/anok/ - AnokChan

a society of dandys
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So I'm working on something I want to collaborate with other AnokChan people on an introduction to Anarchy. When released it will say something like "AnokChan Presents Anarchy: Instead of School Shootings".

Here is the starting draft of the introduction. As it develops, it will be about several good starting avenues beginning anarchists could take. More of a How to anarchy than a what is anarchy.

The pamphlet should be short and take no more than 3 legal sized pieces of paper to make a small zine out of. I'm not the best at zine design, but I do have a grasp on it.

If bigger, it would be because we have more descriptions of kinds of attacks or how to propaganda or maybe have some comics and interesting images to add.

Anyways, looking for any help I can get on defining the opening introduction or ideas on what to cover beyond what is already on the table within the introduction.

tl;dr Read this and add ideas to it:

Introduction to Anarchy: Against School, Church, Work and Create Situations

It has been said that there exists no anarchy for beginners pamphlet and so this is an attempt to expose one. Many anarchists don't come from a vandal background nor have they played pranks on people. Yet the very practice of anarchy is based on these very things! Some want to conflate being an anarchist with being a follower of a political theory. Being an anarchist is action oriented. Most anarchists learn the power of propaganda and that deeds speak louder than words. Yet we all are reserved in this belief.
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tl;dr: Describe your Bolo!

I was going to write up a response in the other thread on the cop killer, but figured who gives a fuck, let's have some fun instead. Let's use this thread to describe your Bolo, your Utopia, your Union of Egos, your Commune, your Collective, or whatever the fuck.

Now, I'll go ahead and point out right away that there's no need to think of this in terms as some sort of prescriptive solution. Instead, it's more of an outlet of mini-utopian fiction. But now for the twist: every bolo must have some arbitrary rule in it's design, that you must chose from ideas someone else posted in the thread when describing one.

So to clarify, you pick a bolo idea that hasn't been picked yet, describe how your version of that bolo would work, and then give another bolo idea for someone else to pick from. If you want, you can just describe your own bolo, or redo someone else's choice, but then you don't get to submit another idea.

A few to get this started:

1. Bolo is at your current place of employment or residence.
2. Bolo supports a population of 10,000 caveman-diet-vegans.
3. Bolo is constructed primarily of balloons.
4. Bolo uses internet memes as dominant form of communication.
5. Bolo includes an abandoned holiday inn in the design.
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Bolo includes a holiday inn that caught fire and was poorly repaired, making half of it unusable.

Bolo uses internet memes and post-anarchist jargon to communicate.

Bolo has a dog launching catapult. The dogs are launched at ducks.

Bolo has a train track that uses a handcar to transport sausage to all the beer halls. The sausage is made of dogs and ducks.

Bolo hunts for cows, occasionally fighting bands of humans and dogs. Dogs captured or killed in the conflicts are launched in catapults at ducks.

Bolo is made up of white people with an awesome waterfall nearby. People like to take the waterfall down like a ride and is great fun for the entire bolo.

Bolo fears Marxist bolos that seek to kick them out and take their bolo space.

Bolo burns an upsidedown cross every night to ward off Christians and Marxists.


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My bolo has a lovely large natural Kingman Turquoise nugget with matching tips mounted in 14k yellow gold.


iron oath
iron discipline
iron code
iron _________

Correct answer gets you a million bucks and a free all expenses paid trip for two (heterosexual couples only) to the carribean or east asian island resort of choice (hetero couples only).


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Also do I get to go? I'm technically in a hetero relationship. I'm a balding black man in his 50s and she's a pre-op trans woman that likes to wear means clothing and has a full beard.


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Bolo is in underground river network.

Bolo is nomad and travels in a fast boat.

Bolo takes refuge in caverns with underwater entrances.

Bolo hunts for fishbirds and cows and ducks and fights many squids, whose favourite food are humans.

Bolo has a meme launching engine mounted on the fast boat. Amplified by blue resonance, memes are a powerful attack against humans and squids.

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So, WTF is up with all these anarchists wanting to go and fight on the side of the Kurds?

All the leftists are even painting weirdly that because the U.S. was involved in creating the conditions for the Islamic State to exist, they basically created and are on the side of the Islamic State.

This is false. The Kurds are the enemies of the Islamic State. The U.S. are allies with the Kurds and they receive heavy funding from the United States already.

