
Visita no davi frias .dj bassfunn
03/02/2015 - O Opinião Minas recebe a engenheira Adilza Condessa Dode, que fala dos riscos à saúde provocados pelo uso aparelho celular, devido às ondas eletromagnéticas. Parte 2 - Facebook: Rede Minas -
A Hora do Sexo: Riscos no uso dos anéis penianos - 10-3-2015 - HQ Mais Humor em Raquel Bulha recebe o Dr. Quintino Aires na Antena 3 para falarem sobre dúvidas sexuais. De segunda a sexta-feira.
Plotter Design ergonômico, digitalização, criação e encaixe automático de alto rendimento. EnfestoAutomático Garante a distribuição uniforme do tecido , maior velocidade e qualidade no processo, evitando distorções ocasionadas pelo desgaste humano e o desperdício de tecido. Corte a Laser: Economia e agilidade na produção.
A�n se alaba al Cristo de la Gloria bajo las estrellas... 300 hermanos congregados
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Link para inscrição: Olá, se você chegou até aqui é porque tem interesse em informações sobre o SPED, sobre Contabilidade, enfim sobre todo esse universo ... Falando nisso, você está por dentro das entregas que as empresas precisarão fazer ao SPED este ano? Você sabia que as autuações cresceram 63% nos últimos anos? E que muitos contribuintes desconhecem o que precisa ser feito e quando deve ser entregue? Imagino que você não gostaria de fazer parte deste grupo. Como sua empresa ou seus clientes estão gerenciando este risco? Muito bem, eu sou o Fabricio Oenning, e estou trabalhando num projeto que chamei de Pensamento Contábil. Este projeto está voltado exatamente para tratar de situações como essas que comentei a pouco. Link do vídeo: Faço geração e distribuição de conteúdo sobre SPED, Contabilidade e área tributária. E você pode começar a receber o material agora. Clica neste botão que irá aparecer no vídeo. Você será direcionado para uma página nova. Lá, basta você informar um e-mail pessoal seu. Com o seu cadastramento nesta lista, você fica por dentro de tudo que eu estou gerando, economiza seu tempo, entende melhor as várias mudanças que estão ocorrendo e pode ainda, se quiser, entrar em contato comigo e tirar alguma dúvida. E pra te motivar ainda mais a se cadastrar eu vou te disponibilizar de imediato, assim que você informar seu e-mail, um vídeo exclusivo que gravei especialmente para falar sobre os desafios do SPED para 2015, e eles são grandes! Além desse vídeo também te disponibilizo um arquivo PDF com informações mais detalhadas desses desafios, com isso você tem em mãos os dados e pode consultá-los quando quiser. E fica tranquilo que este cadastramento não vai te custar nada... ele é gratuito. Então clica no link, se cadastra e nos falamos daqui a pouco... grande abraço.
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Meta---10-Joinhas---50-Exibições---Meta CrazysPlays o canal multitarefa! Siga agora no: Twitter- @Esoj77 Intagram- @Josesoj77 Playlists: Gameplays --- Animações --- Tutorias --- Setup do meu pc: Processador - AMD fx 8350 vishera Placa mãe - Asus m5a781-m LX v2 Memoria RAM - Kingston 8g Placa Gráfica - Zotac Geforce GTX 650 Fonte - AeroCool Templarius 750W Gabinete - Casemall Praetorian Coller - Evercool HPN-9525
Prepara als professionals amb les competències necessàries per identificar riscos i, elaborar i implantar un pla d'autoprotecció, exigible a determinades activitats, centres o establiments per a fer front a situacions d'emergència. L'alumne obté la titulació de Postgrau i permet la seva acreditació com a Tècnic competent en l'Elaboració de Plans d'Autoprotecció en l'àmbit local i en l'àmbit Catalunya. L'EPSI i la seva formació de Riscos i Emergències està acreditada en diverses comunitats autònomes: - Per I'Institut de Seguretat Pública de Catalunya (Departament d'Interior de la Generalitat de Catalunya). Més informació, la trobaràs al nostre web: I a les nostres xarxes socials:
Bombeiros retiram árvore que oferecia riscos na cidade de Uiraúna Acesse:
A música "Meus Riscos" é a sexta faixa do EP Desviante. Com participação especial do músico/compositor Roberto Reis. Faça o download completo do nosso EP pelo site A Wizier é formada por: Alecssander Pandolfi - Vocal Daniel Sunak - Guitarra Bruno Ribeiro - Guitarra Bruno Gomes - Baixo Wendel Cirqueira - Bateria EP Desviante foi Produzido, Dirigido, Gravado, Mixado, Masterizado pelo Marcio Menechini - Conheça o KIT Essencial de SST Para baixar gratuitamente o PDF mostrado nessa aula, clique no link abaixo:
A Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia na América do Sul, por meio de suas instituições e congregações, desenvolve materiais de orientação (manuais, vídeos, apresentações, etc), cursos, palestras, seminários e incentiva o desenvolvimento de comitês regionais que possam atuar de maneira preventiva e efetivamente quando as crises ocorrem.
