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    • Triumph and Demise
    • Paul Kelly
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    • Drawing on more than sixty on-the-record interviews with all the major players, Triumph and Demise is full of remarkable disclosures. It is the inside account of the hopes, achievements and bitter failures of the Labor Government from 2007 to 2013. Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard came together to defeat John Howard, formed a brilliant partnership and r... Read more...

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    • The Fights of My Life
    • Greg Combet, Mark Davis
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    • Greg Combet has been at the centre of some of the biggest battles of our time—the waterfront dispute, the collapse of an airline, compensation for asbestos victims, the campaign against unfair workplace laws and then climate change. From an isolated childhood on the Minchinbury estate west of Sydney, Combet's world changed dramatically with th... Read more...

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    • The Life of I
    • Anne Manne
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    • Far from being the work of a madman, Anders Breivik's murderous rampage in Norway was the action of an extreme narcissist. As the dead lay around him, he held up a finger asking for a Band-Aid.Written with the pace of a psychological thriller, The Life of I is a compelling account of the rise of narcissism in individuals and society. Manne examines ... Read more...

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    • Summit 8000
    • Andrew Lock
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    • A thrilling memoir of the spectacular high-altitude mountaineering achievements of Andrew Lock: the only Australian to have summited all fourteen 8000-metre peaks in the world, including Mount Everest—twice.Here Andrew Lock gives us a gripping account of his death-defying ascents and explains his passion for climbing in small teams, or solo, w... Read more...

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    • Brekky Central
    • Adam Boland
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    • 'I thought I knew a bit about breakfast TV. I was wrong. What we see is nothing compared to what goes on behind the scenes. I was fascinated to read this brutally honest account of so many stories that have become Australian media folklore. The characters, the drama, the egos. It is an unflinching account from the man who has arguably had a grea... Read more...

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    • The Dangerous Bride
    • Lee Kofman
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    • What do you do when your husband claims to be madly in love with you, but doesn't desire you sexually? When your therapist is more interested in opening an online sex-toy shop with your husband than in saving your marriage? Do you try yet another counsellor, get divorced or settle for a sexless marriage?Lee Kofman, rebellious daughter of ultra-ortho... Read more...

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    • Challenge
    • Paul Daley
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    • Fast-paced Australian political fiction, Challenge unfolds over three days in an atmosphere of treachery and deceit, amid a looming federal leadership challenge.Opposition leader Daniel Slattery is a former sporting hero from the wrong side of the tracks, politically principled and courageous, but also personally unhinged and highly volatile. He is ... Read more...

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    • New York in Style
    • Janelle McCulloch
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    • Innovative, creative, iconoclastic, and always, always inspirational, New York is a city built on stories and dreams, on grand plans and even bigger ambitions. It's a city like no other. And its style is equally unique.After more than a decade of visiting New York for work, writer and photographer Janelle McCulloch has built up an impressive list of... Read more...

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    • Traumascapes
    • Maria Tumarkin
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    • 'Traumascapes are a distinctive category of places transformed physically and psychically by suffering, part of a scar tissue that stretches across the world.'Maria Tumarkin grew up in the old Soviet Union, and emigrated to Australia as a teenager. In 2004, she embarked on an international odyssey to investigate and write about major sites of violen... Read more...

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    • Gangland 4 for $40
    • James Morton, Susanna Lobez
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    • 4 Gangland paperbacks for just $40 plus free shipping! The Gangland series details the exploits of an unforgettable cast of villains, crooks and mobsters who have made up the criminal and gangland scene across the country. Since the original best-selling Gangland Australia, authors James Morton and Susanna Lobez have continued to uncover, in... Read more...

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    • The Hard Sell
    • Dee Madigan
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    • In The Hard Sell, creative director Dee Madigan uses her trademark humour and down-to-earth approach to unveil the world of political advertising. Drawing on real-life stories from her own recent Federal and State campaigns, she gives us fascinating industry insight into:• How political ads are designed to work;• Who are they designed to w... Read more...

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    • Ray Parkin's Wartime Trilogy
    • Ray Parkin
    • Paperback $65.00
    • These brilliant books hum with action, adventure and courage. Honestly and plainly written, they are full of humanity and great wisdom.Out of the Smoke tells of Ray's experiences as Action Chief Quartermaster in HMAS Perth, which was sunk while engaging an overwhelming Japanese naval force in the Sunda Strait. Two cruisers, HMAS Perth and USS Housto... Read more...

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    • Clarke of the Kindur
    • Dean Boyce
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    • Transported convict George Clarke absconded in the early 1800s and went far into the then unexplored wilderness of northern New South Wales. There, thought by the Aborigines to be a 'ghost', he lived with them for four years integrating into their lives and later leading them on raids to steal the white men's cattle.On eventual capture he claimed to... Read more...

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    • A Woman On The Goldfields
    • Edward Duyker
    • Paperback $35.00
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    • Emily Skinner, vibrant, observant, eternally young-at-heart, emigrated from Britain to Australia in 1854. Not only did she keep a ship-board journal, she later recorded her reminiscences of a colourful life as a miner's wife.Here, published for the first time, is Emily's account of a voyage half-way around the word to marry her sweetheart. She evoke... Read more...

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    • The Kelly Outbreak 1878-1880
    • John McQuilton
    • Paperback $34.99
    • This book examines the Kelly Outbreak against its geographical and social background. Failure to unlock the land through selection had created a class of struggling selectors who felt that the established authority of squatters and police denied them justice. Their sympathy and support helped Ned come and go as he pleased, despite the price on his h... Read more...

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