
Volume 27
Number 10


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Z Magazine is an independent monthly magazine founded in 1988. Our mission is to publish in depth articles that critique society's political, economic, social life and institutions. We see the race, class, and gender dimensions of personal life as equally important to understanding current circumstances and as necessary for developing visions and strategies for progressive change.


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Judging from the New York Times editorial that appeared hours after Obama’s pivotal speech, the newspaper’s editorial board has ditched the concept that the state of perpetual war is unsustainable for democracy


One of the group’s earliest activities had little to do with supporting the troops. Move America Forward tried to prevent theater owners from showing Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11.


Katrina killed no one in this town. But it was a homicide, with nearly 2,000 dead victims. If not Katrina, who done it? It wasn’t an Act of God. It was an Act of Chevron. An Act of Exxon. An Act of Big Oil.


Teachers are morally conflicted by the utter mindlessness and the coarsening effect of what they are forced to put children through. They cannot even imagine the kind of mentality of an Education Secretary of a modern civilized nation who could inflict such untold damage on a generation of children


The U.S. is very much involved in fighting this dirty war on Gaza that has killed over 1,050, injured thousands more, and destroyed much of an already poor, dilapidated space that was barely inhabitable to begin with.


Corporate strategies aimed at undermining union membership ranks have succeeded in not only wiping out more than 5 million actual union members since 1980, but have prevented the unionization of another potential 15 million.


The first and possibly most shocking fallacy in Krugman's argument is its failure to distinguish between the interests of the elite, on the one hand, and ordinary citizens and society as a whole, on the other


One of the great American self-trained painters of the 20th century. Ralph Fasanella was a consummate New Yorker and self-taught artist who represented the very best of American ideals


By the mid-1970s a reign of terror was sweeping through Uruguay. Parliament was closed and the country was being ruled by a brutal military dictatorship that held the most political prisoners per capita in the world


The culture wars returned to the Supreme Court in May-June 2014, as the Justices closed out their term with rulings that upheld the rights of religious conservatives to further impose their values on everyone else.

The partisan polarization narrative is fundamentally incorrect and deceptive in three basic ways. The first problem is that U.S. citizens are nowhere nearly as divided along “Red” and “Blue” lines as media and political elites tell us.


The killing of Michael Brown by a Ferguson, Missouri police officer and the aftermath in which nonviolent protesters and reporters...
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The rage of the citizens in Ferguson, Missouri is the product of a life full of experiences that have tried to beat them down; that have attempted to “keep them in their place. Like most Black Americans, their collective rage is conscious, justified, and long overdue.


In all, Schneider hits her target of expanding a national discussion on public school reformers. Hers is a fact-based counter-narrative for Americans upset over the corporatist assault on public education.


Kirsch is uniquely qualified to examine the relationship between mining corporations and their critics—he spent two decades as an anthropologist doing ethnographic research and participating in an indigenous political movement opposed to the Ok Tedi copper and gold mine in Papua New Guinea.


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GALLERY - ArtRage Gallery will host a juried exhibition September 6-October 18, showing progressive art that inspires resistance and promotes social awareness.

Contact: ArtRage Gallery, 505 Hawley Ave, Syracuse, NY 13203; 315-218-5711; http://artragegallery. org/.

FILM/FEMINIST - Joy of Resistance: Multicultural Feminist Radio will be presenting the first Feminist Film Festival at WBAI, Sept. 26, October 3, 10, 17, 24.

Contact: feministfilmfest@gmail.com; http://wbai.org/.

ENVIRONMENT - The Green Festival, a project of Green America and Global Exchange, will take place in Chicago, October 24-26; San Francisco, November 14-16.

Contact: http://www.greenfestivals.org/.

VETERANS/VAW will gather in New York City on October 2 to celebrate success in resisting militarism over the past ten years, and fundraise for their 2015 campaigns, at Judson Memorial Church.

Contact: PO Box 3565, New York, 10008-3565; 646-723-0989; http://www.ivaw.org/.

LGBTQ - The 27th annual Out On Film Festival will take place October 2-9, in Atlanta.

Contact: info@outonfilm.org; http://outonfilm.org/.

ARAB CULTURE - The Arab Cultural Festival will be October 4, in San Francisco, hosted by the Arab Cultural & Community Center. The bazaar-like set-up will invite community members and children to join in educational, artistic, and cooperative activities.

Contact: 2 Plaza St., San Francisco, CA 94116; 415-664-2200; http://www.arabculturalfestival.com/.

SPACE MILITARIZATION - October 4-11 is Keep Space for Peace Week, an international week of protest to stop the militarization of space.

Contact: http://space4peace.org/.

RAZA - The Third Annual Roberto Felipe Maestas Legacy Award will be awarded by El Centro de la Raza, October 5 at the Building the Beloved Community Gala in Seattle, WA.

Contact: 2524 16th Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98144; 206-957-4649; http://www. elcentrodelaraza.org/.

BANKS/AUSTERITY - The Moratorium NOW! Coalition has put out a call for an International People’s Assembly Against the Banks and Against Austerity, October 5-6, in Detroit, MI.

Contact: 5920 Second Ave., Detroit, MI 48202; 313-744-7912; moratorium@moratorium-mi.org; http://moratorium-mi.org/; http://www.internationalpeoplesassembly.org/; http://detroitdebtmora- torium.org/.

HOMELESSNESS - October 10 is World Homeless Day. Events are planned worldwide.

Contact: http://www.worldhome- lessday.org/.

SDS - Students for a Democratic Society  will be holding its 9th National Convention, October 10-12, at the University of Minnesota.