Um país com 56% de taxa de cesárea, sendo 88% nos hospitais privados. O que as mulheres brasileiras acham disso, será que elas sabem dos riscos? O DVD da série Nascer no Brasil está disponível na Editora Fiocruz: Legendas em inglês e espanhol. Brazil is a country with a 56% cesarean rate, 88% occurs in private hospitals. What the brazilian women think about that, do they know the risks? The DVD series of Birth in Brasil is available at Editora Fiocruz: Subtitles in English and Spanish Brasil és um país con 56% del tasa de cesáreas, 88 % en hospitales privados. ¿Lo que las mujeres brasileñas piensean sobre eso, ellas conocen los riesgos? El DVD de la serie Nacer em Brasil está disponible en la Editora Fiocruz: . Subtítulos en inglés y español.
Um estudo revelou que o consumo diário de cannabis aumenta cinco vezes o risco de psicoses. O estudo foi feito pelo Instituto de Psiquiatria, Psicologia e Neurociências do King´s College de Londres, e conclui que a cannabis provoca efeitos colaterais nos consumidores, muitas vezes irreversíveis.
For the first time, InfoShare will integrate FIS' unique In-Depth RISC series.
noodls 2015-04-08Apple's new Photos app has finally arrived with the latest OS X Yosemite operating system for Macs ... OS X 10.10
The Times of India 2015-04-08... fixes to the OS. You can download the Mac OS X 10.10 ... Discuss New Photos app available in OS X 10.10
CNET 2015-04-08... one OS ... In the server world, the Linux-based OS has revolutionized on-boarding and provisioning.
noodls 2015-04-08It rolled out Wednesday with Apple's latest update to OS X Yosemite, following an extended beta.
Mashable 2015-04-08... OS device family, the Acer Chromebase series, complementing its existing Chromebooks and Chromebox.
noodls 2015-04-08Unlike Chrome OS, CoreOS is not targeted at the consumer space to power dirt cheap laptops.
IT World 2015-04-08OS X 10.10 .3 ... We got to see some of these features when OS X 10.10 .3
IT World 2015-04-08Gheobhaidh go leor daoine a gcéad bhillí uisce ó chomhlacht Uisce Éireann inniu.
RTE 2015-04-08The latest version of Google's mobile OS has been approved for the Google versions of HTC's two latest flagship phones.
CNET 2015-04-08Also new in Microsoft’s new OS release is a new browser, Project Spartan, which will have ...
The Inquisitr 2015-04-08In Microsoft’s case, this new cut-down OS is claimed to come in at only 5 percent of the size of its ...
Forbes 2015-04-08Based on independent oil and gas consultant reports from RISC (formerly ISIS) and Ryder Scott, both ...
noodls 2015-04-08Your eyes are gonna drown in your wine glass
Your mind is skippin' stones over your past
I know better than to ask you "Why love?'
