6 October 2014

Wealth of richest 400 Americans surges to $2.29 trillion

By Andre Damon, 6 October 2014

The net worth of the Forbes 400 grew thirteen percent this year amidst a soaring stock market and record corporate profits.

US labor force participation rate hits lowest level since 1978

Mass grave found near disappearance of student protesters in Mexico

By Don Knowland, 6 October 2014

After a protest over school resources and jobs a week ago, teaching students in the southern Mexican state of Guerrero were shot at by local police and then rounded up and turned over to gang members.

Hong Kong government issues ultimatum to protesters

By Peter Symonds, 6 October 2014

While refusing to end the protests, the student leaders eased the blockade of government buildings and held initial talks with administration officials.

Judge orders release of Guantanamo Bay force-feeding videos

By Thomas Gaist, 6 October 2014

The very existence of the tapes—which show the repeated physical abuse of hunger striker Abu Wa'el Dhiab—was denied by the Obama administration until May 2014.

Allegations of sexual abuse at south Texas immigrant detention facility

By Jake Dean, 6 October 2014

A recent federal complaint alleges that immigrant women are regularly subject to sexual abuse and harassment at a privately run detention center in Karnes City, Texas.

Obama deported a record 438,421 people last year

Three more New York City police killings last week

By Sandy English, 6 October 2014

Officers of the New York Police Department (NYPD) shot and killed three people last week in ongoing displays of police violence in the city.

Revelations of brutality deepen crisis over New York’s Rikers Island prison

More on police violence in America »

Protests continue after Colorado school board refuses to back down on "patriotic" curriculum

By D. Lencho, 6 October 2014

As protests against its right-wing agenda continued, Colorado's Jefferson County school board majority passed a cosmetic “compromise” of its attack on the school district’s history curriculum.

UK terror trial collapses because defendant briefed MI5

By Robert Stevens, 6 October 2014

Moazzam Begg was one of four people arrested in February on suspicion of attending a terrorist training camp in Syria, possessing documents for a purpose connected to terrorism.

Tensions rise in Spain over Catalan independence referendum

By Alejandro Lopez, 6 October 2014

While powerful forces in Madrid oppose the referendum, the Catalan authorities in Barcelona who have called for it cannot easily back down.

European Union ends rescue mission for refugees

By Martin Kreickenbaum, 6 October 2014

The EU is shelving any measures to rescue refugees from drowning on their way to Europe.

Soldiers’ deaths reveal widespread abuse in South Korean military

By Ben McGrath, 6 October 2014

A series of Korean soldiers have died since April in cases that have shocked the public.

Australia: Inala residents voice concerns about police shooting

By Mike Head and Ellen Blake, 6 October 2014

People in a Brisbane working class community have been shocked by a para-military siege that ended with a man being killed by heavily-armed police commandos.

German train drivers vote to strike

By Ulrich Rippert, 6 October 2014

Deutsche Bahn cut its workforce from 350,000 to 190,000 between 2002 and 2012, which has led to constant overtime working.

New in French

Ce qui se cache derrière la guerre contre l’Etat islamique

Par Bill Van Auken, 6 octobre 2014

Les appels à une croisade militaire contre la « barbarie », les « fanatiques » et le « mal à l'état pur » font écho au discours de la presse à sensation il y a plus d’un siècle.

New in Serbo-Croatian

Buđenje njemačkog militarizma: godinu dana kasnije

Peter Schwarz, 6. oktobar 2014.

Na današnji dan prije godinu dana njemački predsjednik Joachim Gauck je objavio kako Njemačka još jednom cilja da bude svjetska sila.

Kako Je Zapad Organizovao Pad Miloševića

Chris Marsden, 6. oktobar 2014.

Povodom četrnaestogodišnjice od pada Miloševića, ponovo postavljamo članak koji smo objavili samo nedelju dana nakon famoznog petog oktobra.

Other Languages


Biden’s admission: US allies armed ISIS

6 October 2014

Responding to a question at a Harvard forum, the US vice president said Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates supplied arms to the Islamic fundamentalist group the US is now bombing.

Earlier Perspectives »

25 years ago: Thousands of demonstrators confront East German police

On October 9, 1989, the streets and squares of East Berlin, Dresden and Leipzig and other East German cities were the scene of demonstrations by thousands against the ruling Stalinist bureaucracy.

More »

50 years ago: Nasser releases Tshombe from jail

On October 9, 1964, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser released Congolese President Moise Tshombe from house arrest, after he had attempted to attend a gathering of the “nonaligned countries” held in Cairo.

More »

75 years ago: Nazi Germany carves up Poland

On October 8, 1939, after the fall of Warsaw to the Nazi invaders days earlier, Hitler redrew Poland’s borders.

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100 years ago: Japan seizes German possession in the Pacific

On October 7, 1914, it was reported in the press that Japanese military forces had seized the island of Jaluit, a German colony in the Marshall Islands situated in the western Pacific.

More »


US Supreme Court Justice Scalia attacks separation of church and state

By Tom Carter, 6 October 2014

In a speech Wednesday, Scalia declared that the Constitution does not prohibit the government from favoring “religion over nonreligion,” calling for a fight against “secularists” who contend otherwise.

New Anti-capitalist Party, Lutte Ouvrière hail union sellout of Air France strike

By Alex Lantier, 6 October 2014

The French pseudo-left hails the betrayal of the pilots not only to defend the unions, but as part of its support for the austerity agenda of the Socialist Party government and the European Union.

Behind the war against ISIS

By Bill Van Auken, 4 October 2014

US exploiting West Africa Ebola outbreak to establish military foothold

By Niles Williamson, 4 October 2014

More on the Ebola crisis »

The demise of “bond king” Bill Gross: Financial and political implications

By Nick Beams, 4 October 2014

The revival of German militarism: One year on

Arts Review

The Boxtrolls: A cartoonish glimpse of class society

By Zaida Green, 6 October 2014

An underclass of trolls takes on the wealthy and corrupt White Hats in the new animated film from Laika, the Oregon-based studio.

Calvary: An Irish priest threatened for another’s crimes

By Christine Schofelt, 4 October 2014

Toronto International Film Festival 2014—Part 4
Iraqi Odyssey and other pictures of the modern world

By David Walsh, 2 October 2014

More on the Arts »

The Bankruptcy of Detroit

Corporate elite divvies up Detroit as bankruptcy plan confirmation looms

By Thomas Gaist, 4 October 2014

A US judge declares Detroit residents have no right to water

More on the bankruptcy of Detroit »

Socialist Equality Party

Why is the German elite once again agitating for war?
The historical and political reasons behind Germany’s renewed bid for world power

4 October 2014

Sri Lankan SEP/IYSSE public lecture series: Fifty years since the LSSP’s Great Betrayal

4 October 2014

SEP (Sri Lanka) to hold antiwar meetings in Galle, Gampaha and Hatton

4 October 2014

Michael Banda, former leader of the British WRP, dies at age 84

29 September 2014

Until the crisis that erupted in the Workers Revolutionary Party in 1985, Banda was a central leader of the British Trotskyist movement for more than three decades.

The Struggle Against War

Video: Detroit residents speak out against war

By Tim Rivers and Seraphine Collins, 24 September 2014

Socialism and the Fight Against Imperialist War
Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International

3 July 2014

The Fight Against War and the Political Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party
Resolution of the SEP (US) Third National Congress

25 August 2014

The return of German militarism and the tasks of the Partei für Soziale Gleichheit (Socialist Equality Party of Germany)
Resolution of the Special Conference Against War of the Partei für Soziale Gleichheit

20 September 2014