What Is Groundwater?
Groundwater, the Hidden Source of life
Groundwater Animation
Groundwater introduction
How rivers work: The Role of Groundwater. Produced for the UK Groundwater Forum.
What is groundwater?
It's called groundwater!
Groundwater Experiment
Video Tip: Groundwater
Groundwater wars begin in California
Understanding Groundwater - Part 1
Groundwater video 2
Ground Water Search by L rod Dowsing.
groundwater model
What Is Groundwater?
Groundwater, the Hidden Source of life
Groundwater Animation
Groundwater introduction
How rivers work: The Role of Groundwater. Produced for the UK Groundwater Forum.
What is groundwater?
It's called groundwater!
Groundwater Experiment
Video Tip: Groundwater
Groundwater wars begin in California
Understanding Groundwater - Part 1
Groundwater video 2
Ground Water Search by L rod Dowsing.
groundwater model
Groundwater Drilling Causes Problems in Calif.
Groundwater Flow Model: Set Up and Use
Water Cycle (part1): Surface Water and Groundwater
Groundwater reserves in Northern Kenya
Groundwater Contamination
Ground Water Model
Groundwater Talks: TWAP GW Inception Meeting
The Hanford Story: Groundwater
7th Grade Science-Groundwater & Surface Water
Lecture - 26 Groundwater Flow
Groundwater, Drought, and Managing Groundwater in California
Lecture - 25 Groundwater - Preliminaries
Hydrology Basics and the Northern Arizona Regional Groundwater Flow Model
Challenges in Municipal Water Treatment: Groundwater & Surface Water Treatment
Lecture - 27 Groundwater Flow - II
Virundhinar Pakkam | Prof. M. Manivel, groundwater Analyst | Dt 09-07-14
CE 433 - Class 28 (12/5/2013) Groundwater flow, wells, and subsurface hydrology
Sustainability of groundwater in a changing world
Conducting Low Flow Groundwater Sampling & Improving Results
Lecture 4: Transboundary Watercourses and Groundwater
Irvine Ranch Water District's Groundwater Banking Program - Paul Cook
Jay Lund - Can We Stop Undermining Our Water Supplies? Groundwater and California's Water Future
Max. Perf. of Surface Water Recharge Facilities to Sustain Groundwater Basin Yield - Mike Markus
2014 Spring Seminar: Ground Water Quality in Nebraska
Groundwater Treatment Webinar
The Groundwater Foundation Sustainable Groundwater Development using GIS and Groundwater Modeling
Freshwater ecol chap 4 hydro cycle groundwater.mov
Ground Water Cleanup Update
Webinar #8: Sustainable Groundwater Development for Rural Water Supplies
Groundwater Modeling Lab
Understanding and Managing Groundwater Impacts From Dairies in California - T. Harter
Genesis of Fluoride in Groundwater in Ethiopia
Governor Signs Groundwater Management Laws
Groundwater Restoration Webinar
Farmers impacted by new groundwater law
Dan Walters Daily: How big a deal is groundwater legislation?
Groundwater Press Conference
How to Pronounce Phreatic
Governor Signs Off On First California Groundwater Rules!
Groundwater Sampling Summary
Study ties groundwater to human evolution
#GROUNDWATER - Short Documentary Film
California drought: groundwater and crops affected
Navy begins construction on 2 groundwater monitoring wells in Red Hill
Protecting our Groundwater Supplies
Groundwater and rainwater harvesting- Part 3
Groundwater and rainwater harvesting- Part 2
Groundwater and rainwater harvesting- Part 1
California Sets Stage for First Groundwater Regulations
Assemblymember Perea Pleads With Fellow Lawmakers Not to Pass Groundwater Bill
Assemblywoman Grove opposes bill taking groundwater rights from landowners
Soil and Groundwater Remediation Presentation
Investigating Groundwater video lesson
Groundwater is water located beneath the earth's surface in soil pore spaces and in the fractures of rock formations. A unit of rock or an unconsolidated deposit is called an aquifer when it can yield a usable quantity of water. The depth at which soil pore spaces or fractures and voids in rock become completely saturated with water is called the water table. Groundwater is recharged from, and eventually flows to, the surface naturally; natural discharge often occurs at springs and seeps, and can form oases or wetlands. Groundwater is also often withdrawn for agricultural, municipal and industrial use by constructing and operating extraction wells. The study of the distribution and movement of groundwater is hydrogeology, also called groundwater hydrology.
Typically, groundwater is thought of as liquid water flowing through shallow aquifers, but technically it can also include soil moisture, permafrost (frozen soil), immobile water in very low permeability bedrock, and deep geothermal or oil formation water. Groundwater is hypothesized to provide lubrication that can possibly influence the movement of faults. It is likely that much of the Earth's subsurface contains some water, which may be mixed with other fluids in some instances. Groundwater may not be confined only to the Earth. The formation of some of the landforms observed on Mars may have been influenced by groundwater. There is also evidence that liquid water may also exist in the subsurface of Jupiter's moon Europa.
I gotta be, you gotta be
happy now, happier then
you have not to look miserable