News Two Ryanair planes collided at Dublin airport
Two Boeing 737s had been taxiing to the runway at Dublin Airport when they collided
Brenda Leyland was approached by Sky News at her home in Leicestershire last week
Regulator says it has received about 60 complaints following the death of Brenda Leyland
A senior NHS source suggested the overnight fees could be set at around £75 per night
NHS Confederation boss says financial crisis will mean patients having to pay for ‘accommodation’
Spanish Ebola patient, Catholic priest Manuel Garcia Viejo, died after being repatriated from Sierra Leone on 22 September 2014
Female medic was part of a team that treated a Spanish priest (pictured), who died from the disease two weeks ago
‘Sexting’ is becoming the new first step to sexual activity for adolescents, a new study has suggested
Study finds one in four have sent or received sexual messages
The London Underground could be 'overwhelmed' according to TfL chief
RMT union tells members not to book shifts between next Tuesday and Thursday evening
Arts and Entertainment
Locals and conservationists up in arms after hot Welsh weather turns temporary art project into permanent ‘graffiti’
Best of video on

A visitor poses for a photo on the new glass floor
VIDEONew transparent platform gives visitors unrestricted views 57 metres above the ground
Vince Cable and Nick Clegg at the Queens Head Pub
Survey reveals extent of unhealthy lifestyles
Scars of war: A bullet-riddled Gaddafi mosaic in Tripoli
Life and Style
Drinks giant Diageo, who own the Smirnoff brand, are bankrolling a Government led campaign to alert women to the dangers of drinking while pregnant
Dana Vulin wearing her protective mask. She underwent 30 months of intensive surgery
Dana Vulin, set on fire by a woman who was jealous of her looks, takes off her face mask for the first time
Friends and relatives of missing students block a main highway in Chilpancingo, Mexico, on Monday
Bodies found outside city where police clashed with student protesters a week ago
Elizabeth Murdoch and Matthew Freud are reportedly separating in a divorce worth £250million
Archaeologists and other investigators worked on and photographed the site in 2003 - but did not at that stage appreciate its significance. However, after studying the historical and land-based archaeological record in greater detail, they realized the potential importance of the site They, therefore, returned in April this year to carry out further investigations - but discovered that the cannons had been looted. The photographs have therefore become key elements in the debate about the final resting place of the Santa Maria.
UN’s cultural body hopes to find wreck off Haiti, despite claims from archaeologists that they have already found it
Nick Clegg has refused to rule out a second coalition with the Conservatives
Lib Dem leader more open to sticking with Tories than shifting to Lib-Lab pact
It has only been 10 years since Massachusetts became the first and only state in the US to allow gay marriage
Supreme Court decided not to consider a series of appeals
Prosecution to bring evidence from German man as Dewani denies plot to have bride Anni shot dead in South Africa
The two students were asked to cover their t-shirts at an LSE freshers fair
Officials forced to apologise after women called 'slags' and 'mingers'
Ghoncheh Ghavami was arrested for trying to watch a volleyball game in Tehran
British-Iranian Ghoncheh Ghavami has been held for three months
John O'Keefe's work helped to understand Alzheimer's

Comment. Campaigns. Community.

Arts and Entertainment
Baroness Karren Brady, Lord Alan Sugar and Nick Hewer are returning to judge the 20 new Apprentice candidates
tvFrom a burlesque dancer to a matchmaking hypnotherapist
Life and Style
Hard knock life: Rugby is the most popular 'collision' sport in the world, but the countless injuries to young players are not monitored
lifeOne mother's alarming discoveries about the risks of the game
Arts and Entertainment
Page turner: e-book sales last year fell by 26 per cent from 2012
booksAmazon is launching a new Kindle, but people are going back to books
Hundreds of apartments in Battersea Power Station are soon to go on sale
propertyTake a peek inside the Battersea Power Station apartments
Dave Lee Travis leaves Southwark Crown Court after being found guilty of indecent assault
peopleProducers may have to reconsider
God TV founder Rory Alec has announced he is stepping down from his position at the channel following
peopleRory Alec has handed the running of the network to his wife Wendy
Life and Style
Dying to be thin: there is no single social cause for anorexia, but now it is known genetics play their part
Board change: US players have 5,000 new words to play with
newsThe 50 common words most Britons can't spell, according to a shocking new literacy study
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Tory tax ‘cuts’ may not offer much escape from higher-rate tax demands

Cameron's electioneering tax giveaway announced at the Tory conference may not be as pleasing as it ...

My patience is wearing thin with the rogue lenders who still won’t play fair

Payday lenders have been warned to get their act together by today, but few seem to have been listen...

Heard of crowdfunding? Entrepreneurs have: Nicola Horlick guest blog

Almost three-quarters of entrepreneurs understand the benefits of crowdfunding yet less than one in ...

Did the UK economy do well after all?

Not when set in a domestic historical context. And our productivity performance has still been dread...

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Have we fallen out of love with e-readers?

Amazon is launching a new Kindle, but people are going back to books
Is rugby too dangerous for children to play?

Is rugby too dangerous for children to play?

One mother's alarming discoveries about the risks of the game
A studio with a view - but a view worth £495,000?

A studio with a view - but a view worth £495,000?

Take a peek inside the Battersea Power Station apartments
Skinny models? Pushy parents? No, it's the genetics of anorexia

The genetics of anorexia

Anorexia has been blamed on skinny models and pushy parents – but more than half of the risk is inherited
A right mess: the 100-foot poem painted on a cliff face in Snowdonia they can't wash off

A right mess

The 100-foot poem painted on a cliff face in Snowdonia they can't wash off
No, Tracey – being a mother doesn't mean you can't be a good artist too

No, Tracey – being a mother doesn't mean you can't be a good artist too

Monica Ross and Nancy Spero were both mothers and made Emin's success possible
The old stereotypes of what it is to be a 'man' are a load of rubbish

Dear young men

The old stereotypes of what it is to be a 'man' are a load of rubbish
Depardieu: My mother tried to kill me in utero with a knitting needle

Gérard Depardieu reveals his mother tried to kill him in womb

Controversial actor’s autobiography describes troubled childhood
Meet the Toronto band offering misogyny-free heavy metal

‘We’re what Bournemouth needs’

Vag Halen take on the macho posturing and sexist objectification of 'cock rock'
The timebomb inside the NHS: Our health system's founding principles are at stake

The NHS timebomb

Our health system's founding principles are now at stake
Twitter provides one of the few forums in which Saudis can discuss what they really feel - and it says they blame the clergy for Isis

Twitter says Saudis blame the clergy for Isis

The social network's free discussion contrasts with Riyadh's official line on the rise of radicals, says Patrick Cockburn
The Rainbow List 2014: We need your help to identify gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people who make a difference

The Rainbow List 2014

We need your help to identify gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people who make a difference
Mexico's train of death: Entry into the Land of the Free isn't merely unlikely – it's potentially lethal

Mexico's train of death

Entry into the Land of the Free isn't merely unlikely – it's potentially lethal
David Baddiel: All kids think about having different parents

David Baddiel: All kids think about having different parents

The comedian and writer on 'The Infidel', alternative parenting, and religious stereotypes
Is Oscar Wilde’s reputation due for another reassessment?

Is Oscar Wilde’s reputation due for another reassessment?

As a new play and book put the writer back in the dock, his reputation may be set to change once again