The United States is not currently involved in funding the Islamic State. They have their own method of funding, along with many sympathizers that back them. I'd say the main thing that defines the Islamic State is how removed they are from the West, enjoying a status that Saddam enjoyed before his fall. An aggressive threat that can be bombed but not defeated.

The main issue here is that of anti-fascist ideology infecting the left, especially anarchists and communists. It is through anti-fascism that these two forces are most strongly wed. But guess who is also anti-fascist? The United States.

Despite all the rhetoric, the United States is not a fascist nation. It is a liberal secular colonialist Western nation with heavy Protestant Christian cultural influences. National socialism is alien to the United States experience, except as a fringe. Confederate pride today is translated into white rebel pride. These people stand for the old values of essentialism and despite their power, they have accepted the language of victimhood.

But this doesn't suddenly make white culture an enemy, let alone a priority. Anti-fascism has created this monster that the liberals and leftists strongly adhere to in the face of what they perceive of as ignorance.

This has separated these people and from my perspective, liberals and leftists are hardly in numbers that represent most people's perspectives. They usually are more of a political subculture that seeks ultra legal and extra legal expansions of the enlightenment project.
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> Anti-fascism is a system of control and is anti-anarchist.


But really, when will people understand that fascists are some of the most oppressed people out there? Nobody likes them! They never get a break! Civil rights for neo-nazis! If you oppose this, you're a bad anarchist and I'll post on anews AND reddit about this, and then you'll lose all of your internet points and be demoted in the rigid anarchist heirarchy!


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Not about how great Nazis are. It is about how awful the fucking dominant powers that be are and that people are always going after some up and coming imperialist rather than those that actually hold real power.

Go after stupid Nazis while ignoring the domination of those with real power. Always pretending that they would do the same to the greater authoritarians, but never following through with it.

Go after the Islamic State, even die fighting them, yet why has there been no attempt by these so-called anarchists calling for this behavior done a damn militant thing to the very people they blame for creating the situation!

This is my direction. Get it straight.


Fascism is what you do when socialism doesn't work out.

Instead of calling ourselves socialists or fascists we should just admit we are good people but every now and then people gotta make some fash moves to make it in this world. When you are some poor and humgry street kid with a knife and you hold up a couple for some $50 or $100 bucks, that's a pretty fash move and I wouldn't call it socialism although it definitely results from capitalist conditions.

Fascists say the classes need to get along, that hierarchy is necessary, that the state is what makes people good. I think they are totally wrong in this.



> Anti-fascism is a system of control and is anti-anarchist.

How is this being misconstrued?

>Go after stupid Nazis while ignoring the domination of those with real power.

neo-fascists happen to be seizing quite a lot of power recently. I don't know what rock you're living under, but there's a guy named Dugin and a gang of twerps called the Azov battalion who would like to challenge your assumption that the fash don't have any power.


>Anti-fascism is a system of control

What antifascism? Cause there's the opposition to fascists and fascism and then there's those who would call anything fascism to give themselves moral airs. Like saying racism is fascism, and then constructing that not being obedient to persons of some other "race" was fascist, so that political correctness brigades would fight them. But I wouldn't call that a "system of control."

But just opposing fascists – and actual fascists, not fascists from outer space – is not antianarchist.
Unless anarchism for you is a weakness parade.

>But at this point, anyone fighting ISIS is helping the United States, whether they like it or not.

Nah, you're just trapped in having to help someone. In having to hekp one of these vague things, islamic state, united states.. How would you fucking help a state? States exist in demagogia and in harnessing results to show that they exist.

If you changed it to "anyone fighting isis soldiers is helping united states soldiers," so what? Sometimes somehow helping enemies is better avoided and sometimes it just doesn't matter, and sometimes it might even be convenient.

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should i care about ferguson bc i don't and i am not sure if that makes me shitty
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For some of us, St. Louis is our here.


op here. allow me to reword my shitty original post:

i am not sure where the point of contact between my desires and the possible ends of this series of protests occurs, other than perhaps the normalization of disobedient activities to sway power. the best case scenario direct results of ferguson are: a token conviction for one cop, police body cameras and (a very small maybe) a disincentive for cops to murder so many people.

these seem like very liberal, non-revolutionary goals to me. i am not saying 'who cares?' i am saying 'what am i missing?'


tl;dr: if we write it off as liberal reformists and avoid it, could we be passing up on utilizing the tensions to expand on the anarchic elements and narratives?

long version
Right, no doubt those are very liberal demands at best. The thing that strikes me the most is how quickly people are starting to realize that it isn't enough. People are starting to call out the some of the clergy, 'community leaders', and other such managers of this opposition.

