The Compassionate Contrarians

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The Compassionate Contrarians is the first comprehensive history of vegetarianism in Aotearoa New Zealand; in it writer Catherine Amey describes how animal-free diets evolved in New Zealand from Victorian vegetarians through to modern animal rights campaigners.

In the nineteenth century, British colonists explored meatless diets. Early vegetarians dreamed of international disarmament, equal rights for women, prison reform, the dismantlement of the British Empire, anarchism, socialism and a ban on alcohol. Among them were animal rights activists, Seventh Day Adventists, theosophists, pacifists, conscientious objectors, feminists, socialists, anarchists, free-thinkers and spiritualists.

The Compassionate Contrarians uncovers the quirks of the vegetarian experience in a land of meat and dairy. More importantly, it acknowledges the hard work and courage of a group of idealists who dedicated their lives to creating a more just world for all sentient beings.

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imminent rebellion 12

Issue 12 of imminent rebellion, the (very) irregular anarchist journal from deep in the South Pacific.

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imminent rebellion 11

Issue 11 of imminent rebellion, an irregular anarchist journal from deep within the south pacific, is now available, fresh off the (paper) guillotine.

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Rabble Rousers
& Merry Pranksters

In this book, Toby Boraman captures some of the imagination, the audacity, the laughs and the wildness that animated many of the social movements of the sixties and seventies in Aoteaora/New Zealand. Rabble Rousers and Merry Pranksters is a richly-detailed tale about a much neglected anti-authoritarian leftist current in Aotearoa/New Zealand history.