A city-state is an independent or autonomous entity whose territory consists of a city which is not administered as a part of another local government. A city-state can also be defined as a central city and its surrounding villages, which together follow the same law, have one form of government, and share languages, religious beliefs, and ways of life.
Historical examples include the oldest known Sumerian cities of Mesopotamia and Ur, the Phoenician cities of Canaan (such as Tyre and Sidon), the Berber city-states of the Garamantes, the city-states of ancient Greece (the poleis such as Athens, Sparta, Thebes, and Corinth), the Roman Republic which grew from a city-state into a great power, the Maya of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica (including sites such as Chichen Itza and El Mirador), the central Asian cities along the Silk Road, Venice, Croatian city-state of Ragusa (Dubrovnik) and many others. The Viking colonial cities in medieval Ireland, most importantly Dublin, have recently been classed as genuine city-states.
Michael Bruce Sterling (born April 14, 1954) is an American science fiction author, best known for his novels and his work on the Mirrorshades anthology, which helped define the cyberpunk genre.
Sterling is, along with William Gibson, Rudy Rucker, John Shirley, Lewis Shiner, and Pat Cadigan, one of the founders of the cyberpunk movement in science fiction, as well as its chief ideological promulgator, and one whose polemics on the topic earned him the nickname "Chairman Bruce". He was also one of the first organizers of the Turkey City Writer's Workshop, and is a frequent attendee at the Sycamore Hill Writer's Workshop. He won Hugo Awards for his novelettes Bicycle Repairman and Taklamakan.
His first novel, Involution Ocean, published in 1977, features the world Nullaqua where all the atmosphere is contained in a single, miles-deep crater; the story concerns a ship sailing on the ocean of dust at the bottom, which hunts creatures called dustwhales that live beneath the surface. It is partially a science-fictional pastiche of Moby-Dick by Herman Melville.
3 'City States' Rule the World
What is a City-State?
Joseph Campbell--Mythology of the First City States
Greek City States
Cities,States, Countries, Continents
City States - Vatican - District of Columbia - London City - IT'S TIME FOR THE TRUTH!
CFC Overview of G&K; - City States and Diplomacy
Let's Learn Civilization V -4- City States
THE UNHOLY TRINITY OF BABYLON__Three City States Rule The World
Ancient Greek City-States
Unit 1.2 - 2 Rise of Italian City States
Sumerian City States
Unit 1.2: The Renaissance (Part I-Italian City States)
Ancient Greece 101 - An Empire of City-States - Vook
3 'City States' Rule the World
What is a City-State?
Joseph Campbell--Mythology of the First City States
Greek City States
Cities,States, Countries, Continents
City States - Vatican - District of Columbia - London City - IT'S TIME FOR THE TRUTH!
CFC Overview of G&K; - City States and Diplomacy
Let's Learn Civilization V -4- City States
THE UNHOLY TRINITY OF BABYLON__Three City States Rule The World
Ancient Greek City-States
Unit 1.2 - 2 Rise of Italian City States
Sumerian City States
Unit 1.2: The Renaissance (Part I-Italian City States)
Ancient Greece 101 - An Empire of City-States - Vook
Let's Play Hegemonia: City States (Part 1)
Let's Play Hegemonia: City States (Part 7)
London, Washington D.C., Rome - Illuminatis Empire City States
Africa's Past : Hausa City States
TuTorial Mod Hegemonia : City States Pour Rome ToTal War
Rome Total War Online Battle #1715: Greek City-States vs Macedon
Bruce Sterling - Smart City States
Rome Total War HD Campaign Chronicles #1 Greek City States Part I
Most Competitive States 2015
Rome Total War Greek City States Blitz Campaign Part 48 - Barbarians Attack
Rome Total War Greek City States Blitz Campaign Part 49 -Tingi
Rome Total War Greek City States Blitz Campaign Part 50 - Barbarian Attacks
Rome Total War Greek City States Blitz Campaign Part 47 - Tanais
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Rome Total War Greek City States Blitz Campaign Part 34
Rome Total War Greek City States Blitz Campaign Part 35
Rome Total War Greek City States Blitz Campaign Part 36
Rome Total War Greek City States Blitz Campaign Part 38
Rome Total War Greek City States Blitz Campaign Part 40
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Inglés Oral (Greece Powerful City-States)
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Rome Total War Greek City States Blitz Campaign Part 31 - Numantia
Oral Exam - Greece's Powerful City-States
Rome Total War Greek City States Blitz Campaign Part 29 - Thebes
Rome Total War Greek City States Blitz Campaign Part 30 - Thapsis
Rome Total War Greek City States Blitz Campaign Part 27 - Alexandria
Rome Total War Greek City States Blitz Campaign Part 28 - Sinope
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FFXIV OST A Realm Remembered - The City States of Eorzea
3 'City States' Run the World VATICAN, D.C.& LONDON
Civilization V (David and Finbar) #3 - City States EVERYWHERE!!!
Civilization V Gods and Kings as Rome - Episode 14 ...Ungrateful City-States...
13. Hausa City States & the Fulani Jihad (The Story of Africa)
Rise of Nations: Alexander Campaign - 03 - Unite the City States
Civ 5 - France Gameplay [P2] - City-States Lovin'
Rome Total War Greek City States Speedrun Part 1 - War!
Secret City - A film about the City of London, the Corporation that runs it.
Civ 5 - Austria Gameplay [P23] - Liberating The City States
Great Battles: A Tale of Two City States: Quirigua's Victory over Copan in 738 CE
Let's Play Civilization 5: Brave New World - Venice - Part 3: Finally, City States!
Rome Total Realism VI HD Campaign - Greek City States Part 15
Rome Total Realism VI HD Campaign - Greek City States Part 31
Civilization V Brave New World as The Netherlands - Episode 36 ...My City-States!...
Rome Total War (2004) - Greek City States part 1 Vanilla by Gaming Hoplite