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Tenisia teaching Tongan language Lesson 1 How to learn Tongan, German, Spanish, Japanese etc
Tenisia teaching Tongan language comparatively : lesson 1.2 The alphabet A E F H
Tenisia teachingTongan Language 1.4b Pronunciation. Pu'aki lea faka-Tonga
Malawi Africa: Tonga People
Words of Life Tonga: Plateau People/Language Movie Trailer
Tongan Language Week - Tuesday Video
Tenisia teaching learning comparative Tongan language 1.3 - musical alphabet
Tongan Language lessons via Skype
Literacy and Numeracy - Paul speaks in English and Tongan
Thanksgiving Song in Tonga
My Tongan Brothers & Sisters, Sharing a Song in Thier Beautiful Native Language!
Severe tropical cyclone hits Tonga - no comment
Tenisia teaching Tongan Language1.4a Pronouncing words Pu'aki lea
Awana Missionary night, singing GOD IS SO GOOD, in French and Tonga Languages!
Tenisia begins finally with languages !! How to speak learn Tongan and other languages, beginning with Tongan (Polynesian) language! How to learn global lang...
Comparative language learning. Tenisia looks at the alphabet of the Tongan language, a Polynesian language from the island of Tonga , Kingdom of Tonga, the Friendly Islands. Tongan language and translations, to and from other languages: Japanese, Chinese, German, Spanish, Serbian, Dutch, Arabic etc See later lessons on the making!!!
How to pronounce and spell Tongan words. Kevin O'Sullivan is the first student of this Polybollylatin language fun class. This is a comparative look at langu...
SOUNDS OF GLOBAL WORSHIP MALAWI AFRICA: TONGA PEOPLE It is hard to believe that mid last century very few Christians were found among of the Tonga People of ...
This is: Words of Life Tonga: Plateau People/Language Movie Trailer c02181 [c02181t] Other names for this language are: Chitonga; Plateau; Plateau Tonga; Zam...
Rowandale Primary School - Day 2
Tenisia with a musical Tongan alphabet. Nieces and nephews learn and sing along with aunt. Naomi Mailangi is their grandma on mum's side, and Naomi has been promoting and teaching Tongan in Auckland New Zealand in the early times when Tongan populated Auckland slowly and steadily.!! Pronounce the Tongan alphabet.. Don't forget the FAKAU'A ' and the FAKA'ILONGA LOLOA (oops i have to put them on top of that word LOLOA) and the PILIOTE (period). A E F H..I K L ... M N NG O P S... T U V .... ' - . Polybollylatin in language!! Tongan language in New Zealand and international.. Comparative language learning. Special thanks to mum and dad of Caitlin, Silia, Navit and Losaline VATUVEI: Fa and Vise (Etivise Teresa) in Christchurch. Learn Tongan (Polynesian language) to explore other languages like Spanish, Japanese, CHinese, German, Italian, Serbian...and translation comparisons....
We received a request from Australia for some basic Tongan language lessons so PEC staff member Sione Ahomana, pictured here, is helping her with her request...
Paul, who grew up in Tonga, explains that he learnt to count in three languages. Paul talks to his children every day about what they do at school and makes ...
A thanksgiving hymn done in Tonga one of the Zambian languages widely spoken in the southern part of Zambia and parts of central province.
These Tongan Brothers & Sister from Arizona & Southern California attended America's Idols Conference over the Memorial Weekend! At the end while we were jus...
A category-four cyclone has struck the South Pacific island nation of Tonga, bringing... Let the pictures do the talking : subscribe to the no comment channe...
Pronouncing Tongan words, comparatively. Japanese, Spanish...Part one of 2: Tenisia talks and discusses with Kevin O'Sullivan. Kevin has travelled widely in Latino countries, was teaching English as an ESOL teacher for some years. Kevin is the first pupil of Tongan language fun lesson with Tenisia, the Polybollylatin way! Ako 'o e pu'aki lea faka-Tonga. Sipela mo e pu'aki 'o e lea. Spelling and Pronouncing Tongan words... In Christchurch, New Zealand.