When you begin to believe you're on lies then,
They'll keep swingin' long as you keep fightin'
Until you ruin a perfectly good night, my love
My love, you're not listening
My love, you're not listening
My love, try listening/for the voice that's whispering
to you, my love
Those tears are ten years old
That script has long been sold
That story is sick of bein' told
Say goodbye love
It's time to learn some new lines
They're already rollin' around in your mind
Don't waste yet another life, my love
My love, you're not listening/My love, you're not
My love, try listening/for the voice that's whispering
to you, my love
My love…
My love…
My love, you're not listening
My love, try listening
desert sand fills your boots
you promise not to run
california won't grow roots
they burn up in the sun
i'm lost but i'm not afraid
so what if nothing's taking hold
all the plans that you've made
let 'em go
falling down in the dirt - we're ok
we are tired we are hurt - we're ok
crashing cars, dying stars
i can love you like you are
hit the wall, have to crawl
even if we lose it all
we're ok
torn dress broken heart
stumble to the ground
feel the eyes rip you apart
they try to take you down
oh but they'll never break us down
falling down in the dirt - we're ok
we are tired we are hurt - we're ok
crashing cars, dying stars
i can love you like you are
hit the wall, have to crawl
even if we lose it all
we're ok
i know you don't believe it
sometimes i don't believe it
the gavel will fall, don't matter at all
you're the one you gotta forgive
falling down in the dirt - we're ok
we are tired we are hurt - we're ok
crashing cars, dying stars/i can love you like you are
hit the wall, have to crawl/even if we lose it all
sirens wail, empty sail/not enough cups to bail
bad luck getting good/you don't want it like you should
empty out your bank account
you know you can live without
hit the wall, have to crawl
even if we lose it all
we're ok
it's a new day, got a clean slate
gonna get up, fill my coffee cup
hit the interstate, gonna drive all day back to you
it's been fifteen and a half days
i can't take this long distance
something's missing in every moment without you
but all my troubles fade
everything falls into place
where you and i meet, baby that's the sweetspot
where you and i meet, baby that's the sweetspot
when you hold me in your arms there's nowhere else i
wanna be
yeah, where you and i meet, baby that's the sweetspot
when i feel like i can't deal
got the whole world on my shoulders
you're the one sure thing that will never bring me down
cause with you i feel safe
you're the eye of the hurricane
where you and i meet, baby that's the sweetspot
where you and i meet, baby that's the sweetspot
when you hold me in your arms there's nowhere else i
wanna be
yeah, where you and i meet, baby that's the sweetspot
we could stay forever this way
while the world spins on and on and on
where you and i meet, baby that's the sweetspot
where you and i meet, baby that's the sweetspot
when you hold me in your arms there's nowhere else i
wanna be
Stranger keeper
Hold us in your hand
Firing quicksand
Earth pulling us in
I'm waiting for the final storm
The warning song of the meadowlark
We are proud
And then we're gone
We sing alone in the dark
Tight rope walking
Riding yellow line
Always behind
I'm waiting for the final storm
The warning song of the meadowlark
We are proud
And then we're gone
We sing alone in the dark
I'm waiting for the final storm
The warning song of the meadowlark
We are proud
And then we're gone
We sing alone in the dark
I'm calling out
The only name
Let me be
What I am
Let me fall
To be whole
Again and again and again and again
I'm waiting for the final storm
The warning song of the meadowlark
We are proud
And then we're gone
We sing in the dark
I am nothing
I am made of everything
I am one with all
And all is all I am
I am nothing
I am made of everything
I am one with all
And all is all I am
I am nothing
I am made of everything
I am one with all
And all is all I am
I am nothing
I am made of everything
I am one with all
August air, was a dare, put my shaking hand on your
Pass the time, showed you my hand-me-down fake I.D.
