Melbourne, Australia

Solidarity Salon

580 Sydney Road, Brunswick
Victoria 3056 Australia
(take the Upfield train to Anstey
Station or North Coburg tram to Stewart St.)

Mailing Address:
PO Box 308,
Victoria 3056
Tel/fax: 03-9388-0062

Public Hours
Tuesday 10 am - 3 pm,
Thursday 10 am - 3 pm,
Saturday 10 am - 5 pm.
Or call for an appointment!

Union movement key to defeating Abbott and Hockey's budget
FSP Australia statement to commemorate International Transgender Day of Remembrance 2013

Facebook events
International Day of Protest for Nestora Salgado
Movie Screening: City of Borders
Day of Action: Give the World Congress of Families the Welcome It Deserves!

Solidarity Salon is available for rent.
Click here for more information!

For news, analysis and reviews, read the Freedom Socialist Organiser!

25 October (Every 4th Saturday), 9:30 AM

All Out to Defend the Fertility Control Clinic!

For the first time in 10 years, anti-abortionists are trying to take over the space outside the Fertility Control Clinic, which the clinic defence has successfully blocked them from. Their monthly “Rosary Parade” now marches around the block several times, directly past the clinic entrance. A group of foetus worshippers stand outside the gate, shoving their plastic effigies of “unborn babies” and a placard saying “Abortion is murder” in the faces of clinic clients and passers by.

These harassers are part of an escalated assault on abortion rights, orchestrated by the far-right movement in Australia: personhood bills in New South Wales and South Australia, the upcoming battle in Victoria’s Parliament that threatens to roll back the historic abortion reform in 2008, and a likely attack at the federal level. 2014 will be a year of fighting for reproductive freedom. The clinic defence needs large numbers to defend the street and build a movement that will fight back. Join the clinic defence at 118 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne.

For more information email or phone 03-9388-0062.

Sunday, 16 November, 2:00 PM

Rally Against Abbott

Join the Freedom Socialist Party contingent at the Melbourne mass Rally Against Abbott. Held to coincide with the Leaders Summit of the G20 in Brisbane, the eyes of the world will be on Australia. There will mass rallies in all Australian capital cities at the same time to protest against the Abbott governments’ anti working class agenda.

We’ll be assembling 1:45 PM at the Queen Victoria Gardens.

To join our contingent email Freedom Socialist Party or call 03-9388-0062.