This is the Tongan lanuguage version of a training video made for Pacific Island artisanal fishers on methods for postharvest processing of sea cucumbers. The video was produced as part of a research aid project funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR project FIS-2010-096), within the Department of Foreign Affairs, Australia. Hard copies (DVD discs) with voice-overs in local languages will be distributed to coastal villages in Fiji, Tonga and Kiribati. Sea cucumbers have been fished in the Pacific Islands for more than 150 years. They are processed, using artisanal methods, into a dried form called bêche-de-mer and exported to China. Harvesting and selling sea cucumbers gives rural households vital sources of income for basic needs, health and education. In many Pacific Island villages, alternative livelihood activities are limited and fishing sea cucumbers offers one of the few income sources. Research shows that a majority of Pacific Island fishers have had no information support to understand how to process the animals correctly. As a result, the quality of dried products is often poor and fishers get inferior prices. This problem contributes to a need to fish large quantities of sea cucumbers to meet economic needs and wastes the potential value of these resources for national economies. The goal of the video is to help Pacific Island fishers to make better income from the sea cucumbers that they collect and reduce the wastage of potential income and food from these aquatic resources. The video and project discourages excessive fishing, since these resources are vulnerable to over-exploitation, and we do not encourage fishers to harvest sea cucumbers. Rather, the project hopes to improve postharvest processing of catches that would be made by existing fishers. By spending more time on value-adding of the fishery harvests and gaining a better income from selling the dried sea cucumbers for export, fishers might need to fish less frequently. Whether, or not, this occurs is being determined by 'before-and-after' socio-economic surveys as part of the research component of the project. The video was made by Southern Cross University, Australia, through its National Marine Science Centre. Neither the funding organisation, commissioned organisation nor partner organisations that produced this DVD have any financial gain or commercial interests in the sea cucumber industry. The video closely follows methods presented in a training manual, which can be downloaded free at:
Created by the Utah Department of Health, Office of Health Disparities Reduction in partnership with minority Utahns to promote healthy weight, access to hea...
Here is the video that was presented to the students of Rowandale School to prepare them for next weeks National Tongan Language Week.
This is Mokoomba. The hottest new blend of raw afro-fusion energy that is setting dancefloors ablaze throughout Africa and Europe. Mokoomba are 6 guys from V...
Follow Ukulelevis also on Facebook & Twitter. If you like this video please feel free to press subscribe and you will be notified everytime I upload my weekl...
French lesson # Les pays # Tonga
This is a Tongan Language PSA Produced by the API Count Network in Southern California. For more information about the network and how to make sure your comm...
Follow Ukulelevis also on Facebook & Twitter. If you like this video please feel free to press subscribe and you will be notified everytime I upload my weekl...
Follow Ukulelevis also on Facebook & Twitter. If you like this video please feel free to press subscribe and you will be notified everytime I upload my weekl...
Ever been to the islands, and worried about the local food or forgot to pack the tablets for the embarrassing runs? Well don't be a victim of the Royal Tummy Rumble in Tonga, because we've... Tonga Islands Hotels, Tours, Resorts, Vacation Rentals and Real Estate "It's a Travel Gaia™ Site" Sponsored by: Castlewood Treatm... This is the summary of Lonely Planet Samoan Islands & Tonga (Multi Country Guide) by Paul Smitz.
Visit Nuku'Alofa, Tonga - Nuku'Alofa, Tongatapu, Tonga - Nuku'Alofa, Tonga Tourism Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide Nukuʻalofa is the capital of the Kingdom of Tonga. It is located on the north coast of the island of Tongatapu, in the southernmost island group of Tonga. Nuku'alofa Things to Do, Nuku'alofa Things to See ========================== Biking Tongatapu Island is very flat and ideal for exploring by bike. There are cycle rentals in Nuku'alofa and some guesthouses also provide bikes for their guests to rent. Day Trips to Offshore Island Resorts There are daily excursions from Nuku'alofa to the offshore islands, where you can relax on the island’s beautiful beaches, join in the daily activities then return later in the day. The islands are very close – it is only a 15 minute trip to Pangaimotu (the nearest), and less than an hour to Royal Sunset (the farthest). There are bars and restaurants available. Diving & Game Fishing There is superb diving in the islands north of Nuku'alofa. Two game-fishing charter companies also operate out of Nuku'alofa - Royal Sunset Fishing and Dive Tours and Blue Water Fishing Charters. The fishing grounds are off the northern coast of Tongatapu Island. Heilala Festival A week-long celebration coinciding with the King's Birthday in July, and featuring parades, workshops, a beauty pageant, music arts, feasting and sports competitions. Island Tours Several companies offer tours around the island and the Tongan National Centre also has a cultural tour and lunch (bookings essential). Royal Palace Surrounded by large lawns and giant Norfolk pines, Tonga's famous Royal Palace dominates the seafront. This large Victorian timber building was prefabricated in New Preparing Food the Traditional Way © Tonga Visitors BureauZealand and completed in 1882, when the upstairs verandah was added. The palace is not open to the public but there is a good view from the waterfront on the west side. Royal Tombs Tongan sovereigns, their wives, husbands and close relatives have been buried at the tombs at the Mala'ekula (a large park area) since 1893. It's not open to the public but there is a reasonable view from the fence. Sailing Nuku'alofa is a hub for international yachts, particularly from March to October. Faua Harbour has basic facilities but there are more extensive facilities at the Nuku'alofa Yacht & Motor Club, where visiting yachties are welcome. Snorkelling Yellow Pier (at the end of Tupoulahi Road) is a good spot for swimming and snorkelling, with lots of small fish and the occasional ray. Talamahu Market Tonga’s largest fruit, vegetable and handicraft market is open everyday except Sunday, with an abundance of local foods and inexpensive handcrafts. The market is a hub of activity, particularly on Saturday mornings, and the perfect place to meet the locals. Colourful local produce for sale includes papaya, mango, sweet potatoes, taro, yams Traditional Tongan Carving Tonga Visitors Bureauand plantains.
Visit Neiafu (Vava'u), Tonga - Neiafu (Vava'u), Tonga Cruises - Neiafu (Vava'u), Tonga Tours Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide Vava’u is a group of more than 50 islands in Tonga, about 150 miles north of Tongatapu. They are either raised coral limestone or coral atolls. The beautiful harbour opposite the main town of Neiafu (known as the Port of Refuge Harbour) is a common destination for yachties sailing the South Pacific. The waters of the islands are known for their clarity, it being said that you can see the bottom at 40 metres. The area attracts many humpback whales between June and November and there are lots of companies organising tours to see them. There are numerous places to stay, to suit most budgets See Neiafu (Vava'u), Tonga ========================= Vanilla. Vava'u is a major production area for high quality vanilla and wandering around the countryside on the main island will give you a chance to see how the vanilla bean grows. The plant, a member of the orchid family, has a small cream or yellow flower which must be hand pollinated. The bean then takes nine months to grow, after which it is dried and cured, which develops the flavour and turns the pod dark brown or black. It is said to be the most labour-intensive agricultural product in the world. The value of individual beans means that farmers go to great lengths to protect them from theft, including pricking their individual code numbers on each bean with a pin. Mt. Talau National Park. This was established in 1995 to preserve one of the few remaining areas of relatively undisturbed native forest. It is located on the main island. The Park has several tree species that are endangered in Tonga. Most of the birds and reptiles native to Tonga can be found here. Mt. Talau is also important as a source of Tongan legends. The entrance is approximately 2 km from the center of Neiafu aand the trail is approximately 1km. ‘Ene’io Botanical Garden., Tu’anekivale village (on the east coast of the main island.), The garden aims to promote the survival of native and exotic species and also to provide a sanctuary for bird life. Conservation successes include tree ferns, sandalwood species, bamboos and breadfruit species. You can leave a permanent memory by planting your own tree. There is also a Visitors’ Center where you can see tapa and other artefacts being made and sample the traditional drink of kava. Lunch is provided (if booked in advance) on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. On Thursday evening there is a Tonga Feast. Do Neiafu (Vava'u), Tonga ============================ Walks. There are several good walks from Neiafu including the climb up Mt. Talau (131m-see above) which has excellent views over the harbor. Toafa Church on the west point of Vava'u has good views of the cliffs of Hunga island and other islands. Boat tours. Day trips around the islands are available from several companies for about T$50 per person. These tours visit Mariners Cave (which is accessible through an underwater tunnel), Swallows Cave (excellent for snorkelling) and one or two of the many secluded beaches around the Group. Vava'u Island Express offers day tours and snorkelling trips Diving. Visibility is excellent and