You laughed out loud
Can't believe you snuck out
All I want is you (you, you)
All I want is you (you, you)
All I want is you to stay over
Bittersweet, kissing we, smoking that just to be cool
Your big sister's mini skirt and heels in a pile by the
Midnight, all our skin
Oh, we dive right in
All I want is you (you, you)
All I want is you (you, you)
All I want is you to stay over
Stay over
Come on
We laugh out loud
Can't believe snuck out for me
All I want is you (you, you)
All I want is you, yeah (you, you)
All I want is you (you, you)
Oh, all I want is you to stay over
Stay over
Stay over
Stay over
i'll never learn my lesson
i mumble down the street
i make a faint impression
cause i am incomplete
i tried to be there
in the open
tried to make you proud
i will walk through shadows of tall buildings until i
slowly disappear
make myself up for tourists
and join the living dead
'cause there's no room for purists
this blue will turn to red
my blues will turn to red
i tried to be there
in the open
tried to make you proud
i - i look into her faces
will walk (and in her steely spaces)
through shadows (i see her in reflection)
of tall buildings (she offers me protection)
until i slow (beneath her tallest tower)
ly dis (i think i know why i am here)
i (her colors on the sidewalk)
will walk (her lips will move but they won't talk)
through shadows (so i'm trying to uncover)
of tall buildings (the stillness of my lover)
until there's no (and in her skyward reaches)
thing more (i know there's nothing more)
i study you so well
i know your every smell
from the back of the room
i can't learn a thing, all i can do
is stare at you
cause my body's all a wreck
an adolescent mess
they call me names
cause i can't squeeze in, don't know how to act
but i will not be ashamed
if you'd stay with me forever
we'll be weird together
we'll make up our own rules
create a new kind of cool
we'd walk the halls with ease
say all the smartest things
and they'll wish they knew what makes us laugh
and what cigarettes we smoke
or even if we do
if you'd stay with me forever
we'll be weird together
we'll make up our own rules
create a new kind of cool
we'll never lose we can pick and choose
who soaks up all our fame
and we can shout and we can shut them out just to
tarnish their names
and how i'll glow in my beauty
cause someone out there loves me
right now life ain't so fun
i don't have anyone
if you only knew the things that we could do just me
and you
conquer the world, king and queen
at age thirteen
if you'd stay with me forever, we'll be weird together
waited a hundred years to see your face
and i would wait a hundred more
if only to be near you
to have you and to hear you
isn't that what time is for?
sailed a thousand ships in search of you
traveled to distant lands
i dove for sunken gold
i took what i could hold but you're
still the greatest treasure i've held in my hands
my love, the reason i survive
trust we'll be together soon
should our fire turn to dark
take my heart with you
a tattered photograph my pocket holds
i keep you secretly
i've studied every line
you're etched upon my mind
for not a million soldiers could take you from me
my love, the reason i survive
trust we'll be together soon
should our fire turn to dark
you always get the last word
you fly like a mockingbird
everytime i get you cornered you slip through my
fingers, you do
when i'm trying to outrun you
you won't leave me alone
when i need you to be with me
i end up on my own
oh i wish that i could move you
faster, be still or rewind
but it's a matter of time
my heart is a rubberband
strung out between your hands
you gave me love but i wasn't ready then, and you took
it back now that i am
when i'm trying to outrun you
you won't leave me alone
when i need you to be with me
i end up on my own
oh i wish that i could move you
faster, be still or rewind
but it's a matter of time
my love, (why can't we go back there) my fate,(are we
beyond repair) a year (it's not so far away) too late
(can we start over again)
if he could see (what he could be with me) me now (that
i feel differently)
i've come (he'll see i've come) around
when i'm trying to outrun you
you won't leave me alone
when i need you to be with me
i end up on my own
oh i wish that i could move you
faster, be still or rewind
a letter from her
from that summer
we were perfect
just going nowhere
pearls of wisdom
i must of missed 'em
she didn't mean it
that thing she said about forever
i could have asked her to stay
but i let her get on that train
we had it easy
oh, but we got lost along, lost along the way
we made it complicated
lost along, we got lost along the way
caught red handed
taking it for granted