Most Recently: "This ain't your grandparents' civil rights movement," he said, remarking that the clergy at Sunday night's gathering had not done enough in the streets. Those who had his back, he said, were young men with their shirts off and bandannas on, or the girl who should "be in school" but isn't. "Get off your ass and join us!" he said.

I think expecting everyone to have the perfect analysis about these things and writing off the situation based on those who don't is somewhat defeatist. Aren't we supposed to challenge those narratives? If there are people unhappy with the liberal progression of things, shouldn't anarchists be there to affirm that it's not just some pigs but all pigs and the notion of pigs itself that is the problem?

I know this sits very close to the "consciousness raising" crap we are also tired of hearing, but really, if no one is there to re-affirm that the liberal shit is a bullshit narrative then how will those who feel the same and are getting shouted down by liberals on the regular for those ideas and not a part of the @-scene feel like they can speak for themselves without feeling so alienated and outnumbered by the reformists?


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thank you, anon


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What I see is a lot of playing into the leftist narratives, offering an anarchist alternative spin on any typical point of view. These lesser narratives hardly ever play out in favor of their proponents and when there is a conflict, those outside get the message that the protesters are not well organized with a mixed message.

Obviously it is a tactic of the enemy to pit a political rival (leftists) against anti-political types (anarchists), but then again, the narrative game still is given justification to the organizers.

A better approach is treating the protesters as an audience, since they are typically passive, then explicitly goad people to break with the organizers and the routes they were required to follow.

Protest police should be attacked, but can they be attacked successfully and specifically in the streets? Bullhorns need to be smashed.

Splinter marches aren't considered as effective…but just generally speaking, most protests are worthless. The entire field is bullshit.

I think the only real way might be to treat the protesters like they are dupes and pawns like everyone else on the ground. Use the crowd to do some minor infrastructural damage, maybe take out some transformers, detonate some cell phone towers. In the confusion of a relatively minor attack, the police will destroy the leftist narrative for us.

Afterall, the police are always quick to blame protesters for any like minded attacks that happen while they are "seizing space" in the streets.

A demo is a demonstration of power, yet most are a demonstration of obedience and compliance. When the police blame obedience protesters and attack them, disillusionment can strike the protesters.
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Ayn Rand thread!

ITT: offer a concise and devastating take down of the subject and/or say something nice

or just fuck right off

i will start by saying something nice.

>she was kind of obsessed with this serial killer, William Edward Hickman, who dismembered a 12 year-old girl and that is pretty fucking metal

>captcha: ELIJAH ubated


she was a liberal


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She's tricked a lot of liberals away from being hippies. She's tricked a lot of conservatives away from Christianity.

This also brings up something. As far as sides that egoists are on, it looks like they are primarily in favor of the Western side. Despite the libertarian rhetoric, the society egoists function most in don't just happen to be Western, they are fostered by the West.

Being an egoist is *not* something special. It is what most people are when they have become, at the very least, not sheep. Still prone to manipulation, but at least conscious of it, most egoists fall to a demagogue of some sort because that is what this society offers.

To be absent all collectivism, to have full individualism without any ties to any person would be either a religious feat or the act of someone that has lost everything.

I say religious because most individuals benefit from being social. To be completely removed would require searching for the deepest and worst conditions on Earth, at this point. Even then, survival is unlikely.

And to even lose everybody, there is hardly any corner of this world that a person can go and just live off the land, so there are still the connections to this society. A society that cannot realistically be escaped.

It makes sense to keep a capitalist mindset in capitalism instead of taking on other approaches. The self interested person, using their connections, can find people and form or become part of the business world with some effort.

Yet the informal ties people hold will continue to make business relationships complex. Formal decisions, as they are today, can be manipulated though ties outside of the simple merits one holds as an individual. So with that, the ethical objectivist has to either maintain a strict religiousity or do as all utopians, revolutionaries and wannabe destroyers of society do, compromise and adjust, assimilate. Still citizens all these fuckers, just bad ones.
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>And to even lose everybody, there is hardly any corner of this world that a person can go and just live off the land, so there are still the connections to this society. A society that cannot realistically be escaped.

wow so connected fucking drenched in "society"




Premise one: Things cannot be said.
Premise two: Things need to be said.
Premise three: Things can be said without actually saying them.
Premise four: Ayn Rand and Objectivism.

