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The latest news on and the WordPress community.

Back to Blogging: Ten Themes to Inspire You Right Now

Whether you’re an old-school blogger rebuilding your online home, or a newbie diving into the world of blogging, consider these ten themes that’ll get you writing right now.

New theme: Harmonic

Modern and sophisticated, Harmonic is a beautiful free theme that showcases your photography.

Longreads’ Best of WordPress, Vol. 6

10 of our favorite stories from across all of WordPress.

Surviving a Stroke at 33 (and Blogging About It)

Christine Hyung-Oak Lee talks about life and writing after a traumatic health experience.

New Theme: Intergalactic

Designed by Automattic’s very own Mel Choyce, Intergalactic is a stunning specimen for your personal blog.

Engaged, Inspired, and Ready to Build a Better Web

One week every year, the entire Automattic staff gets together to connect, work, and laugh. And then, of course, we blog about it! Could you be blogging about your experience with us in 2015?

Early Theme Adopters: Eighties

In our Early Theme Adopters series, we focus on bloggers creating great sites with recent additions to the Theme Showcase. Today, let’s visit a few sites using Eighties, our newest free theme.

Longreads’ Best of WordPress, Vol. 5

10 of our favorite stories from across all of WordPress.

Around the World in Eight Photos

Tour the world in eight photos, courtesy of the photographers of

WordPressers Making a Splash

From new books to appearances in major media outlets, five writers have been busy these past few months.

Gmail Password Leak Update

We’ve taken extra steps to protect members.

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