Huge course cuts voted through at Strathclyde & Glasgow

Crunch decisions over cuts at both Glasgow and Strathclyde Universities over the past week have yielded mixed results for the anti-cuts movement in the city. With, in particular, Humanities subjects under threat at both universities, a huge amount was at stake. Since February, when course cuts were revealed at Glasgow University, a mass campaign has [...]

J30: Support the Strikes!

Next Thursday will see up to 750,000 public sector workers walking out on strike over pension cuts, in perhaps the largest direct confrontation with the government’s austerity agenda seen yet. Nearly 300,000 civil servants who’re members of the PCS will be joined by education workers in the NUT, UCU and ATL unions. It comes at the [...]

We gotta fight fight fight fight, fight all the cuts

A ‘Coalition of Resistance’ is set to get off the ground in Glasgow over the next few weeks, with a view to bringing together the various strands of the anti-cuts movement in the city. SSY has been involved in initiating the group, as one of the signatories to an open letter, an edited version of which was [...]

Strathclyde police: quality polis aw the way

Ever feel like you’re being watched? If you’re a politically engaged person in Glasgow you probably are. Every single demo is followed by hordes of cops in uniform, in plain clothes, in mad vans with rotating cameras on top, on horses, in helicopters, on bikes and motor bikes. Sadly Strathy Police recently had their audacious [...]

From Scotland to Toronto, let's solve this problem pronto!

Today saw around 200 mostly young people take to the streets of Glasgow against victim blaming and recent political discourse surrounding the issue of rape, as Slutwalk arrived in Scotland for the first time. The Slutwalk phenomenon began in April this year in Toronto, following remarks made by a senior police officer that women should ‘avoid dressing [...]

Rape Culture Rears Its' Ugly Head

[potential trigger warning] The super-cool mega-amazing singer that is Rihanna released the video for her new (and fucking awesome) single Man Down just the other day. As well as being visually stunning, it tells a compelling story. Shot in Jamaica, the first scene shows Rihanna shooting a man in a train station. A day earlier, [...]

Cops run riot at Strathclyde

Another day, another demo, another series of spectacular fuck ups by Strathclyde Police. In an approach to public order policing fast becoming customary for the force, Thursday’s otherwise completely peaceful demonstration against course closures and job losses at Strathclyde University saw a lengthy stand-off between protesters and the police, following the audacious arrest of a [...]

We Don't Need Bosses: Venezuela's Growing Worker Control Movement

Introduction On Sunday 22 May Spanish-language Windsor/Canada-based radio program Cayapa broadcast a program discussing the social and political changes underway in Venezuela, in the context of a recent solidarity brigade to the country by activists from the English-speaking world, and the country’s growing worker control movement. This article provides an overview of the program in English, followed [...]