
Visualizing Simulated Data

by Jessica June 9, 2011

More and more astronomers are writing, running, and using massive computer simulations. The complexity of these simulations (often 3D space + time) means that visualization can be challenging. Over at Astropython, they have posted about the - yt - toolkit that allows you to analyze and visualize the results of adaptive mesh refinement simulation codes (AMR). AMR [...]


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Python Tutorial for Astronomers

by Tom May 25, 2011

On Monday, a group of CfA astronomers (Tom Aldcroft, Brian Refsdal, Gus Muench, and myself) announced the availability of a web tutorial aimed at teaching Python to astronomers through a series of interactive workshops: Practical Python for Astronomers is a series of hands-on workshops to explore the Python language and the analysis tools it [...]


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PiCloud: Advantages of running python in the cloud

by Eli December 28, 2010

When we go to conferences, observing runs, collaborations and other travels the first thing that comes to mind for packing is our laptop (or iPad). The laptop is steadfast, resolute and is always there when we need to work or relax. But there’s one slight problem; when we need to do work on the run, [...]


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Version Control Demystified, Part 3: Git and Mercurial

by Tom December 20, 2010

This post is the third in a series devoted to version control. In Part 1, I talked about version control features that are already integrated into everyday tools, such as Dropbox or Google Docs. In Part 2, I gave an introduction to Subversion, which is a ‘traditional’ command-line version control system. In this post, I [...]


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Making RGB images from FITS files with python/matplotlib.

by Jessica October 22, 2010

Converting astronomical data taken in multiple filters into representative-color RGB images often provides one of the most visually appealing (and informative) views of a target. This can be done in ds9 very easily; however, if you want a little more control, then python/matplotlib can be used in a very similar fashion. I also note that [...]


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Some drawbacks to Python: Python Provocation | The e-Astronomer

by Kelle October 2, 2010

Python Provocation | The e-Astronomer Python occupies a strange territory between the easy peasy world of “download this app and start clicking” and the stern world of “if you don’t know what a makefile is, you’d better look somewhere else mate”. At first I thought this was precisely its strength : grown up stuff for [...]


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How to easily create, read, write and manipulate tables and databases in Python with ATpy and asciitable

by Tom September 6, 2010

With the release of ATpy 0.9.4 and asciitable 0.2.4, it’s about time we told our readers how incredibly easy it is to create, read, write, and manipulate tables and databases of data in Python!   Most, if not all of us have to manage tabular data at one point or another, and it is safe [...]


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Parallel Processing in Python

by Guest August 9, 2010

Today we have a guest post by Ian Crossfield (UCLA) on parallel computing with python. When analyzing astronomical data, one often finds oneself repeating the same tasks over and over again (e.g. fitting a model to a PSF, measuring the width of a spectral feature, etc.). Sometimes the results of one computation influence the next, [...]


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Veusz: A Python-Based Interactive Plotting Package

by Guest July 26, 2010

This is a guest post by Jeremy Sanders about the plotting package he’s developed. Jeremy is a postdoc working in the X-Ray Group at the Institute of Astronomy in the University of Cambridge in the UK. Veusz (pronounced “views”) is a python-based GUI plotting package that I (Jeremy Sanders) have developed. As an astronomer, I [...]


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Links: More Postdocs in Canada, Less in Ireland; Apps for Distraction Avoidance and Break Reminders; Python Style Guide; and More

by Kelle July 16, 2010

Politics Postdoc Push in Canada | Inside Higher Ed (via Adam Kraus) Ireland Cuts Back on Ph.D. and Postdoc Support | Science News Antonelli, A.: A decline and fall in the future of Italian Astronomy? | astro-ph Career and Professional Development Report from the 2010 AAPT New Faculty Workshop | ProfHacker The American Association of [...]


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