the diving is great. Lots of dive sites, offering hard and soft corals, sea fan grottos, wall diving and magnificent caves. Equipment can be rented and diving tours arranged. There are several PADI qualified dive instructors. Companies include Beluga Diving [6], Dive Vava’u [7] (now closed), and Dolphin Pacific Diving [8], Sailing. Vava'u is one of the most popular yacht cruising areas of the South Pacific. You can charter boats without provisioning or fully provisioned with a skipper and a cook. Short or long duration charters can be arranged. Whale Watching. From June to November humpback whales calve and mate in the calm waters. It is not only the sight that is fascinating: the male whales sing. Whale songs vary according to location: each year the song at each location changes. The effect of their singing on humans swimming with them is magical with the sound vibrating through your entire body. Whale watching excursions are available from Sailing Safaris , Endangered Encounters , Melinda Sea Adventures, which offers whale tours under sail , Whale Watch Vava'u and Vava'u Adventures , among others. Snorkelling. There are some great beaches throughout Vava'u. Snorkelling and reef viewing opportunities abound.Vava'u Island Express offers snorkelling trips Kayaking. Guided tours of six and eight days to remote islands are available between May and December by the Friendly Islands Kayak Company. You may run into turtles, porpoises, whales, flying foxes and many seabirds. "Toraja Land" "Tana Toraja" "Toraja Tourism" "South Sulawesi Tourism" "Indonesia Tourism" "Toraja Travel Guide" "Toraja Culture" "South Sulawesi" "Wisata Tana Toraja" "Wisata Sulawesi Selatan" "Wisata Indonesia"
Reisevideo über die Südseeinsel Tongo / video clip about Tonga by
From the Global Village Travel Guide and DVD, "Islands of the South Pacific". Stock footage available from
From the Global Village Travel Guide and DVD, "Islands of the South Pacific". Stock footage available from
Beautiful Tonga Landscape - hotels accommodation yacht charter guide Tonga hotels Tonga accommodation Tonga L...
From the Global Village Travel Guide and DVD, "Islands of the South Pacific". Stock footage available from Transcript: 112 klms' north of TongaTapu is the VAVA'U Group. This set of 34 raised limestone isles, has a tremendous coastline with gorgeous white sand beaches and lots of hideaways to explore. The Tongans were visited by a great many Pacific explorers and were a popular port of call. Captain Cook called them the friendly isles. The town of Neiafu is a bustling marketplace on weekdays and Saturdays. But never on Sunday! It is actually against the law for a Tongan to engage in business of any kind on Sunday -- a prohibition laid down by the Christian missionaries who were among the first Westerners to settle here. Dancing and singing were such a strong element in Polynesian life that when Christianity denied them these forms of expression they redirected their energy to embrace Christian hymns.
From the Global Village Travel Guide and DVD, "Islands of the South Pacific". Stock footage available from
From the Global Village Travel Guide and DVD, "Islands of the South Pacific". Stock footage available from
From the Global Village Travel Guide and DVD, "Islands of the South Pacific". Stock footage available from Transcript: The island of TongaTapu can be toured in a leisurely day. The sites along the way might be a colorful, newly decorated grave or the thousand year old terraced tombs of ancient Tu'i Tongas or kings. The massive stone slabs for these burial sites were actually brought here by raft from distant islands. Further along the coastal road, these local women fish for dinner. The rewards of fishing, however, are not for them alone, the pigs also expect to catch something. #11 05:42: 26 ladies and pigs These pigs, which will eventually be part of some big family feast, are a clever and efficient way to harvest the protein hidden beneath the tidal waters.
Travelling to Tonga soon? or just interested to know more about the last polynesian kingdom? welcome to Tonga; brought to you by
New Zealand Māori: Aotearoa is an island country located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. The country geographically comprises two main landmasses ‒ that of the North and South Islands ‒ as well as numerous smaller islands. New Zealand is situated some 1,500 kilometres (900 mi) east of Australia across the Tasman Sea and roughly 1,000 kilometres (600 mi) south of the Pacific island nations of New Caledonia, Fiji, and Tonga. Because of its remoteness, it was one of the last lands to be settled by h
Preview of's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Learn more about these videos:
From the Global Village Travel Guide and DVD, "Islands of the South Pacific". Stock footage available from
TRAVEL TIPS: NIUE 2400 kilometers northeast of New Zealand and a part of the triangle formed by the Kingdom of Tonga to the west, the Samoa's to the north a...
The Tourist Roads of the Kingdom of Tonga are of the tourist attractions that people go to usually when visiting Tonga. It consists of the blowholes, double ...
