Mathematical Imagery by Jos Leys

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Posted on 2013-12-05 13:27
A collection of virtual vases, created by inverse stereographic projection of different patterns on the spherical surface of the vase.
All the patterns where done in Ultrafractal, whereas the vases were created in Povray.


Posted on 2013-06-18 14:28
I have recently been making some short movies (with sound) and have collected them on this page.

Hybrid 3D fractals

Posted on 2013-03-14 23:22
The 3D fractals in this gallery, were produced as hybrids between the Mandelbox and Mandelbulb formulas. The method is to alternate n Mandelbox iterations with m Cube folding/Mandelbulb iterations.

Chaos : a new movie!

Posted on 2013-01-19 12:58
After "Dimensions" in 2008, our new film about chaos is now available for (free!) viewing on Have fun!
Download the full film using this torrent.

True 3D limit sets of Kleinian groups.

Posted on 2013-01-05 21:00
In this new gallery, there is a small collection of new images depicting true 3D limit sets of Kleinian groups. They were generated by three Moebius transformations with quaternion coefficients. See also this movie and this one
I have also published an article on the subject.

4D polychora and hyperbolic space

Posted on 2012-06-03 14:26
Two new galleries, one on a kaleidoscopic method on drawing 4D polychora, and another one on drawing tesselated hyperbolic space. For more information, see this article (in French).

Newton type fractals in 3D

Posted on 2011-01-17 18:17
Newton's method for finding the roots of an equation creates fractals if the variable in the equation is a complex number. I found a way to show these fractals in 3D. See this new gallery.

Another tribute to Benoît Mandelbrot

Posted on 2010-11-09 12:55
I further improved my algorithm for 3d views of Mandelbrot and Julia sets. See this gallery.

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