
Watch: Amazing stop-motion parkour animation


From Corridor Digital: “We can't actually do flips and tricks in real life, so we applied a bit of video magic.” Facebook, Twitter. [Thanks, Joe Sabia!]

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Music: “Convoy,” C.W. McCall (1975)


"Eleven long-haired friends of jesus in a chartreuse microbus."

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Profile of Daniel Pinkwater, "Pynchon for kids"


Reading Daniel Pinkwater's novels as a kid changed my life for the better, and I've never looked back, so this beautifully written profile by Josh Nathan-Kazis was a pure delight to read, from Pinkwater's experiences as a cult member to the time that Terry Gilliam blamed him for killing Harvey Kurtzman's Help! magazine, putting R. Crumb out of a job.

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Twin Peaks returns to TV!


Welcome back to Twin Peaks.

On Friday, David Lynch tweeted "Dear Twitter Friends: That gum you like is going to come back in style! #damngoodcoffee"

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Polyphonic overtone singing

- Demonstrated by Anna-Maria Hefele; it's so strange and beautiful. Previously. Previously. Previously. Previously. Previously! Play video

BC Pastafarian fights for right to wear colander in Driver's License photo


Obi Canuel is an ordained Pastafarian minister from British Columbia who's fighting for the right to wear his religious headgear -- a pasta colander -- in his driver's license photo.

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Dutch IT contractor lays out the case for spying on everyone's wearables, always


A promo video from Pinkroccade, a prominent IT contractor to Dutch local governments, makes the case for spying on wearables (if your heart-rate rises because you're about to be mugged, the police could be alerted, and get GPS from your phone, find nearby phones belonging to people with criminal records, check the view from your Google Glass, and respond -- case closed).

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Fantasy, Earth, Wind and Fire


"Give a smile from your lips and say I'm free, yes I'm free, now I'm on my way."

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A short history of jokes about squirting

If you think the symbolism Freud saw everywhere was just a figment of his filthy imagination, a good look at the humor of his era — the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries — will convince you that he wasn’t the only one with a dirty mind. Read the rest

No Such Thing: spooky (not scary!) picture book

In the new Flying Eye picture book No Such Thing, a little girl named Georgia finds herself in a delightfully spooky situation: things in her home keep going astray -- but Georgia knows that there's no such thing as ghosts. Cory Doctorow field tested the book on his six year old, and comes back with a tale of mystery, delight, and fright, just in time for Hallowe'en. Read the rest

Why people believe things you don't believe

Why do Holocaust deniers, young Earth creationists, people who think they’ve lived past lives as famous figures, people who claim they’ve been abducted by aliens, and people who stake their lives on the power of homeopathy believe things that most of us do not? David McRaney investigates. Read the rest