guess we had a good thing
but i thought that i knew better
i let go too soon
gotta get myself back to you
we had it easy
oh, but we got lost along, lost along the way
we made it complicated
lost along, we got lost along the way
lost along the way
on my own
forgot my home
is where you are
is where you are
we had it easy
oh, but we got lost along, lost along the way
we made it complicated
let loose the horses
let them run
leave all the silver
we won't need it when the wind comes
if everything we know
all goes up in smoke
nothing can take me away from you
(let it burn down, let it burn down)
even if it rips right through
(in your arms now, in your arms now)
all that we've been living for
doesn't matter anymore
my love let's watch it all burn
grandfather ran guns
blood spilled in the war
love is why we're living
can't remember what's worth dying for
if everything we know
all goes up in smoke
nothing can take me away from you
(let it burn down, let it burn down)
even if it rips right through
(in your arms now, in your arms now)
all that we've been living for
doesn't matter anymore
my love let's watch it all burn
we built these fences with our hands
and time will tear them down again
start over
nothing can take me away from you
(let it burn down, let it burn down)
even if it rips right through
(in your arms now, in your arms now)
all that we've been living for
doesn't matter anymore
all these faces look the same
but it's not you
there's smoke but not a flame
no it's nothing like you
all i want is to see some sign
maybe something to believe
tell me i'm wrong
tell me you want me
i can take anything
you can lay it on me
lay it on me
today is like the day before
without you
the shadows lengthen on the floor
without you
i am haunted by your sympathy
will you tell me what it means?
tell me i'm wrong
tell me you want me
i can take anything
you can lay it on me
i can be strong
if you don't want me
honesty's all i need
just lay it on me
i believed that fate would save us
but time it heals the pain while it steals you away
tell me i'm wrong
tell me you want me
i can take anything
you can lay it on me
i can be strong
if you don't want me
honesty's all i need
just lay it on me
i used to wish away your memory every night
trying to erase the lines you've drawn
but suddenly you've faded almost out of sight
now you're going, going gone
why did i try so hard to let you go when deep down i
don't know
if i am really ready to say goodbye
now what am i going to hold onto?
i miss missing you
i always found some comfort in my loneliness
if nothing else it filled the space
now that i'm over you i'm left with emptiness
and nothing to take its place
why did i try so hard to let you go when deep down i donâ
€™t know
if i am really ready to say goodbye
now what am i going to hold onto?
i miss missing
your smile on every stranger's face that i saw
now i have to concentrate to remember you at all
why did i try so hard to let you go when deep down i donâ
€™t know
if i am really ready to say goodbye
now what am i going to hold onto?
sirens in the distance cry
the trumpets are sounding
for someone tonight
strangers in a blood red light
running around us
they reunite
the sky fell down
a star shattered highway
i heard the wind inside me crying
run and run (we're running out of time)
follow me back into the sun (I'll always love you)
on and on (we're running out of time)
still waiting for forever to come (I'll always love
don't know how to leave you
don't know how to leave you now
i wondered how this day would come
sure as the night falls
sure as the snow
never thought the light would break
so slowly
but we both know we gotta let it go
love be brave
burn all the maps and let the
ashes blow away yeah we
run and run (we're running out of time)
follow me back into the sun (I'll always love you)
on and on (we're running out of time)
still waiting for forever to come (I'll always love
don't know how to leave you
don't know how to leave you now
sirens in the distance cry
in the corner of my eye
i see my lovers face
i'm leaving time and space
Today you're gonna leave
Just like you did the day before.
Watch by the windowsill
You disappear into the corner store.
I could swear that I saw you
Slip out the back door.
You left your set of keys
And left me alone.
I'm pacing our apartment.
My head's a broken record.
I can't think.
I keep repeating the very last words that you said to
You didn't tell me you loved me
Just goodbye (bye bye bye bye)
And there was something kinda final in it.
Stay. (stay, stay)
Everything is wrong without you.
Stay. (stay, stay)
My whole world's a wreck
Oh will you save me now (save me now)
Or leave me crazy ever after.