I wouldn't debate a stupid objectivist nor give them the satisfaction of even responding to their stupid threads. There is nothing intellecual here.

Dirty secrets and ultimate takedowns, I'd say at this point, there is not a single objectivist by choice. By the time you realize it's Leninism it's too late…now to the real question:
What was Leninism exactly?

Lauryn Hill is your fate with me LOZERS!!!!!

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This guy is accused of sniping two police officers in Pennsylvania.
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"Got a shot around 11 p.m. and took it. He dropped. I was surprised at how quick. I took a follow-up shot on his head, neck area. He was still and quiet after that. Another cop approached the one I just shot. As he went to kneel, I took a shot at him and he jumped in the door. His legs were visible and still. I ran back to the jeep. I made it maybe half-a-mile from the GL (game land) road and hit a road block. I didn't expect one so soon – it was only 15 to 20 minutes. I did a k-turn a quarter mile from them and pulled into a development I knew had unfinished access roads. Hearing helos (helicopters), I just used my marker lights, missed the trail around a run off pool and drove straight into it. Disaster. Made half-attempt to stash AK and ran."


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Authorities found a checklist in Eric Frein's bedroom detailing various supplies they say the suspected gunman would need to survive in the wilderness after shooting two state troopers at the Blooming Grove barracks.

"Undies, sleep clothes and poncho liner," were among the clothing items listed, along with camp supplies including a compass, flashlight, stove and fuel. The list, which was broken into six sections, also detailed various weapons he would need, including a rifle, two bombs, fuses and wire. Another section included items to conceal one's location, including a camouflage net, bandanas and a space blanket.

The list was among the items seized during additional searches conducted at the 308 Seneca Lane home in Canadensis that Frein shared with his parents, Eugene and Deborah, after he was named the sole suspect in the Sept. 12 shooting that killed Cpl. Bryon K. Dickson II, 38, Dunmore and wounded Trooper Alex T. Douglass, 31, of Olyphant.

Search warrant affidavits obtained by The (Scranton) Times-Tribune on Wednesday show police searched the home for more than six hours between Sept. 17 and Sept. 18 and seized materials to make pipe bombs and more than 40 rifles and handguns, including several powerful military weapons. Other items seized include seven spools of trip wire, containers of gunpowder, fuses, two crates and several boxes of ammunition and ammunition clips for handguns and rifles.

During a press conference Wednesday, police said they discovered two pipe bombs and other items Frein left behind at a campsite they located on Sept. 18. The bombs were rigged to explode upon contact. They believe Frein may have built additional, more lethal bombs.

The discoveries show Frein remains a very dangerous man who must be caught, no matter how long it takes or how much it costs, authorities said.

"He is a fugitive armed with a sniper rifle and explosives. He is a threat not only to law enforcement but to the community as a whole," said Sam Rabadi, the special agent in charge of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Pennsylvania.

The new information released Wednesday provides the most detailed look into the case authorities have steadily been building against Frein since he was identified as a suspect on Sept. 15, after his parents' Jeep Cherokee was found partially submerged in a retaining pond near the Blooming Grove barracks. The home was first searched in tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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The teams of Cpl. Ty Meik and K-9 Zeke and Officer Kelly English and K-9 Riggs were expected to join the search for Frein in the Pocono Mountains. They're expected to stay there through at least Thursday, said Paula Trovy, a spokeswoman for Harrisburg police.

Zeke made headlines last year when he was shot in the line of duty while tracking a suspect in Lower Paxton Township. He received emergency surgery for a wound to the neck and was credited by police with helping to protect other officers in the incident.

Both Zeke and Riggs are Belgian Malinois dogs. Zeke joined Harrisburg police in 2011 and is trained as a "dual purpose" K-9. Riggs joined the department last year and has experience finding bombs and explosives.

Sauce: http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2014/10/harrisburg_k-9_eric_frein_sear.html


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Halloween is canceled. The 50th annual Halloween parade? The annual 5K scarecrow race? Trick-or-treating? Gone.