Preview of Miiajussi's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Learn more about these videos: "Toraja Land" "Tana Toraja" "Toraja Tourism" "South Sulawesi Tourism" "Indonesia Touri...
Victoria Falls, or Mosi-oa-Tunya (Tokaleya Tonga: the Smoke that Thunders), is a waterfall in southern Africa on the Zambezi River at the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe.More info visit: Victoria Falls victoria falls video victoria falls activities Victoria Falls Zimbabwe Africa Visit victoria falls Visit victoria falls documentary Victoria Falls Travel Victoria Falls Travel Video Guide Get more funny baby 168: Subscribe me: https: Like me: Follow me:
☼ ALL INFO HERE ☼ Part 8 of my sister's around the world trip! This video is from Ha'atafu in Tonga (south pacific ocean island), where she "interviews" a tongan lady about the typical polynesian tapa cloth. She filmed and sent me the footage so I can edit and upload. Here's a little explanation:;=vb.148058561891758&type;=3&theater; ►Watch my previous travel videos!►;=UUXGGuftA3d9KwxBE5uHFvGA&feature;=c4-overview Also stay tuned for travel videos from Samoa, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Philippines and Malaysia! ------------------------------------------------- ~ FIND ME ~ Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Soundcloud: ~ CAMERA ~ Small point and shoot digital camera (my sister's). ~ TRAVEL VIDEOS ~ Here are the links to my YouTube travel video playlists: Egypt: South Africa: Andalucia, Spain: Madrid, Spain: Pakistan: UK & USA: ♡ I hope you have a wonderful trip wherever in the world you're going! ♡
... Willie Tonga, Ben Pomeroy and Elliott Whitehead gave the dominant Catalans a 26-0 half-time lead.
noodls 2015-04-04ACIAR 's program in the PIC s embraces Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.
noodls 2015-04-03... Caversham's Andrew Ridden during their Football South Premier League match at Tonga Park yesterday.
Otago Daily Times 2015-04-03... from Willie Tonga, Ben Pomeroy and Elliott Whitehead ended the game as a contest before half-time.
noodls 2015-04-03PREVIOUS ... MORE ... Jiri Michal/HotSpot Media. Comments are closed on this picture gallery ... Unexpected guests ... Tonga's new island.
The Daily Telegraph 2015-04-03... Willie Tonga, Ben Pomeroy and Elliott Whitehead gave the dominant Catalans a 26-0 half-time lead.
noodls 2015-04-03Today I visit Nuku'alofa to highlight Australia's close economic and security relationship with Tonga.
noodls 2015-04-02"Every show is fast tricked from Amirica to Australia then Fiji, down through Tonga, up through ...
Mashable 2015-04-02... Tonga, Ben Pomeroy and Elliott Whitehead effectively ended the game as a contest before half-time.
The Guardian 2015-04-02... Kiribati, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.
noodls 2015-04-02... it was considered royal to travel by a personal tonga, or horse carriage, as many prefer to call it.
The Hindu 2015-04-02... from Willie Tonga, Ben Pomeroy and Elliott Whitehead ended the game as a contest before half-time.
Sporting Life 2015-04-02Our family have holidayed the past two years for a week in October at the resort on Fafa Island in Tonga ... Two.
NZ Herald 2015-04-01Tonga, officially the Kingdom of Tonga (Tongan: Puleʻanga Fakatuʻi ʻo Tonga), is a sovereign state and an archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean, comprising 176 islands scattered over 700,000 square kilometres (270,000 sq mi) of ocean in the South Pacific. Fifty-two of the islands are inhabited.
The Kingdom stretches over a distance of about 800 kilometres (500 mi) in a north-south line located at about a third of the distance from New Zealand to Hawaii.
Tonga also became known as the Friendly Islands because of the friendly reception accorded to Captain James Cook on his first visit there in 1773. He happened to arrive at the time of the ʻinasi festival, the yearly donation of the first fruits to the Tuʻi Tonga, the islands' paramount chief, and received an invitation to the festivities. According to the writer William Mariner, in reality the chiefs had wanted to kill Cook during the gathering, but could not agree on a plan.
Tonga is also the only island nation in the region to have avoided formal colonisation. In 2010, Tonga took a decisive step towards becoming a fully functioning constitutional monarchy after legislative reforms paved the way for its first ever fully representative elections which resulted in the election of Noble Sialeʻataongo Tuʻivakanō as its first democratically elected Prime Minister.