• ISBN: (Paperback)9780522861006
  • ISBN: (E-Book)9780522861013
  • ISBN: (Hardback)9780522861020
  • PUBLISHED:01/Feb/2013
  • IMPRINT:MUP Academic
  • SUBJECT:Globalization

Educating for Global Citizenship

Ani Wierenga, Jose Roberto Guevara

  • Paperback $59.99
  • E-Book $49.99
  • Hardback $79.99

A Youth-Led Approach to Learning through Partnerships

This book explores educating for global citizenship in three parts. The first part identifies the field of global citizenship. The second part identifies a youth-led learning approach to global citizenship. It provides an in-depth and original analysis of the Global Connections program introduced into Australian schools and Indonesian communities over the last decade by Plan International Australia, through a case-study approach. Drawing on data from this project and further analysis, the third part outlines the principles behind learning for global citizenship.
Finally, these principles are woven together in a model of inter-agency collaboration between schools, higher education institutions, and non-government agencies. We invite you to explore this fascinating terrain with us.
This book is the work of a team. It reflects a long-term partnership between one international NGO, young people, and two universities.

About the authors

Dr Ani Wierenga is one of Australia's leading youth researchers. She is a Senior Research Fellow, based at the Australian Youth Research Centre, the University of Melbourne. As a youthworker and then sociologist, Ani has worked with young people for 25 years. Her primary focus is on research and teaching which supports effective policy and practice with young people, in their wellbeing, learning and active social participation.
Dr Jose Roberto 'Robbie' Guevara is a passionate popular educator committed to participatory learning within the context of sustainability. He is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Global, Urban and Social Studies at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. His research areas include Education for Sustainable Development, school-community learning partnerships for sustainability and global citizenship. He draws inspiration from engaging with adult and community educators as the President of the Asia-South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE).


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