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In the past few weeks we have been subjected to a media frenzy. The early morning police raids on homes in suburban Sydney and Brisbane on September 18, resulting in 15 people being detained without charge and two arrests, was orchestrated to create a climate of fear of looming “terrorist” attacks and set the scene for the federal government’s security crackdown.

The latest raft of “anti-terror” legislation will severely limit civil rights and comes in the context of Australian forces being committed to a new war in Iraq.

However the “terror” from which Australian residents are most at risk is the fallout from Treasurer Joe Hockey’s budget which attacks the poor, the sick, workers, aged and disabled, students, jobseekers, asylum seekers, and Indigenous people.


On the evening of September 25, a 26-year-old women was brutally bashed by another women on an Upfield line train as it pulled into Batman Station in North Coburg, and then thrown from the carriage while the train was still moving. The assault was accompanied by racist and Islamophobic abuse directed at victim.

Sue Bolton, Socialist Alliance member and Moreland City councillor, who represents North-East Ward, in which the crime occurred, said the responsibility for the attack lies not only with the perpetrator but the with the federal government and their media allies who have been stoking racist hostility to Muslims for political gain.

“In the past few months we have seen an intensifying campaign to convince Australians that Muslim members of the community pose a threat... READ MORE

This updated resolution was adopted by the Socialist Alliance National Council on October 4.

1. Socialists have always supported the legitimate national aspirations of the Kurdish people, left divided by the colonial powers at the end of World War I between five countries.
2. The struggle of the Kurdish and other communities in Rojava (the liberated zone in northern... READ MORE

Melbourne Socialist Alliance media release September 26, 2014

The only facts that the public know about the death of Melbourne teenager Numan Haider is that he was shot and killed by the police on September 23 and that two Victorian police officers were stabbed.

Despite statements to the contrary in the media, we don't know the circumstances of the struggle between the... READ MORE

More than 800 police carried out simultaneous raids on houses in Sydney and Brisbane on September 18. Fifteen people were detained as a result, but only two were charged.

The high profile police raid – coordinated with the media – has been described as the “nation’s biggest counter terrorism operation in history”. It comes one week before the government plans to bring anti-democratic “... READ MORE

Socialist Alliance is supporting the moves by 350.org, GetUp and others to organise huge climate mobilisations around September 21 as part of an international day of action. We need to phase out fossil fuels as urgently as possible and shift to 100% renewable energy as these rallies are demanding.

Even more,... READ MORE

The following statement was adopted by the Socialist Alliance national executive on September 4, 2014 in response to the Australian government's decision to join the US and other imperialist states in a new military intervention in Iraq.

1. The US wars on Iraq (1991 and 2003) killed hundreds of thousands and completely wrecked the country. The US promoted sectarian divisions... READ MORE

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