Featured News

  • Defending Australian profit interests in Iraq

    Defending Australian profit interests in Iraq

    In mid September Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced that 600 military personnel would be deployed to Iraq to fight against Islamic State (IS, formerly known as ISIS). By Conor Flynn, Socialist Party The task force, which will include SAS forces and eight Super Hornet assault jets, will be stationed in [...]

  • East-West Link: Community campaign getting closer to victory

    East-West Link: Community campaign getting closer to victory

    The anti-East-West Link campaign is going from strength to strength, and is potentially close to one of the biggest victories for ordinary people in decades. By Chris Dite, Socialist Party For months the community campaign has been demanding that the Labor Opposition commit to ripping up any contracts signed before [...]

  • Building a movement to stop budget cuts

    Building a movement to stop budget cuts

    The problem with March Australia’s approach Late August saw another round of anti budget protests organised by the March Australia groups. Unfortunately these protests were significantly smaller than previous anti budget demonstrations. It is important to understand the factors that have led to the dwindling of the movement so that [...]

  • NZ: National to form third successive government

    NZ: National to form third successive government

    Labour Party and the Left in crisis The New Zealand National Party has won its third election in a row. This result is a boost to big business interests. The workers’ movement will continue to be confronted with serious challenges as Prime Minister John Key moves to implement a number [...]

  • Education cuts can be stopped

    Education cuts can be stopped

    Pressure is mounting on the Abbott government to abandon its controversial higher education reforms. The reforms, which will see university funding slashed by 20%, student fees deregulated from 2016 and real interest applied to student loans, are the most regressive changes to the tertiary sector since the introduction of HECS/HELP [...]