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Archive for March, 2007

Letters From Iran

A third letter has been written by Faye Turney, the female lead sailor belonging to the 15 strong British crew currently residing at the pleasure of Mr Ahmadinejad in Iran, the Guardian reports. British tabloids have barked in horror at her being ‘forced’ to wear a headscarf while appearing on Arabic TV telling an international […]

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Unoccupying Iraq

Writing in the Guardian last week about the fourth anniversary of the Iraq invasion, Simon Jenkins was in no mood to celebrate what the last four years have left us with.
“We are bid to celebrate the fourth birthday of a lie. In 2003, they lied about Iraq’s weapons arsenal. They lied about Saddam Hussein’s […]

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Pop, Precocity and a Pause

Keeping abreast of the hottest New York bands can be difficult and often pointless, considering that the enthusiasts get so frothy so regularly that its difficult to distinguish between the good and the great. Much like Cork bands, or bands from Coolock for that matter, New York bands are usually big in their borough without […]

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A Plan for Stan

Jack Charlton once said of international management that the key is to keep things nice and simple for the players. One can’t help feeling when you look at a Steve Staunton XI that he did not take this message on board when he used to play under Big Jack for Ireland.
Charlton’s contention was that because […]

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Did Tayto Ahern get his grasp of economics from Peter Ridsdale?
Currently lying bottom of the championship, heading for relegation to the third division (I just can’t get used to the new-fangled names), Leeds FC were once one of the top teams in the Premiership.
Under Dave O’Leary, Leeds FC never finished out of the top five, […]

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So many things have passed me by this week.
Firstly, within the Irish blog-o-sphere there’s the impressive news that Twenty Major has secured a two book deal with Hodder Headline Ireland. It’s only after you hear the news that it makes perfect sense and you can’t help telling yourself that it was only a matter of […]

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Ian Goes to the Pictures

I didn’t notice this on Slugger O’Toole yesterday but it seems that Ian Paisley has commissioned a biopic of his life.
Writing in Comment is Free, Malachi O’Doherty suggests that
“commissioning a film makes as much sense as Tony Blair digging out his old CND badge. And Tony was at least a leftie once; Paisley has […]

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Here we are in the age of communication, and as if to prove it, we have Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy doing his wonderful anthem, I See a Darkness, captured by someone on their mobile phone.
I was at the gig, last Monday in Le Trianon, Paris, so one of the coughs you hear is probably mine.

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Timely Reminder

This is a genuine press release from The Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform
The Tánaiste and Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Mr. Michael McDowell, T.D., would like to remind the general public that “Summer time” will commence at 1.00 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time on […]

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Mother Jones’ blog, TMP Café and The Slate (and probably countless other online mags and blogs) are all dealing with that most pressing issue: Hillary Clinton’s reaction to the mock Barack Obama ad that shows Hillary as the Big Brother face on a telescreen in a 1984 style campaign ad.
While Obama has […]

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