Tuesday, October 07, 2014. Last Update: Tue 3:23 PM EST

United States Project

Colorado Senate debates offer new chance to explain what’s at stake

Personhood is important, but it’s time to be clear about the bigger picture

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO — Last month, just before a much-anticipated debate with his Republican challenger, Cory Gardner, US Sen. Mark... More


Language Corner

Beware journo-speak

Only journalists would call a tragedy a “mishap”

The public editor for The New York Times, Margaret Sullivan, wrote a wonderful piece last month about how word selection... More


Behind the News

Don’t treat worst-case scenarios as facts

How to avoid overhyping Ebola projections

On September 23, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a statistical forecast of how far the Ebola virus... More


Behind the News

Reporters struggle to stay safe covering Ebola

“There is no protocol; people are grasping for information”

Glenna Gordon has worked in West Africa for five years. Visiting Nigerian slums, she knows which streets to avoid. She... More


The Second Opinion

How one Massachusetts reporter provides a clear view on the healthcare market

WBUR’s Martha Bebinger focuses on the consumer angle

As goes Massachusetts, so goes the nation—at least when it comes to healthcare. In the midst of the debate on... More


Behind the News

PBS pulls ads from Harper’s Magazine after critical essay

Piece argues public broadcaster has fallen under the sway of political influence and outside money

After a sales representative at Harper’s Magazine received a phone call on September 18 from a disgruntled advertiser, the subject... More

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The Kicker

Must-reads of the week

The upside of newsroom cuts at The New York Times, the thin line between business and editorial operations at Vice, and a new study questioning whether the internet is really killing newspapers

Culled from CJR's own stories, plus the frequently updated "Must-reads from around the Web," our staff recommendations for the best... More


The Audit

Scary numbers in Moody’s public pension report, sans context

Media coverage of ‘$2 trillion’ gap is incomplete at best

A Moody's report last week warning that top US public pensions are underfunded by $2 trillion got wide coverage in... More


United States Project

How a business reporter started covering the pot beat

With Florida voters likely to approve medical marijuana, Michael Pollick is reporting on what comes next

Business reporter Michael Pollick covers Florida’s medical marijuana ballot initiative for the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. (Courtesy Michael Pollick) MIAMI, FL... More


Behind the News

Explanatory news startup aims to build a new type of online community

Dutch website De Correspondent responds to negative comments sections with a new kind of quality engagement

In April 2013, Nieman Lab covered the story of an amazingly successful crowdfunding campaign run by Dutch startup De Correspondent,... More


The Audit

The upside of yesterday’s New York Times news

Paywall 2.0 flop triggers layoffs, but digital ads and digital circulation surge

The New York Times is cutting 100 jobs from its newsroom, and you'd get the impression from the reaction that... More


United States Project

Colorado’s elections seem boring, but they shouldn’t

As candidates control the message, these campaigns deserve more enterprise coverage

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO — If you've been paying attention at all to American politics and the 2014 midterms, you know... More


United States Project

Will journalists get fined for photographing trees? (UPDATED)

The new US Forest Service rules explained

You’ve probably heard: The US Forest Service is savaging the First Amendment. It’s trying to codify a provisional rule, in... More


Data Points

How OkCupid is bolstering data journalism

Digital companies discover patterns in usage

In the introduction of Dataclysm: Who We Are (When We Think No One is Looking), published last month, OkCupid co-founder... More


Language Corner

Shakespeare didn’t say that

Lines that are (mis)attributed to the Bard

Hell hath no fury like a writer scorned, and, should Shakespeare be alive today, he might feel much scorn'd. People... More


Behind the News

Stories I’d like to see

Where did the Department of Education’s ‘Race to the Top’ lead?

We are fast approaching the fifth anniversary, on Jan. 10, of when state applications are due to apply for awards... More


Full-Court Press

In all the goodbyes, media didn’t catch why Jeter will be missed

The shortstop had plenty of positive attention thanks to an absent third baseman.

From the perspective of the New York Yankees' marketing department, it is lucky that Alex Rodriguez spent the final season... More

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Behind the News

This is how Tehran Bureau covers Iran

Its reporting model, using undercover journalists and distant editors, is one way to cover closed societies

At the turn of this century, I started noticing a torrent of messages from Iranian strangers each time I logged... More


The Second Opinion

Can a chilling New York Times story help spark new dialogue on end-of-life care?

The paper continues its strong coverage of the aging beat

The New York Times is on a roll these days when it comes to the aging beat, and Nina... More


United States Project

How Iowa reporters are teaming up to cover a tight Senate race

Eight papers use a new transparency tool to get a handle on the political ad wars

PRAIRIE VILLAGE, KS — Politics has long been a key beat for Iowa media. But today, political campaigns in the... More


Behind the News

Good news is good business, but not a cure-all for journalism

Positive news sites are presented as the answer to news fatigue, but solutions journalism practitioners disagree

Most news consumers probably know that the news these days is mostly dire, and that the act of staying informed... More


The Kicker

Must-reads of the week

A discredited book on Monroe/DiMaggio, the perspectives of female sportscasters, and reporting on Syria

Culled from CJR's own stories, plus the frequently updated "Must-reads from around the Web," our staff recommendations for the best... More

Why one editor won’t run any more op-eds by the Heritage Foundation’s top economist - A reply to Paul Krugman on state taxes and job growth made some incorrect claims

This is how Tehran Bureau covers Iran - Its reporting model, using undercover journalists and distant editors, is one way to cover closed societies

Alessandra Stanley’s troubling history of error - Scrutiny alone isn’t enough to solve the problem

Why Bill Simmons might leave ESPN - Other outlets would jump at the chance to gain his following

Simon & Schuster should come clean about discredited Monroe/DiMaggio book - C. David Heymann’s Joe and Marilyn is full of highly dubious information—just like many of his previous books

Apparently The New York Times invented the listicle (The Morning News)

“There are precious few facts about the ballet of the 1912 article ‘Some Facts About the Ballet,’ for example, but there are lots about John Tiller’s famous “Tiller Girls,” who were on a tour of American cities at the time”

The Recollectors

Remembering parents lost to AIDS

Swedish scientists sneak Dylan quotes into articles (The Guardian)

Whoever nets the most before retirement wins a free lunch

Mag for dog haters is a hit in Germany (WSJ)

Poop and Pooches. That is all


Greg Marx discusses democracy and news with Tom Rosenstiel of the American Press Institute

Who Owns What

The Business of Digital Journalism

A report from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism

Study Guides

Questions and exercises for journalism students.