As they leave the bar to head home, some may encounter another grim reminder of the manhunt: State police roadblocks, limiting travel.

Through the night, helicopters rumble above. Troopers with rifles and search dogs scan forests and backyards.

And Eric Frein remains hidden.

Sauce: http://www.mcall.com/news/nationworld/mc-eric-frein-search-weariness-1014-20141014-story.html


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I don't know.

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Hey Faggots,

My name is Kevin Keating, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are bourgeois, academic, no-life yuppies who spend every second of their day looking at stupid Anarchist News. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any prole action? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to riot porn on facebook.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the Yuppie Eradication Project, and started a fare strike. I'm a Great American Graphic Novelist who has an attorney from one of San Francisco's most prestigious law firms on retainer. What do you do for the proletariat, other than "troll Anarchist News?" I also got a story in almost every SF newspaper, smacked down NEFAC, told LibCom they're retards, and have a banging hot interview on Politically Incorrect (I just googled it; Shit was SO cash). You are all losers who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It's me making you my bitch
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Here we go.


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Can't be stopped!


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And it could all be yours for the low low price of…hold on, my phone ringing…"oh hi, the future, we're all losers. Thanks! Nice talking to you!"…where was I?


It gave me the chills…



In modern society, just as the distinction between theater and reality blurs, so to does the difference between spectator and spectacle, so too the differences between performer, performance and audience. The advent of the Chinese finance system has created the conditions whereby we can now see the developing embryos of the dismantling away of the State which everyday comes to resemble more and more the global empire of Negrian theory.

Progressive Imperialism follows through with Negri's arguments on Empire but accommodates the technocratic tendency to locate, isolate and neutralize antagonisms in Empire brought about by the inherent contradictions within the system. The focus is on outcome and the strategy is precision i.e. not the counter Empire hoped for by Negri but rather, millions upon millions of tiny counter Empires.

The unity of Empire insofar as ideology is concerned is best conceptualized through the chauvinistic framework that is definitive of race relations, in the US, African American inequality and illegal immigration.

These three facets of modern society (progressive empire by racism and xenophobia) form the basis from which the false consciousness of ideology emerges, the tendency for Imperialism to undervalue discipline and the State itself (clearly as a measure to reinforce a supra-state), increasing racial tension over a spectacular backdrop of multiculturalism and the inherently contradictory binary of pro against anti immigration.

I contemplate these things as I write my thoughts on a spiffy second hand Lenovo Thinkpad, a modern AK-47 for the coming idea wars of the 21st century and beyond. No doubt, to use a computer, one is not left with the anarchist opt out option. Although no formal accounting of all methods have been made public, all modern communication devices come pre-installed with data collection hardware and software that is used to analyze potential markets, offset dangers and gain leverage in a mostly bureaucratic war of words, the violence of Empire relegated to regions that are managed through various degrees of feedback mechanisms and responses to them. In this manner, we can give a tip of the hat to Karl Kautsky's theories on Ultra Empire, a peaceful empire of equal markets and an ideal whose early emergence caused Lenin quite a stir.

Race relations in the Unites States help us attenuate ourselves to this, albeit to a much more mitigated scale. The police shooting of bPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


The cowards at @news couldn't even muster the courage to print this although it may have been browser issues. This has to do with my meltdown that got me kicked from riseup btw.

I hope this helps the peeps and naturally it should since @news are being vergas about this.

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Anarchists are the Illuminati! We should be proud of our heritage and start acting accordingly.

Sauce: http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=145168
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Might not be a bad idea. In order to actually defeat such a large concentration of power would be to infiltrate it with agents of the Illuminati and then break the consensus on power that currently exists. U.S. Generals vs. U.S. Generals, Battalions threatening battalions. In order to defeat the global state, to undermine its power will need attacks from the top of the hierarchy as well as from the middle and bottom.

A riot, an insurrection, such things exist only as street theater until the powerful drops a daisy cutter on the crowd. Their horrified shrieks as they see the parachute slowly lowering their doom in front of them. There is so much power concentrated that it would mean little to lose a few cities to quell rebellion…it actually would improve their power and standing to reduce the burden on the technological infrastructure. Genocide and re-colonize the area is the coming war. The energy war is a territory/resource war and it is in its cold stages now. It is not about controlling people and it may be a very misanthropic struggle, as every death that occurs will help maintain the position of power the global state holds.