I'm in a weak condition.
Now you cut into the heart of me.
You've got my mind racin'.
Losin' my grip on reality.
You got me second guessing what's true and what's a
Why don't you look me in the eye when I say
Stay. (stay, stay)
Everything is wrong without you.
Stay. (stay, stay)
My whole world's a wreck
Oh will you save me now (save me now)
Or leave me crazy ever after?
I don't know how to be alone.
Don't know how to be alone.
Don't know how to be alone.
Today your gonna leave
Just like you did the day before.
Everything is wrong.
My whole world's a wreck.
Stay. (stay, stay)
Stay. (stay, stay)
Stay. (stay, stay)
Oh will you save me now
Up, up, up
Doom and gloom,
Clouds gathering
Up, up, over my head.
Up, up, up
Doom and gloom,
Clouds gathering
flash flood under my bed.
Love, no such thing as love
all love letters fade away in the rain the rain
Love, no such thing as love
all lovers remain around until the rain
Pulled the curtains though the sun had given up
My blackened heart was next in line
Waste my day away just staring at the ceiling
My memories keep leaking in
Can’t stand the rain
Can’t stand the rain
Can’t stand the rain (no such thing as love)
Can’t stand the rain (flash flood under my bed)
Can’t stand the rain,
Falling slowly
Drip drop drive me insane
Can’t stand the rain,
No one knows me
Like my baby do
My skies are blue
Gone down the drain
With the rain
I got pots and pans all scattered round the bedroom
I’d empty them out but why?
No one left for me to straighten up the place for
Nothing left for me to do but cry
Can’t stand the rain (no such thing as love)
Can’t stand the rain (flash flood under my bed)
Can’t stand the rain (no such thing as love)
Can’t stand the rain (flash flood under my bed)
Can’t stand the rain,
Falling slowly
Drip drop drive me insane
Can’t stand the rain,
No one knows me
Like my baby do
My skies are blue
Gone down the drain
With the rain
Can’t stand the rain (no such thing as love)
Can’t stand the rain (flash flood under my bed)
Can’t stand the rain (no such thing as love)
Can’t stand the rain (flash flood under my bed)
Love, no such thing as love (Up, up, up, doom and gloom
clouds gathering)
all love letters fade away in the rain the rain (flash
flood under my bed.)
Can’t stand the rain
Here comes fall
orange and yellow leaves
float down from the trees
touch my window
shrunken small
i am but a fool
looking for a breeze
to take me along
it makes it hard to see
it's a blur
and the storm is almost here
come and take a hold of me my dear
you are in control, i disappear
nothing that i say will interfere with the
california rain
i knew it all
knew just what to say
i knew how to play
'til you were playing
so i crawl
you're over my head
everything is just out of reach
come and take a hold of me my dear
you are in control, i disappear
nothing that i say will interfere with the
california rain
i'm sorry
i'm blinded by fear
come and take a hold of me my dear
you are in control, i disappear
nothing that i say will interfere with the
my empty room
crowded too soon
look for the fire escape
picture myself
running like hell
making my get away
the walls are caving in with no warning
this ship is sinking i gotta swim for it
i'm running out of air
break me out tonight i wanna see the
sun rising anywhere but here
come with me, this could be
the only chance we get, we gotta take it
don't do it now we'll never make it
lose this crowd, break me out
we'll stare at our feet
sneak down the street
some kind of secret race
they'll carry on
won't notice we're gone
so easily replaced
the walls are caving in with no warning
this ship is sinking i gotta swim for it
i'm running out of air
break me out tonight i wanna see the
sun rising anywhere but here
come with me, this could be
the only chance we get, we gotta take it
don't do it now we'll never make it
lose this crowd, break me out
the walls are caving in with no warning
this ship is sinking i gotta swim for it
i got a feeling we're better off anyway
i don't care what they say
break me out tonight i wanna see the
sun rising anywhere but here
come with me, this could be
the only chance we get, we gotta take it
don't do it now we'll never make it
two centuries since I first saw you weave like a dancer, 'round my heart you grew wild when it rained I dug deep into the slate so we'd never be apart
you, you always stay by me you, you wander but never leave I'm the one who watches over you that's what I was built to do
laid the track poured the streets towers of glass and concrete in silence you watched what I became lifted me up said I'd stand at the top and all the world would know my name
you, you always stay by me you, you wander but never leave I'm the one who watches over you that's what i was built to do
love don't you weep you know we cannot keep this moment here together if you could only you see the beauty that i see we'd go on forever
and as I turn to rust start to crack, betray us you, you haven't aged a day when its time for me to go promise me that you'll flow until the ocean washes you away
