
From the Land of Proudhon

Thom Holterman brings us the first of a regular series of news and book reviews from the French anarchist movement. 


I.          Tarnac affair

On the 11th of Novermber 2008 ten young people were subjected to early morning raids in the French village of Tanac, garnering widespread media attention. They were investigated under suspicion of sabotaging French railway lines and the Minister of the Interior at the time deemed it necessary to inform the country of a, “anarcho-autonomous clandestine structure,” that was,” focussed on committing violent acts.”


Now, nearly six years later, the police and other anti-terror organisations have failed to turn up any hard proof. The case appears stone cold and unsurprisingly clear records of police manipulating and falsifying evidence have come to light. The unmasking of undercover British cop Mark Kennedy has thrown the case into even further doubt as he stayed with some Tarnac activists during the summer of 2008. Continue reading

International news in brief


Protesting garment workers in Cambodia have clashed with police leaving scores injured. Workers employed at SL Garment processing – who make clothes for Nike, H&M, & Gap – marched on the Prime Minister’s house, demanding better pay and working… Continue reading

Ilie Kareli: Albanian prisoner tortured and killed in Greek prison

Three Surveillance cameras

Ilie Kareli, a 42-year-old Albanian prisoner dies in Nigrita Prison in northern Greece on March 28, 2014. Nothing unusual about that given the appalling state of Greek prisons and the notorious violence of the prison guards, many… Continue reading

Notes from the US


Ex vice-president Cheney’s former oil company, Halliburton, pleaded guilty in late September to destroying evidence after the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. A former Halliburton manager also faces a new charge of destroying computer simulations after… Continue reading

Solitary for being an anarchist

A prisoner at Pontiac Correctional Centre, Mark Neiweem, has been sent into solitary confinement for possessing literature from the Anarchist Black Cross, and for writing essays on the prison industrial complex. Following a disciplinary hearing – at which he was… Continue reading

Boston bus drivers strike

School bus drivers in Boston protest union-busting Continue reading

Obituary: Herman Wallace

A tribute to the Angola Three member, who tragically died three days after his release from prison Continue reading

BP faces trial for oil spill

Almost two years after the oil rig explosion off the Gulf of Mexico that killed 11 workers and spewed nearly five million barrels of oil into the sea, British Petroleum (BP) will face a civil lawsuit in New Orleans. The… Continue reading

US schools ban books

Tucson school authorities list books that can’t be taught or read in schools

It’s getting harder and harder to resist the temptation to see the United States as heading for true fascism and totalitarianism. If not across the board, then… Continue reading

Italy’s horse racing strikes

Crisis as sport nears bankruptcy

Since the beginning of the year Italian horse racing has been at a standstill and tracks closed by a series of ongoing strikes over cuts to funding and the mismanagement of the industry’s finances. During… Continue reading