Russia is merely a gangster attempting to take advantage of its regional dominance, like criminals take advantage of their home neighborhoods. The Global state is moving its police force in to replace Russian power in the Ukraine, gangsters replaced by cops, the intermediary of power that Russia currently serves, as it is largely loyal to the global state except when it comes time for the global state to seize its territory and resources and put them in the hands of loyal puppets.

Liberals are deluded to think alternative energy will hold off this struggle. They forget the global state isn't fighting to maintain the year 2014's technology, it is fighting to continue advancing so its sci-fi goal of solar system colonization can occur. The global state still believes in the progress of capitalism, that innovation is necessary, though it is losing the aspects that must exist in order for innovation to occur.

Easy small business ownership and a flexible educated class are the main areas of innovation. Large corporations do break ground inside of large hierarchical research facilities, but the traditional and typical way innovation is discovered and breaks real ground is when people take risks for successPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>>People will believe they are powerful again when a legitimate contender to empire exists that can actually threaten its stranglehold on the world. A legitimate contender can't exist until power experiences some level of breakdown, devolution.

You seem to have it in reverse here. The construction of the legitimate contender to empire is part and parcel the project of empire and it is raising this legitimate contender to the level of empire that the project of empire itself is fully realized and a new order can begin to be built. In any case, marvel at your tautological defeatism, for if a legitimate contender to empire requires empire to cede power, then what is to be the purpose of this contender. Simply ridiculous. Turn off the hate machine, guys, I'm too sexless and it's too aggravating. I'm telling not asking.


Yikes, you'll have to excuse my bad form. When I say, "turn the hate machine off" I mean stop motherfucking snitching, goddamnit!!! I finally learnt what all that affect alk was about, ok fellas?


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I'm afraid you are mistaken. "Ceding" power is mistaken. This makes one think the empire is granting power through an acknowledged defeat. That is formal power and not what I'm talking about. Real power, which crosses between formal and informal…real power is taken and not granted, not ceded. The anarchist war is not one of territory, other than to destroy the hold power has on territory. Anarchists are against states and not only don't, but shouldn't hold territory of any kind.

An anarchist group exists as an adversary to those that claim state power. In order to actually defeat and destroy state power in all forms, there can be no territory of anarchists. An anarchist group, big or small, does not possess territory and does not believe in territory being inherited by any people, ala Bakunin (ala the Bavarian Illuminati). No inheritance is anarchy. No land is ours or all lands are ours. I prefer the former only because the reality of globalism can give the idea that anarchists think they can dream of holding the same cohesion on the world as the American empire does.

It is through the rule of the talon the State dominates the world. But to show even more power, not only are they going to destroy a country (a territory, its state and the nation(s) within the territory) but they are going to rebuild that country to function on a level needed to exploit it.

I was not saying construct or make a rival to the global empire. I was saying that the goal of anarchists in this situation is not utopianism, but rather to express our anti-authoritarianism in a vicious way to destroy the power of the global empire through any means necessary. Infiltration or conversion into the conspiracy to destroy all states, the Illuminati, as feared by monarchs and republics alike, needs no state and exists merely to destroy states and make them all fall until they are all gone.

Some want to equate the New World Order and Freemasonry with the Illuminati. While it can be claimed the historic Illuminati has new heirs to its line, mainly concentrating on western mysticism, there is not real connection between it and the elite power conspiracies.

The elite may use the Freemasons as a starting point and the lodge as a way to handle business privately, but the only Freemason conspiracy that affects the at large members is the preferred legal treatmPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


There are this ambitions regarding 'all' politics Anarchists, with the feasible exemption regarding some of the Alfredia Anarchists and also require some questions to this particular, even so the Alfredia Anarchists really are a minority amid politics Anarchists, as well as there's no query regarding 'imposing' virtually any moral life style, may it be monogamy or even polyamory, nevertheless I will be a good advocate regarding erotic communism (polyamory); I simply think that monogamy us all not naturally made and sometimes this dying regarding appreciate by itself; it's a main reason behind heartbreak, individual suffering as well as erotic dullness; it truly is totally natural to want several fan; typically monogamy will be the want to experience a model's heart and soul as well as keep them because exclusive home; marraige is usually a maximum of legalised prostitution, as well as especially inside the Hindu as well as Islamic industrys, the item just decreases girls to the standing regarding slaves.

Mr brdlstone

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