Geithner and AIG: Hard Lessons From the “Bailout Trial”

AIG's lawsuit, which featured testimony from two former Treasury secretaries, is giving the American people some hard lessons in the workings of the bailout process and the shortcomings of our current economic system.
Richard Eskow
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Amazon Responds To Wage Theft Post

Amazon responds to our post on a Supreme Court case involving workers having to undergo screening for stolen goods off the clock. If employees don't actually wait very long to be screened, why not just pay them for their time?

Americans Should Embrace their Radical History (Redux)

As events in Jefferson County Colorado show, the right fears history and wants to suppress it. So, we must encourage our fellow citizens to remember how Americans have struggled to make the nation freer, more equal, and more democratic.
Harvey J Kaye
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Good People Don’t Get Good Jobs

A mounting army of workers worries incessantly and survives only because of government and family assistance. CEOs and corporations gorge themselves on profits made on the suffering of workers trapped in this life of frightening instability
Leo Gerard
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Why We Allow Big Pharma to Rip Us Off

Pharmaceutical companies and device makers paid doctors some $380 million over a five-month period in 2013. Drug company payments to doctors are a small part of a much larger strategy by Big Pharma to clean our pockets.

Wingnut Week In Review: Intruder Alert

Given their longstanding loathing for him, it was touching to see so many right-wingers express concern for President Obama’s safety this week.
Terrance Heath
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September Jobs Report: The Old Economy Strikes Back

Is there a new foundation for growth in America, as President Obama claims? The September jobs report shows the recovery continues, but most Americans still don't feel it. In fact, the old economy has returned.
Robert Borosage
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MFG! It’s Manufacturing Day!

MFG DAY addresses common misperceptions about manufacturing by giving manufacturers an opportunity to open their doors and show, in a coordinated effort, what manufacturing is – and what it isn’t.

Student Protests Are A Bigger Deal Than You Think

When high school students across a suburban Denver school district walked out of classes to protest a history curriculum, it quickly became national news. But the story has now widened into a much larger controversy.
Jeff Bryant
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The Nouveau Sodbusters

We know from the childhood song that Old MacDonald had a farm. But e-i-e-i-o — look who’s got his farm now. It’s outfits like American Farmland, Farmland Partners, and BlackRock. These aren’t dirt farmers wearing overalls and muddy boots.
Jim Hightower
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Seven Revelations From Those Secret Goldman Sachs Tapes

Carmen Segarra was appointed to oversee a sleazy and disreputable institution with a record of bad behavior for which it had recently paid a record fine. That's important to remember when you hear her tapes.
Richard Eskow
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Walmart Wants to Offer Banking For America’s Poor

The FDIC estimates there are 10 million people living in the U.S. who do not have a bank account — that’s one out of every 13 households. Public banking could fix that, but Walmart wants a piece of the action.
Lynne Stuart Parramore
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Eric Holder: The Reason Robert Rubin Isn’t Behind Bars

Undoubtedly there are positives to Eric Holder’s tenure as attorney general, but one really big minus is his decision not to prosecute any of the Wall Street crew whose actions helped to prop up the housing bubble.
Dean Baker
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Midterm Ad Watch: Republicans Literally Running On Nothing

You will find extremely little about issue positions on the websites of North Carolina's Thom Tillis, Iowa's Joni Ernst, Louisiana's Bill Cassidy, Alaska's Dan Sullivan, Arkansas' Tom Cotton and Colorado's Cory Gardner.
Bill Scher
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Let Them Eat Tips

Just when you thought the plutocratic profiteers running America’s low-wage economy couldn’t get any more clueless, self-serving, pious, and mingy — along comes Lady Maria of Marriott, magnanimously saying: “Let them eat tips."
Jim Hightower
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Why Republicans May Not Win The Senate After All

National polls show the GOP to be about as popular as the heartbreak of psoriasis. The Democrats, for all their faults, remain more popular. Republicans are not for anything.
Craig Shirley
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Why the Economy is Still Failing Most Americans

Economic expansions used to improve the incomes of the bottom 90 percent more than the top 10 percent. But starting with the “Reagan” recovery the benefits of economic growth during expansions have gone mostly to the top 10 percent.

Demanding Justice For Dead Young Black Men

Every time a young black man is unjustly killed by police, or private citizens "standing their ground," we are told to "trust the system." Clearly, trusting the system to deliver justice doesn't work. We need a movement that demands it.
Terrance Heath
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Midterm Ad Watch: Republicans Love Social Security!

If these Republicans win on Election Day, it'll be important to remember why. Not because they were running as unadulterated conservatives, but because they were telling voters they would uphold a pillar of the New Deal.
Bill Scher
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