Contact: UMN SDS, 1930 Elliot Ave S #3, Minneapolis, MN 55404; http://www.newsds.org/.

COLUMBUS - October 13 is Columbus Day. Many groups around the country, including the Transform Columbus Day Alliance, are working to challenge traditional ethnocentric views of Columbus the sole discoverer of America, as well as challenging the celebration of invasion, cruelty, oppression and cultural imperialism. Immigrant-rights groups are organizing a Day of Not One More Deportation.

Contact: http://www.transform columbusday.org.

TEACHERS - The 14th Annual Conference, “Teaching for Social Justice: The Roots of Resistance,” will be held October 11 in San Francisco, CA. The free event features workshops, resources, and free child care.

Contact: 415-676-7844; teachers4socialjustice@yahoo.com; http://www.t4sj.org/.

ENVIRONMENT - The Wildlife Conservation Film Festival (WCFF) will show more than 75 documentary films, representing more than 30 countries and more than 25 international filmmakers, scientists and conservationists. October 13-19 in New York City. There will also be workshops conducted by wildlife filmmakers, photographers and scientists and receptions in the evening.

Contact: 134 E 96th Street, Unit 4A, New York, NY 10128; info@wcff.org; http://wcff. org/film-festivals/new-york-festival-2014/.

ENVIRONMENT - The APIEL (Appalachian Public Interest Environmental Law) Conference 2014, will be held October 17-19, at the University of Tennessee College of Law in Knoxville. The conference brings together hundreds of eco- minded and socially conscious activists, attorneys, students, scientists and citizens in the interest of social justice.

Contact: PO Box 20363, Knoxville, TN 37920; apiel.info@ gmail.com; http://www.apiel.org/.

FILM FESTIVAL - The Seattle Social Justice Film Festival will be held October 20-26 in venues around Seattle. Revived by the national group Books to Prisoners, the festival’s main theme is around prisoner justice and imprisonment.

Contact: http://www.social justicefilmfestival.org/.

POLICE BRUTALITY - The Stop Mass Incarceration Network (SMIN) has announced October 2014 as the Month of Resistance to Mass Incarceration, Police Terror, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation, leading to nationwide demonstrations October 22. SMIN is currently seeking artistic contributions for the campaign, from amateur as well as professional artists.

Contact: http://www.october22. org/; SMIN, PO Box 941 Knickerbocker Station, New York, NY 10002-0900; 347-979-7646; stop massincarceration@gmail.com; http://www.stopmassincarceration.net/.

 WW1 CENTENARY - Stop the War, No Glory, and a range of peace organizations are organizing meetings, debates, and cultural events to mark the First World War centenary, opposing attempts to use the centenary to “celebrate” a slaughter that killed 15 million people as a “just” and “noble” cause.

Contact: 020-7561-4830; office @stopwar.org.uk; http:// stopwar.org.uk.

CORRUPTION - November 4 is the March Against Corruption, an international campaign to raise awareness about the corrupting influence of money and special interests in governance and public policymaking; to provide a forum for people, to organize and speak out against corruption; and to educate the public about the consequences of corruption.

Contact: http://marchagainstcorruption.co/.

EDUCATION - The National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) will host its annual conference in Tucson, AZ, November 5-9.

Contact: http://nameorg.org.

MILITARY JUSTICE - The Global Seminar on Military Justice Reform will be held at Yale Law School, November 7-8, in New Haven, CT.

Contact: events.law@yale.edu; http://www.law.yale.edu/.

RACE - The 2014 Facing Race national conference will take place November 13-15, in Dallas, TX. The conference is a national, multi-racial gathering of leaders, educators, journalists, artists and activists.

Contact: arc.org/facingrace/.

WOMEN/LAW - The Public Leadership Education Network (PLEN) will host its Women, Law & Legal Advocacy seminar November 13-15, in Washington, DC.

Contact: 1001 Connecticut Avenue NW, #930 Washington, DC 20036; 202-872-1585; plen@plen.org; www.plen.org.

WOMEN’S STUDIES - The National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA) will host its annual conference November 13-16, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, under the theme Feminist Trangressions.

Contact: NWSA, 11 E Mount Royal Ave., Suite 100, Baltimore, MD 21202; 410-528-0355; nwsaoffice@nwsa.org; http://www. nwsa.org/.

ARTS - The 76th Annual Conference For Community Arts will take place November 19-22, in Los Angeles. The conference provides professional development and networking opportunities for staff, faculty, trustees and teaching artists at more than 350 arts education organizations and programs.

Contact: 520 8th Ave., Suite 302, New York, NY 10018; 212- 268-3337; guildinfo@nationalguildorg; http://community artsed.nationalguildorg/.

SCHOOL OF AMERICAS - The annual vigil to protest the School of the Americas is scheduled for November 21-23 at Fort Benning, GA, by School of the Americas (SOA) Watch. SOA Watch is facing repression of their protest and assembly rights and is circulating an online petition and other actions.

Contact: SOA Watch, PO Box 4566, Washington, DC 20017; 202-234-3440; info@soaw.org; http://soaw.org.

U.S. SOCIAL FORUM - The United States Social Forum is currently fundraising through 2014 to raise funds for the 2015 Social Forum.

Contact: USSF 2010, Detroit, MI 48226; info@ussocialforum.net; http://www.ussocialforum.net.

LEFT FORUM - The Left Forum has announced the expansion of the work of the Forum. Left Forum will sponsor classes and develop events throughout the year. They will experiment first with activities they can most easily arrange to test their feasibility and effectiveness.  They invite your attendance and feedback.

Contact: 212-817-2003; leftforum@leftforum.org; http://www.leftforum.org. 

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