Edit Star Tribune
10 Oct 2014
competitive hourly rate. Calvary Lutheran Church. Make a difference as a part-time Staff Accountant/Bookkeeper. This person will be responsible either as primary or back-up for all bookkeeping functions of accounts payable, cash receipts, payroll and general ledger. Flexible hours about 16/week Golden Valley, MN ....(size: 0.3Kb)
Edit The Gleaner
10 Oct 2014
Matalon, chair-man of the Private Sector Working Group on Tax Reform (PSWG), is calling for a significant reduction in taxation on Jamaicans falling within the lower-income bands, saying that the change would serve to fuel economic growth ... "By providing tax relief to lower-income taxpayers with the highest propensity to consume those goods and ......(size: 3.7Kb)
Edit The Irish Times
10 Oct 2014
Multinational pharmaceutical groups are making a late play to prolong the benefit they take from the “double Irishtax scheme as the Government prepares moves in the budget to phase out the controversial measure ... The State would like to move towards a British-style regime, where patent income is put in a separate “patent box” and taxed separately at a lower rate....(size: 2.5Kb)
Edit Sacramento Bee
10 Oct 2014
SACRAMENTO, Calif ... An audit released Thursday says lawmakers should require agencies to submit the sexual assault evidence kits for analysis every time a perpetrator's identity is unknown....(size: 0.9Kb)
Edit Sacramento Bee
10 Oct 2014
Those incidents dropped the Democrats from 29 seats to 25, two short of the 27 needed to pass measures requiring two-thirds votes such as constitutional amendments, urgency statutes and tax increases ... It also stalled once-ambitious tax increase plans of some Democrats ... Two years ago, as Democrats were winning their supermajorities, voters approved temporary increases in sales taxes on everyone and income taxes on the rich....(size: 2.9Kb)
Edit Star Tribune
10 Oct 2014
Contact For Rate. Humera - Administrative and Professional Staffing. Humera has a position for a Junior Accountant in Minneapolis. The candidate in this position will support the day to day operations of the Accounting Department by keeping accurate inventory reports and creating monthly lists of all items that need to be Mpls, MN, USA ....(size: 0.3Kb)
Edit noodls
10 Oct 2014
(v) compliance with accounting and auditing standards; and ... (i) discuss with the external auditor any recommendations arising from the audit (if necessary in the absence of management); and review the draft management letter, any material queries raised by the auditor to management in respect of the accounting records, financial accounts or systems of control including management's response to the points raised;....(size: 11.3Kb)
Edit noodls
10 Oct 2014
He will also cease to be a member of the audit committee, the chairman of the remuneration committee and a member of the nomination committee of the Company after his resignation becomes effective ... Wei has been appointed as a member of the audit committee, the chairman of ... "Listing Rules" t h e Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock....(size: 12.0Kb)
Edit noodls
09 Oct 2014
ICAS - Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland) The Scottish Government's Budget sees a new era in taxation come into force ... Looking ahead, if the Scottish Parliament is to have greater control over its finances it needs to have access to the taxes that raise significant sums - and part of the income tax rates are to be devolved with effect from April 2016....(size: 2.1Kb)
Edit LA Daily News
09 Oct 2014
Los Angeles Unified School District officials Wednesday released audit findings that show tight finances and poor accounting practices at two Magnolia charter schools but do not conclude that a lack of money could put the schools out of business, according to an executive audit summary that was released to Magnolia officials ... The audit also raises ......(size: 2.1Kb)
Edit The Irish Times
09 Oct 2014
The party would increase the tax paid on income over €100,000 by seven cent in every euro by introducing a third rate of tax of 48 per cent, a measure Mr Doherty said would raise €448 million ... Labour also attacked the plan for taking no account of demographic changes in Ireland in 2015 and also for “flip-flops” on policy....(size: 2.8Kb)
Edit Sun Star
09 Oct 2014
The said amounts were allegedly claimed by Stronghold as "ordinary and necessary expenses" that were deducted from its gross sales in its income tax return ... Fake receipts and invoices were used to record the purchases in its books of accounts and other accounting records representing substantial amounts of raw materials allegedly bought from Alingod and One Core....(size: 1.8Kb)
Edit Reuters
09 Oct 2014
The Treasury also warned it may have to adjust its forecasts for personal income tax for the coming months if the legislature passes a bill that would extend favorable tax rates for transactions related to Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) ... Corporate income tax collections tumbled more than 10 percent on the year to $225.3 million and missed forecasts nearly by $27 million....(size: 2.3Kb)