I think you're pretty
Without any makeup on
I think you're funny
When you tell the punchline wrong
I know you get me
So I let my walls come down, down
Before you met me
I was alright but things
Were kinda heavy
You brought me to life
Now every February
You'll be my Valentine, Valentine
Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance, until we die
You and I, will be young forever
You make me feel
Like I'm livin' a
Teenage dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away and
Don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back
My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance and
Don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back
We drove to Cali
And got drunk on the beach
Got a motel and
Built a fort out of sheets
I finally found you
My missing puzzle piece
I'm complete
Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance, until we die
You and I, will be young forever
You make me feel
Like I'm livin' a
Teenage dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away and
Don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back
My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance and
Don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back
I'mma get your heart racing
In my skin tights jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
Let you put your hands on me
In my skin tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
You make me feel
Like I'm livin' a
Teenage dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away and
Don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back
My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance and
Don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back
I'mma get your heart racing
In my skin tights jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
Let you put your hands on me
In my skin tight jeans
Hey, I can tell you're not OK
White dress caught your Cabernet
The stain that broke the camel's back
Hey, slowly whittling away
Turned into paper mache
Feather brush'll make you crack
Cause I can see inside your broken heart
It's gonna be alright
When you can't see where you're going to
When it's all slipping away from you
I will never let you go
Oh, I am gonna lock the door
Make a refuge on the floor
Only coming up for air
Babe, you don't have to shy away
Just say what you need to say
I'm not going anywhere
When you can't see where you're going to
When it's all slipping away from you
I will never let you go
A work of art despite yourself
You fall apart, you're someone else
But I will never let you go
I will never let you go
I will never let you go
I will never let you go
When somebody cut your brakes
When you had all you can take
When the ground beneath you shakes
All you have are your mistakes
Spinning way too many plates
When you can't carry the weight
And nobody can relate
When you think it's much too late
When you just can't keep it straight
When you're settled on your fate
When they're closing all the gates
And the world accelerates
Josie's on a vacation far away
Come around and talk it over
So many things that I wanna say
You know I like my girls a little bit older
I just wanna use your love tonight
I don't wanna lose your love tonight
I ain't got many friends left to talk to
No-one's around when I'm in trouble
You know I'd do anything for you
Stay the night - we'll keep it under cover
I just wanna use your love tonight
I don't wanna lose your love tonight
Try to stop my hands from shakin'
Somethin' in my mind's not makin' sense
It's been awhile since we've been all alone
I can't hide the way I'mm feelin'
As you leave me please would you close the door
and forget what I told you
Just 'cause you're right - that don't mean I'm wrong
Another shoulder to cry upon
I just wanna use your love tonight
I don't wanna lose your love tonight
I just wanna use your love tonight
I don't wanna lose your love tonight
Lose your love
Lose your love
blue skies, Arizona long flight back home looks like they go on forever I know they don't
my heart's like this old suitcase worn out, torn and frayed can't hold what it used to it's half empty anyway
it's never too late to surrender it's never too late to make amends it's never too late to turn it over it's never too late, 'til it is
you were wild when I met you can't say I wasn't warned the first night you threw punches I should've walked out the door
it's never too late to surrender it's never too late to make amends it's never too late to turn it over it's never too late til it is
flying over the grand canyon I can see how the river used to run we all run 'til the water's gone
Don't wanna give myself away,
Don't wanna make the same mistake,
And if you want to know the truth,
Don't wanna love you, but I do,
So now you know,
Lover to enemy
You can see it now
You had plenty
Thought it wasn't any
You moved back downtown
So lonely together
Fight fair to dirty
Blah blah love and war
No no one's perfect
Wonder if it's worth it
All you want and more
So lonely together
Ask yourself did it really even matter?
