7th Fleet Overview
US Navy Task Force 77 - Seventh Fleet - Aircraft Carriers, Jets, Destroyers, Cruisers 1970's
Introduction to the U.S. 7th Fleet
US 7th Fleet Strike Group Are To Guard South China Sea Confront Chinese Navy Warships
US 7th Fleet 70th Anniversary
Theme Song of Ultra Seven by US Navy 7th fleet band
USS Freedom Departs 7th Fleet
U.S. NAVY 7th Fleet Band - 24/6 Hong Kong International Military Tattoo 2012
U S Navy 7th Fleet Band Plays Last Pacific Partnership Gig in Timor Leste
1971 How Russia stopped America's 7th Fleet on Bay of Bengal Facebook
US 7th Fleet Band 美國海軍第七艦隊軍樂團
7th Fleet Band
♦7Th Fleet Vs WRC♦
U.S. 7th Fleet 70th Anniversary Commercial
7th Fleet Overview
US Navy Task Force 77 - Seventh Fleet - Aircraft Carriers, Jets, Destroyers, Cruisers 1970's
Introduction to the U.S. 7th Fleet
US 7th Fleet Strike Group Are To Guard South China Sea Confront Chinese Navy Warships
US 7th Fleet 70th Anniversary
Theme Song of Ultra Seven by US Navy 7th fleet band
USS Freedom Departs 7th Fleet
U.S. NAVY 7th Fleet Band - 24/6 Hong Kong International Military Tattoo 2012
U S Navy 7th Fleet Band Plays Last Pacific Partnership Gig in Timor Leste
1971 How Russia stopped America's 7th Fleet on Bay of Bengal Facebook
US 7th Fleet Band 美國海軍第七艦隊軍樂團
7th Fleet Band
♦7Th Fleet Vs WRC♦
U.S. 7th Fleet 70th Anniversary Commercial
US 7th Fleet 於太平洋執行任務 ( Jan. 2013 )
U.S. 7th Fleet's Command video
Commander U.S. 7th Fleet Temporarily Modifies Liberty Policy
U.S. Navy 7th Fleet band at Timor Plaza: Trumpet Virtuoso
Let It Go - performed by The United States 7th Fleet Band in 1Utama Shopping Centre.
U.S. Navy 7th Fleet band at Timor Plaza: Gangnam Style
Moves Like Jagger - US Navy 7th Fleet Band
U.S. 7th Fleet band - Let it Go (Frozen)
7th fleet modded raids
America in 3D Ilocos Norte - U.S. Navy's 7th Fleet Band, The Orient Express
CvC MIT v 7th Fleet
7th Fleet Band Orient Express 第7艦隊音楽隊オリエントエクスプレス
America in 3D Ilocos Norte - U.S. Navy's 7th Fleet Band, The Orient Express
NA10 LB SemiFinal G2: 7th Fleet vs 21Z
WSBT 2: Day 2 QuarterFinals - Nephilim vs 7th Fleet Game 2
2014 AUSA LANPAC Symposium - VADM Robert Thomas, Jr. - Commander, U.S. 7th Fleet
TSL Week 11: WNNR vs 7th Fleet - Game 2
WSBT 2: Day 2 Round of 16 - 7th Fleet vs Intruder Game 1
Eclipsis vs 7th Fleet Game 2
NA#10 preparation 7th Fleet vs Cyberdyne
WSBT 2: Day 2 Round of 16 - 7th Fleet vs Intruder Game 2
Trolling the 7th Fleet
Star Battle 4Glory (4v4) - Day 1 Wildcard M1 - 7th Fleet vs. NADS G1
StarBattle NA7 - Day 2 QF Shadow Eclipsis vs. 7th Fleet Game 3
Star Battle 4Glory (4v4) - Day 1 Wildcard M1 - 7th Fleet vs. NADS G2
TSL - 7th Fleet vs. Nephilim - Jan. 11th - Game 1
TSL - 7th Fleet vs. Unwanted - Dec. 14th - Game 3
US Fleet Tracking GPS Tracking Academy - March 7th 2014 Basics
STO: 7th Federation Fleet - 3 Man No-Win Scenario
TSL Week 3 7th vs Lup Game 1
NA10 LB Round5 7th vs Cookie
Us 7th circuit court of appeals
Us 78
Us 7th fleet
Us 7th fleet ships
7th Fleet Ships
Chiang Visits 7th Fleet (1958)
Seventh Fleet Ice Bucket Challenge
USS Frank Cable hosts Fleet-Wide Maintenance Summit
7th Federation Fleet - No Win Scenario - 3man
Seventh fleet commercial
It has been a busy week out here in 7th Fleet. Check out some of the things we have been
STO: 7th Federation Fleet - 4 Man No-Win Scenario
USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19) Live Fire Exercise
A Navy Munitions Command in Yokosuka, Japan Keeps 7th Fleet Ships Ready
U.S. Seventh Fleet SH-60R Seahawk training scene.
Unwounded men and ammunition is found as US Navy 7th Fleet officers capture a Jap...HD Stock Footage
Hinahanap Hanap Kita - US Navy 7th Fleet Band
It's a Beautiful Day - US Navy 7th Fleet Band
7th Fleet of US Navy carriers with fighter planes aboard, escort supply shipments...HD Stock Footage
US Navy 7th Fleet Overview
Cultural Event in Rote with Seventh Fleet Band
The Seventh Fleet is the United States Navy's permanent forward projection force operating forward deployed in Yokosuka, Japan, with units positioned near Japan and South Korea. It is a component force of the United States Pacific Fleet. At present, it is the largest of the forward-deployed U.S. fleets, with 50 to 60 ships, 350 aircraft and 60,000 Navy and Marine Corps personnel. With the support of its Task Force Commanders, it has three major assignments:
The Seventh Fleet was formed on 15 March 1943 in Brisbane, Australia, during World War II, under the command of Admiral Arthur S. "Chips" Carpender. It served in the South West Pacific Area (SWPA) under General Douglas MacArthur, and the Seventh Fleet commander also served as commander of Allied naval forces in the SWPA.
Most of the ships of the Royal Australian Navy were also part of the fleet from 1943 to 1945 as part of Task Force 74 (formerly the Anzac Squadron). The Seventh Fleet—under Admiral Thomas C. Kinkaid—formed a large part of the Allied forces at the Battle of Leyte Gulf, the largest naval battle in history. After the end of the war, the 7th Fleet moved its headquarters to Qingdao, China.