• “This vision is not just a dream” New Statement from the Kasama Project

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Images of Resistance

All eyes on Occupy Portland

Photos: A Performance on Continuing the Revolution

The following are photographs from a highly controversial (and for us, exciting) performance currently touring Nepal, Our Dreams and Them. The performance aims to prepare people for the tasks ahead in continuing the Nepalese revolution, and speaks on debates within the Maoist party on continuing that revolution. It has been called "a call to the people and a warning to our leaders." These photos give a taste of this performance that inspired us so deeply. Photos by Eric Ribellarsi and Thomas van Beersum.

A previous report by Liam Wright has explored this performance. It is also available in Greek.

Ready to fight. photo credit: Eric RibellarsiCrowding to get tickets. photo credit: Eric Ribellarsiphoto credit: Thomas van BeersumReaching for a communist future. photo credit: Eric RibellarsiDefiant. photo credit: Eric RibellarsiThis scene symbolized martyrs reaching out, while a handful of leaders have forgotten them and the revolution itself. photo credit: Eric Ribellarsiphoto credit: Thomas van Beersumphoto credit: Thomas van BeersumDancing in the traditional dress of an indigenous nationality of Nepal. photo credit: Thomas van Beersumphoto credit: Thomas van BeersumThe return of the People's Liberation Army. photo credit: Thomas van Beersumphoto credit: Thomas van BeersumSatirizing Prachanda. photo credit: Thomas van Beersumphoto credit: Thomas van BeersumA young man returns from the city. He has changed and wants to take back land that he donated to the revolution. He plays with his cell phone when the old man tries to talk to him. photo credit: Thomas van Beersumphoto credit: Thomas van Beersumphoto credit: Thomas van BeersumMaila Lama (with microphone), is one of the leaders of the Maoist performance team, and a militant fighter for revolution. photo credit: Thomas van BeersumDancing in Kham Magar indigenous dress. photo credit: Eric Ribellarsiphoto credit: Eric Ribellarsiphoto credit: Eric Ribellarsiphoto credit: Eric Ribellarsiphoto credit: Eric Ribellarsi