So lonely together
Ask yourself did it really even matter?
Love 'em, leave 'em
Liars you believe in
So ask yourself
Did it really even matter?
Screws on loosely
Learned love from the movies
Anger from your dad
So unstable
Get it all on the table
Best you ever had
So lonely together
Ask yourself did it really even matter?
Love 'em, leave 'em
Liars you believe in
So ask yourself
Did it really even matter?
Lover to enemy
You can see it now
So lonely together
So lonely together
(Ask yourself did it really even matter?)
So lonely together
(Ask yourself did it really even matter?)
So lonely together
I'm drifting in the water, I'm somewhere in between A ship that cannot save me, a shore I cannot see My mouth is dry and wasted, my will is giving out I'm looking for religion, in the middle of a drought Ooh ooh
I want you to destroy me, I'm no good anyway I wrapped myself in secrets, and debts I couldn't pay I'm falling to my knees but I say give me more Show me what I'm running from and what I'm looking for
Like an arrow through my heart A stolen bow, the perfect shot
Maybe I want something that I can never have Maybe I'm an easy mark, a target on my back Oh you have no mercy, you come in disguise Maybe it's the best things that are hardest to recognize
Like an arrow through my heart A stolen bow, the perfect shot It doesn't matter if I miss or not Cause you're an arrow right through my heart
The armor, the shield, the fortress, the field The girl in the tower, the beast with his tears You've taken me over, you're breaking me down You're breaking me down, you're breaking me down
Like an arrow through my heart A stolen bow, the perfect shot It doesn't matter if I miss or not Cause you're an arrow right through my heart
end of the day sunburned road I'm driving away from my last hope the city glistening in vain in the valley below how did we get off track how did we get off track
take me back back when the summer came back when you cried my name back when we had it all back before the fall
passed the place where you decided to stay I can't help myself I can't keep away it's like somebody stole the biggest piece of me I may never see it again I may never see you again
take me back back when the summer came back when you cried my name back when we had it all back before the fall
ghosts of Mulholland calling me shadows that could have been following me leaves are falling from the trees headlights can't help me see there's a fog-like darkness rolling in but i know what's around the bend a cold winds gonna come a cold winds gonna come and
gonna start a riot gonna start a war sick of peace and quiet gonna settle up the score
cameras on the corner watching from above we're invisible ink and they can see what we've been thinking what have you been thinking of?
raining knives, paper world raining knives, paper world calling on the soldiers falling into line all rise
gonna start a riot gonna start a war smoke from friendly fire on the shelves of every store
never hand it over the deal has been struck there's a file that they've been keeping, you're walking while you're sleeping no one's gonna wake you up
raining knives, paper world raining knives, paper world calling on the soldiers falling into line
I'm mad about you
My lips are turning blue
I'm hot to the touch
I fall for you
Like coming down with something
Never hurt so much
Now I can't live without you
I can't have you near
A drought beneath a rain cloud
Baby won't you
I pride myself
Not needing anyone else
I suppose I was wrong
Was lost and alone
Ravens ate my breadcrumbs
There was no road home
Now I can't live without you
I can't have you near
You're an angel hiding doubt
Baby don't hold out
Be my cure (when under the weather)
Be my cure (you make me so much better)
Throw me back in the water
Covet me like a neighbor's daughter
Hold me like a deadly secret
Don't dare keep it
Don't you dare
Now I can't live without you
I can't have you near
A drought beneath a rain cloud
Baby won't you
Be my cure (when under the weather)
Be my cure (you make me so much better)
Be my cure (you make me so much better)
I'm mad about you