Report abuse

It is very important to us that Guardian Soulmates is a safe online environment for everyone to enjoy. If you think that another user is abusing the system, please let us know. Please note that all complaints are treated in confidence.

Inappropriate Behaviour

If the behaviour of someone else has made you feel uncomfortable, please let us know by signing in and using the contact form and choosing the option "I want to report another user for inappropriate behaviour". We will investigate the account for suspicious activity. At our sole discretion, we may warn, suspend or delete any member's profile where allegations of inappropriate behaviour have been reported. If you wish to contact us about any other aspect of the service then please sign in and use the general contact us form.

Serious Incident

We would advise you to first contact the police to report any serious incident, for example: an attack, a missing person, or if you feel that your safety is at immediate risk. Once you have spoken to the police we ask that you inform our Customer Support Team using the form below choosing the option "I need to report a serious incident" or by calling us on (0800 592 360). A senior member of our support team will respond as quickly as possible.