Whale Watching with Hornblower and the Whalers
Whale Watching with Hornblower and the Whalers
Whale Watching with Hornblower and the Whalers
Every year, locals and tourists enjoy whale-watching excursions with Hornblower Cruises & Events. Aboard every Hornblower Whale and Dolphin-watching cruise a...
Nuclear Industry, Fukushima, Chernobyl, Military-industrial: My Stance (100% serious Global Crisis)
Nuclear Industry, Fukushima, Chernobyl, Military-industrial: My Stance (100% serious Global Crisis)
Nuclear Industry, Fukushima, Chernobyl, Military-industrial: My Stance (100% serious Global Crisis)
Nuclear power nuclear radiation nuclear war must be phased out. I take this stand on a most improtant issue which we are facing. It is one of the most import...
Cute Pacific Walruses
Cute Pacific Walruses
Cute Pacific Walruses
A cute Pacific Walruses that we all thought it was a sea lion or seal at Ocean Park Hong Kong, trying to make friends.
Alaska Travelogue: "The Iceless Arctic" circa 1940 Educational Pictures 10min
Alaska Travelogue: "The Iceless Arctic" circa 1940 Educational Pictures 10min
Alaska Travelogue: "The Iceless Arctic" circa 1940 Educational Pictures 10min
more at http://travel.quickfound.net/ Public domain film from the Library of Congress Prelinger Archive, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the as...
Science on Ice: Alaska students learn sea ice field techniques
Science on Ice: Alaska students learn sea ice field techniques
Science on Ice: Alaska students learn sea ice field techniques
Seychelles Traveling with Music "Sweet Lullaby" Chris Cozens
Seychelles Traveling with Music "Sweet Lullaby" Chris Cozens
Seychelles Traveling with Music "Sweet Lullaby" Chris Cozens
Seszele."Egzotyczne podróże po rajskich zakątkach naszej pięknej planety Ziemi.Białe plaże,palmy,luksusowe hotele,piękne kobiety w bikini,kolorowe drinki,wak...
Pacific Ocean Green Sea Turtle
Pacific Ocean Green Sea Turtle
Pacific Ocean Green Sea Turtle
I dropped into the water to capture this magnificent large Pacifid Green Sea Turtle, off Maui. Taken with Nikon Coolpix AW110.
White and Barents Sea
White and Barents Sea
White and Barents Sea
At the White sea in northern Russia, orthodox monks have for centuries kept meticulous records. Today, these records provide us with an understanding of how the White Sea looked hundreds of...
Walruses at Pier 39 in San Fran
Walruses at Pier 39 in San Fran
Walruses at Pier 39 in San Fran
Seals at Pier 39 in San Francisco(: probably the most fun thing we saw while on my band trip from BC(;
Planeride to Japan View out of plane
Planeride to Japan View out of plane
Planeride to Japan View out of plane
this was shot somewhere over Russia or the Arctic, not likely to see this more than once in your life unless you travel constantly :)
Alaska, USA 8 Collage Video - youtube.com/tanvideo11
Alaska, USA 8 Collage Video - youtube.com/tanvideo11
Alaska, USA 8 Collage Video - youtube.com/tanvideo11
Powered by http://www.tanmarket.com - Alaska Colonization - Some researchers believe that the first Russian settlement in Alaska was established in the 17th ...
True North: Heading Off To Barrow, Alaska - Part Three
True North: Heading Off To Barrow, Alaska - Part Three
True North: Heading Off To Barrow, Alaska - Part Three
Upon arriving in America's northernmost city, DJ Chris Wilcox and I are greeted by councilman (and crazyman) Mike Shults. Mike will serve as our guide throug...
Layers.......keep you warm
Layers.......keep you warm
Layers.......keep you warm
Illustrating through pictures the layering technique for extreme weather conditions.
Pacific Northwest Expedition 2011
Pacific Northwest Expedition 2011
Pacific Northwest Expedition 2011
Вкусный мир Эскимосская кухня
Вкусный мир Эскимосская кухня
Вкусный мир Эскимосская кухня
Вкусный мир Эскимосская кухня
Вы когда нибудь пробовали вино из одуванчиков или кашу из топора? Сегодня в изысканных ресторанах повара готовы удовлетворить вкусы самого изощренного гурмана, но даже там вам не подадут блюда, которые испокон веков входят в меню эскимосов. Моржи, тюлени, нерпы - их можно вкусно приготовить только в тех местах, где они обитают. Гости программы Ольга и Дмитрий познакомят нас с эскимосcкой кухней. Сегодня они приготовят блюда из оленины, мяса моржа и угостят китовым салом - мантак.
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Polar Bears versus Walruses in the Arctic (Full Documentary)
Polar Bears versus Walruses in the Arctic (Full Documentary)
Polar Bears versus Walruses in the Arctic (Full Documentary)
Polar Bears versus Walruses in the Arctic (Full Documentary)
Siberian Husky in Yamal Peninsula
Siberian Husky in Yamal Peninsula
Siberian Husky in Yamal Peninsula
I videoed this reindeer-herding Husky whilst staying with a family of reindeer herders in the Yamal Peninsula in arctic Siberia. Unfortunately he was killed ...
Alaska, USA - 12 of 28 - Hubbard Glacier
Alaska, USA - 12 of 28 - Hubbard Glacier
Alaska, USA - 12 of 28 - Hubbard Glacier
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Music by Josh Woodward - http://www.joshwoodward.com/
"Don't Close Your Eyes" - http://www.joshwoodward.com/song/DontCloseYourEyes
Creative Commons Attribution m
Alaska Haul Road, Caribou Hunting - Video Log - Day 6: no caribou
Alaska Haul Road, Caribou Hunting - Video Log - Day 6: no caribou
Alaska Haul Road, Caribou Hunting - Video Log - Day 6: no caribou
via YouTube Capture.
Belize Operations - San Juan #3 - Spudding in on March 14, 2013
Belize Operations - San Juan #3 - Spudding in on March 14, 2013
Belize Operations - San Juan #3 - Spudding in on March 14, 2013
Treaty Energy Corporation has begun to drill the San Juan #3 well in Belize after receiving government approval on site after final inspections were made to ...
Castle Visits Kenai
Castle Visits Kenai
Castle Visits Kenai
Assistant Secretary Anne Castle visited Kenai, Alaska to spotlight the river's restoration projects as part of the "America's Great Outdoors Initiative."