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once in a lifetime

June 5th, 2012

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  1. thiessen
    June 6th, 2012 at 10:39 | #1

    Ingress was stunning. Venus’ atmospheric refraction and the sun’s limb darkening allowed a nice illusion of 3D that I just couldn’t get when Venus was fully transiting. I also was able to show about 15 people using different methods. It looks like you had quite a view.


  2. greg
    June 6th, 2012 at 11:46 | #2

    It was absolutely amazing. I’ve always thought of David Rittenhouse as a complete milquetoast as a result of his fainting upon ingress during the 1769 transit, but I was nearly overcome at my first glimpse, and now have a more nuanced appreciation of his dramatic reaction.

  3. June 7th, 2012 at 01:33 | #3

    In the UK (at least from my vantage point) I was not as lucky as the typical unpredictable British weather did not permit this spectacle to be viewed from many areas. I visited a local observatory owned by the local Astronomical Society of which I am a member before 11:00pm local time and stayed all night. A number of members watched the event unfold via a live video streaming link from NASA (Mauna Kea, Hawaii).
    At the time of local sunrise: 04.46 BST, Venus would have been at the majority of the way across the sun. The time of egress interior was approx. 05.37 BST with the sun 6 degrees above the horizon and egress exterior at 05.54 BST with the sun 8.3 degrees above the horizon.
    Rain the previous evening led to much mist and cloud. The equipment was prepared just in case (a fully filtered Takahashi 130 telescope, via a CCD camera fed to a large screen LCD television for the safety and comfort of observers)
    We were left with the live link from NASA to fall back on – which was amazing. A few hours later, most of the clouds cleared and the sun ‘came out!’

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