Zany, public domain color cartoon, JERKY TURKEY, directed by Tex Avery and originally rel...
published: 15 Nov 2013
Zany, public domain color cartoon, JERKY TURKEY, directed by Tex Avery and originally released on April 7, 1945. Jerky Turkey is an animated theatrical short, directed by Tex Avery, released on 7 April 1945 by MGM. The story for this wartime cartoon -- which contains an abundance of then-topical references -- cartoon was written by Heck Allen, with music by Scott Bradley, and animation credited to Preston Blair, Ed Love and Ray Abrams. Radio actors Harry Lang, who appeared on the Cisco Kid, and Leone LeDoux, who specialized in baby cries, provided the voices. Subscribe to Captain Biou!! More vintage videos, trailers and commercials are added almost daily! To buy classic films, westerns, serials, commercials and vintage television shows on DVD -- plus original movie posters, autographs and collectables -- be sure to visit Captain Bijou's website, www.captainbijou.com- published: 15 Nov 2013
- views: 181
Sh-h-h-h-h-h (1955) - Another of my favorite Walter Lantz cartoons, this one directed by T...
published: 19 Jun 2010
author: ErisTheFairest5
Sh-h-h-h-h-h (1955) - Another of my favorite Walter Lantz cartoons, this one directed by Tex Avery. This was Tex's last theatrical cartoon. The soundtrack us...- published: 19 Jun 2010
- views: 187719
- author: ErisTheFairest5
Bad Luck Blackie
A cartoon directed by Tex Avery Enjoy I do not own any of this This video is like awesomen...
published: 19 Mar 2009
author: CanaidianKibaWolf
Bad Luck Blackie
Bad Luck Blackie
A cartoon directed by Tex Avery Enjoy I do not own any of this This video is like awesomeness!!!!!!!!!- published: 19 Mar 2009
- views: 45740
- author: CanaidianKibaWolf
1950's Tex Avery Mash-up
published: 26 May 2009
author: 1610mike1610
1950's Tex Avery Mash-up
Jerky Turkey - Tex Avery (1945)
Jerky Turkey is an animated theatrical short, directed by Tex Avery, released on 7 April 1...
published: 08 Aug 2012
author: Thadeus Q. Kentwell
Jerky Turkey - Tex Avery (1945)
Jerky Turkey - Tex Avery (1945)
Jerky Turkey is an animated theatrical short, directed by Tex Avery, released on 7 April 1945 by MGM. The story for this cartoon was written by Heck Allen, t...- published: 08 Aug 2012
- views: 3341
- author: Thadeus Q. Kentwell
Monsieur3D - Tex Avery et le Cartoon
Yo les gens, nouveau Hors-Série ce coup-ci où on va parler d'un type dont on ne parle abso...
published: 02 Mar 2014
Monsieur3D - Tex Avery et le Cartoon
Monsieur3D - Tex Avery et le Cartoon
Yo les gens, nouveau Hors-Série ce coup-ci où on va parler d'un type dont on ne parle absolument plus, sans aucune raison. Que justice soit faite. Vous êtes nombreux à m'avoir envoyé des messages, durant mon absence ces 2 derniers mois. Je ne pourrais que trop vous conseiller d'aller sur la page FB de l'émission pour être tenus au courant. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Les-3D-Mr3D/239019506159248 Et je suis sur Twitter: https://twitter.com/Monsieur3d- published: 02 Mar 2014
- views: 14440
Die Tex Avery Show S01E01
Gefallen dir meine Videos?
Ich würde mich über einen Daumen hoch oder Kommentar sehr freue...
published: 02 Feb 2014
Die Tex Avery Show S01E01
Die Tex Avery Show S01E01
Gefallen dir meine Videos? Ich würde mich über einen Daumen hoch oder Kommentar sehr freuen. Magst du Musik? Dann solltest du umbedingt auf meinem Hauptkanal vorbeischauen ! www.youtube.com/R00KiExCA Stehst du mehr auf Gameclips und Gameplays? Auf meinem Zweitkanal gibt es davon genug! www.youtube.com/HisNameIsZenz- published: 02 Feb 2014
- views: 52
The Wacky World Of Tex Avery - Episode 8
8. Cat Scratch Fervor/Say Goodnight, Freddy/Quiet Please....
published: 16 Mar 2013
author: RobochaoTV
The Wacky World Of Tex Avery - Episode 8
The Wacky World Of Tex Avery - Episode 8
8. Cat Scratch Fervor/Say Goodnight, Freddy/Quiet Please.- published: 16 Mar 2013
- views: 2216
- author: RobochaoTV
Die Tex Avery Show - Ach, du dickes Ei
published: 01 Aug 2011
author: HellytheKing
Die Tex Avery Show - Ach, du dickes Ei
Youtube results:
le loup de tex avery
un moment culte de tex avery , le loup qui deviens fou devant le petit chaperon rouge....
published: 31 Mar 2012
author: TheMasked ManIn
le loup de tex avery
le loup de tex avery
un moment culte de tex avery , le loup qui deviens fou devant le petit chaperon rouge.- published: 31 Mar 2012
- views: 20477
- author: TheMasked ManIn
Die Tex Avery Show S01E03
Gefallen dir meine Videos?
Ich würde mich über einen Daumen hoch oder Kommentar sehr freue...
published: 02 Feb 2014
Die Tex Avery Show S01E03
Die Tex Avery Show S01E03
Gefallen dir meine Videos? Ich würde mich über einen Daumen hoch oder Kommentar sehr freuen. Magst du Musik? Dann solltest du umbedingt auf meinem Hauptkanal vorbeischauen ! www.youtube.com/R00KiExCA Stehst du mehr auf Gameclips und Gameplays? Auf meinem Zweitkanal gibt es davon genug! www.youtube.com/HisNameIsZenz- published: 02 Feb 2014
- views: 68
Die Tex Avery Show - Theme (german/deutsch)
das intro zur beliebten Tv serie: Die Tex Avery show....
published: 10 Oct 2009
author: Nosyda95
Die Tex Avery Show - Theme (german/deutsch)
Die Tex Avery Show - Theme (german/deutsch)
das intro zur beliebten Tv serie: Die Tex Avery show.- published: 10 Oct 2009
- views: 938509
- author: Nosyda95